Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

What I can't figure out is how someone can actually believe that Bernie Sanders is for some reason irrational and that Donald Trump is somehow more rational than Bernie Sanders. True fiscal conservatives hate trump and for good reason. Libertarian leaning republicans (limited government) also despise Trump because of his authoritarian proposals on foreign and domestic policy. You have the current GOP front runner talking about intentionally targeting civvies in air strikes and that is absolutely absurd, not to mention completely unlawful. And to actually expect servicemen to comply with such a directive is absolutely horrific. He has proposed policies that are unconstitutional and illegal. He is the poster child for fascism and anyone who disagrees needs to check a fucking dictionary. His nationalistic, authoritarian, "right-wing" views oppose everything this country was supposed to stand for, especially the idea of limited government. Republicans have loosely and incorrectly tossed around the word fascist, but in the case of Donald Trump, he does deserve the title of fascist.

I don't believe Trump actually believes most of the things he is saying (just look at the things he has said in the past that are very liberal). Trump knew he would never be able to run as a Democrat and win, especially with his position on being tough on illegal immigration (which I do think he sincerely believes in). Donald Trump has turned the GOP into a clown show, and any true conservative republican should be enraged that this man is destroying the image of the GOP. The fact that Donald Trump is currently the GOP front runner shows just how fucked up the party has become. I don't even think these people know what conservatism is.

The fact that people actually believe that Trump has more rational thinking than Bernie Sanders is ridiculous. Sanders voted against the Brady bill despite that being a very unpopular decision for a liberal to make at that time. But he believed his job was to serve and represent the people of his state (which it is), and not a political party. But these whackos will still believe if he becomes president, he for some reason would take everyone's guns away and he will make us all become communists. The fact that he wants to start a revolution and the fact that Hillary is attacking him on his views on gun rights; should be plenty to give some republicans a major hardon. Maybe he should have ran Republican and spewed out some hate rhetoric regarding immigrants and Muslims, and went about spreading some more fear mongering. Maybe he could have been the Republican front runner because lets be honest, you now have a large portion of the GOP voter base that seems to have no idea what conservatism is. If they had a clue, you would never see Donald Trump leading polls.

Sanders is demonstrably nuts - a populist bread and circus clown who's going to run out of other people's money faster than Obama can get to the golf course in the morning.

Sanders says shit like “You don't necessarily need a choice of 23 underarm spray deodorants or of 18 different pairs of sneakers when children are hungry in this country.” - this guy has ZERO economic sense. That Sanders quote is all you need to realize just how massively and dangerously clueless he is.

If you need more, take a look at this recent Maher interview:

(And I don't like Maher at all, but even that clown can't help but illustrate the outrageous foolishness of Sanders)
I did not down selecting. I was proving that his wealth does not absolve him from corruption, bias and influence from major corporations. Read it again.

"proving" :)

Oh, so do tell - who among the candidates is not tainted then? I guess that only leaves you with the madman Bernie Sanders? Great down-selection criterion you've got there.
"proving" :)

Oh, so do tell - who among the candidates is not tainted then? I guess that only leaves you with the madman Bernie Sanders? Great down-selection criterion you've got there.
You were the one stating trump was a safe pick in regards to his wealth. I am disputing that logic. In no way, in none of my posts did I ever endorse another candidate or imply anyone else was better in this regard.
You were the one stating trump was a safe pick in regards to his wealth. I am disputing that logic. In no way, in none of my posts did I ever endorse another candidate or imply anyone else was better in this regard.

That's his MO, shit I'm a Hillary supporter bc I don't like Trump. Who woulda thunk someone could have so little intelligence?
Oh please, you have no idea where Brutus or I have been or what we've experienced. And don't be so quick to judge. Most of those illegals you're talking about have worked longer and harder than you or I have or ever will. Those cocksuckers as you call them are human and have certain rights regardless of what you think of them. It probably burns you to remember that doesn't it?
And you have NO idea what I experience as well. I don't even remember bringing your name up... If you feel I'm calling all immigrants freeloaders you might need to brush up on your reading. The word "illegal" was the topic I touched on. You did things right so you're not the topic.

