Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Also, I hope you realize that this new bill would of stopped the Medicade expansion. You know what 75% of medicade pays for?

Your grandmothers stay in a nursing home after 100 days. The majority doesn't go to people on welfare. People below the poverty line make up the largest enrollment but nearly all of it goes to elderly care.

I'm glad your rich where you can pay $7500 a month to have your parents in a "decent" nursing home.

But let's be honest. You probably can't afford $5000 a month for one of your parents care. So guess how her or thier care is payed for? Medicad.

I'm happy to have a portion of my taxes go to carrying for our elderly, children, people.

So, I guess the question is it exceptable to have the elderly kicked out of nursing homes? Is it exceptable to deny medical care to children because the can't pay the ridiculously expense. If it is, well I would hold off on saying others don't give a shit about this country.

Food for thought.

I want to know if the guy here opposing the ACA because they were on it and had difficulties getting specialists to accept it received the subsidies.

Most on Obamacare receive some subsidy. If he did, I would like to point out that taking a subsidy for health insurance but having sufficient disposable income to afford gear pretty much precludes you from bitching about poor people and handouts.
I want to know if the guy here opposing the ACA because they were on it and had difficulties getting specialists to accept it received the subsidies.

Most on Obamacare receive some subsidy. If he did, I would like to point out that taking a subsidy for health insurance but having sufficient disposable income to afford gear pretty much precludes you from bitching about poor people and handouts.
When you are forced to have insurance that removes your choice. Regardless if he received subsidies or not he had no choice but to get insurance. When you are by law forced to do something you most certainly don't lose the right to complain. Now if he was getting subsidized and having insurance wasn't the law and mandatory you could possibly make the argument he was being a hypocrite.

Retired Army Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn, while serving as an adviser to the Trump campaign, met with top Turkish government ministers and discussed removing a Muslim cleric from the U.S. and taking him to Turkey, according to former Central Intelligence Agency Director James Woolsey, who attended, and others who were briefed on the meeting.

The discussion late last summer involved ideas about how to get Fethullah Gulen, a cleric whom Turkey has accused of orchestrating last summer’s failed military coup, to Turkey without going through the U.S. extradition legal process, according to Mr. Woolsey and those who were briefed.

Mr. Woolsey told The Wall Street Journal he arrived at the meeting in New York on Sept. 19 in the middle of the discussion and found the topic startling and the actions being discussed possibly illegal.
I want to know if the guy here opposing the ACA because they were on it and had difficulties getting specialists to accept it received the subsidies.

Most on Obamacare receive some subsidy. If he did, I would like to point out that taking a subsidy for health insurance but having sufficient disposable income to afford gear pretty much precludes you from bitching about poor people and handouts.
First off, don't use steroids and haven't since I've been forced to buy obamacare. secondly, subsidized or not, if your money is taken from you and you receive nothing in return then you tell me where the value is?
When you are forced to have insurance that removes your choice. Regardless if he received subsidies or not he had no choice but to get insurance. When you are by law forced to do something you most certainly don't lose the right to complain. Now if he was getting subsidized and having insurance wasn't the law and mandatory you could possibly make the argument he was being a hypocrite.

See, that's complete bullshit because if you don't have insurance and get sick, you go to the emergency room where by law they cannot turn you away. Then, those of us who do have insurance absorb the costs. It is why before ACA it was hours to be seen in an emergency room and an aspirin cost $50.

Much like the idiots who ride motorcycles and say " it's against my rights to make me wear a helmet". The average head injury costs the tax payer 1 million dollars.

So, if you are willing to sign a waiver saying that says if I get sick ( or our motorcyclist a head injury) but I understand I can not receive any public assistance and will not be treated for anything I cannot pay for on cash up front-- Go for it! You have my full support.

If you are not willing to do that, quit asking everyone else to pay your way. I never could understand why Republicans were against this. It is making people and employers pay instead of pushing it off on the rest of us.
First off, don't use steroids and haven't since I've been forced to buy obamacare. secondly, subsidized or not, if your money is taken from you and you receive nothing in return then you tell me where the value is?
So you did get a subsidy?

Dude, don't cuss a farmer with your mouth full of food.
So you did get a subsidy?

Dude, don't cuss a farmer with your mouth full of food.
Paid 800 bucks a month on obamacare. Was able to get 1 months of medicine and 1 visit to my primary care physician. Everything else turned down. Before obamacare I paid 350 bucks a month and was able to get everything I wanted/needed. Does it sound like I got government help?