You know my neighbors?? I doubt it. Think before you go defending their work history which I know well. Their rights stopped at the border. Hell, they lost one of their son's birth certificates when they got caught smuggling illegals across the border with it. No, "these" cocksuckers DON'T have rights. They force their way. You seem to think I've summed up all of mankind based on my neighbors when I thought it I made it clear my beef with illegals is based on personal experience that's been forced on me. Not all are bad. Hell, not all muslims are bad. But if your neighborhood was full of Isis you might not be so open minded to muslims in general.
And you have NO idea what I experience as well. I don't even remember bringing your name up... If you feel I'm calling all immigrants freeloaders you might need to brush up on your reading. The word "illegal" was the topic I touched on. You did things right so you're not the topic.

I never aimed or alluded to knowing what you went through. I don't think you're calling all immigrants freeloaders but even illegal immigrants aren't all freeloaders. They get fake paperwork and still pay into the income tax and whatever else gets taken out of your check if you're in the same bracket. When they buy thingts at the store they're taxed the same sales tax you are. When they buy gas they pay the same tax we all do.

You know my neighbors?? I doubt it. Think before you go defending their work history which I know well. Their rights stopped at the border. Hell, they lost one of their son's birth certificates when they got caught smuggling illegals across the border with it.

I do t know your neighbors nor was I talking about them. It's you whose got to brush up on the reading skills.

No, "these" cocksuckers DON'T have rights. They force their way. You seem to think I've summed up all of mankind based on my neighbors when I thought it I made it clear my beef with illegals is based on personal experience that's been forced on me. Not all are bad. Hell, not all muslims are bad. But if your neighborhood was full of Isis you might not be so open minded to muslims in general.

They actually do have rights but I was right in that it burns you :)

And your assumption is wrong. If my neighborhood was full of ISIS I'd be smart enough, where many others aren't, to realize that Isis and Muslims are two totally different things. One is a religion and one is a political/terrorist group that follows a religion. Even a child should be able to see one does not equal the other.
Then I don't see where the argument is! (other than not paying taxes working grass farms and such for cash - oh, and much of their income is sent back to Mexico so there's NO taxes seen from much of it!)
Then I don't see where the argument is! (other than not paying taxes working grass farms and such for cash - oh, and much of their income is sent back to Mexico so there's NO taxes seen from much of it!)
you do have a valid point on the sending funds back to mexico. Almost all of them do it. One illegal I knew personally sent about half of what he made here so his family over there didn't get slaughtered by the people who smuggled him here in the first place. I asked him why he didn't go back home then. he said no monies there. I told him you have no family values but don't think he understood
Sanders is demonstrably nuts - a populist bread and circus clown who's going to run out of other people's money faster than Obama can get to the golf course in the morning.

Sanders says shit like “You don't necessarily need a choice of 23 underarm spray deodorants or of 18 different pairs of sneakers when children are hungry in this country.” - this guy has ZERO economic sense. That Sanders quote is all you need to realize just how massively and dangerously clueless he is.

If you need more, take a look at this recent Maher interview:

(And I don't like Maher at all, but even that clown can't help but illustrate the outrageous foolishness of Sanders)

If you lean libertarian you should definitely hate Trump. He has proposed extremely authoritarian policies. As a libertarian you should look at candidates by seeing who is the LEAST authoritarian (I don't mean in an absolute sense, like a dictatorship). I am more interested in personal freedom and civil liberty, and protecting the inalienable rights that we are promised as citizens of this nation. And I don't think Donald Trump is going to protect those rights, in fact, he has made many proposals that further tear down what is left of our constitution.

If Bernie Sanders protected gun rights, privacy rights, and the inalienable rights you were promised (not those limited to the bill of rights); he would be your best choice. You may see the wealthy lose fiscal and economic freedom, but you wouldn't be willing to pay that price to avoid an authoritarian police state? This is hypothetical, and I am familiar with sanders record as well as Europe. Europeans by and large live much better lives than the average American (not all EU member states are equal though) and the states in the schenegen area enjoy FAR more personal freedoms and civil liberties compared to us (except for gun ownership, of course). Those countries aren't imprisoning massive amounts of people and they have a much higher quality of life. They also have a much lower crime rate for the most part. I see people are critical of places like Denmark, Switzerland, and Norway, and they have never even been there and don't even know anyone who lives there. There is data and facts to support this.

We have a horrible criminal justice system where people are provided inadequate council and there are many people who have been wrongfully convicted of crimes because they had a shitty public defender who bullied then into a plea, despite their innocence. Stop and frisk, no knock warrants, illegal search and seizure, and invasions of privacy are routine in this country. Court records are fucking public record here. The NDAA allows American citizens to be detained indefinitely without due process; despite that being forbidden by the constitution. People in some of the countries I have mentioned are not subjugated to such things.

This country is not free and hasn't been for a long time. We (and I mean the white man) haven't seen much liberty since Theodore Roosevelt probably. We are given a barcode at birth called a social security number. When social security was implemented, that number was ONLY EVER supposed to be used for social security purposes. Now our fine legislators have allowed social security numbers to be used for all kinds of things that are disturbing, and these things don't involve social security. Information collectors should NEVER have access to someone's ssn, but employers routinely run background checks and get consumer reports from information collection agencies and this is all possible because they are allowed to use your ssn to dig into your private affairs. And there are plenty more examples of how your personal barcode is used to invade your privacy. That is not the case in Europe, they have much stronger privacy rights.

And here is some data and information to help:
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Well, it's in f-ing Canada, what do you expect? A country that's slid several floors further down the drain pipe than the US, practically at the same level as the pathetic Europeans. No offense intended toward you of course. Just wish the folks in New England and in California would pack up and migrate north of the border.
Canada slid down the drain pipe?That is actually funny man! :) When you want free healthcare come on up ;)
Canada slid down the drain pipe?That is actually funny man! :) When you want free healthcare come on up ;)
Don't pay any attention to the idiot who thinks Canada borders california. Ignorance is his native toungue and if you argue you must be a relative of Bernie sanders.
Don't pay any attention to the idiot who thinks Canada borders california. Ignorance is his native toungue and if you argue you must be a relative of Bernie sanders.

Yeah, God forbid a politician, who actually gives a shit about the average American's struggle, become president. What whacko would vote for a president that would actually improve their lives. :rolleyes:
Sanders is demonstrably nuts - a populist bread and circus clown who's going to run out of other people's money faster than Obama can get to the golf course in the morning.

Sanders says shit like “You don't necessarily need a choice of 23 underarm spray deodorants or of 18 different pairs of sneakers when children are hungry in this country.” - this guy has ZERO economic sense. That Sanders quote is all you need to realize just how massively and dangerously clueless he is.

If you need more, take a look at this recent Maher interview:

(And I don't like Maher at all, but even that clown can't help but illustrate the outrageous foolishness of Sanders)

I actually watched that segment when it aired on HBO. You do realize Bill Maher supports Sanders as president. Sanders made a remark about only needing to tax the 1% which is not accurate but you should understand why he wouldn't want to provide ammunition to political rivals. He eventually went into depth about how you would have to restructure the healthcare system, stop price gouging and unethical business practices. He ended up admitting you would have to tax more than just the 1% to pay for all the things he has proposed. Bill Maher drilled the truth out of him and Sanders was obviously dodging the question, but in the end he started talking about taxing Wall Street speculation and admitted that taxing the 1% alone isn't enough. He basically has proposed an economic war on the rich upper class to increase the quality of life for everyone else. You can understand why a person running for president would be reluctant to piss off or scare the shit out of all the wealthy people in the country. People don't have to agree with his positions but he most certainly is not senseless. He is simply proposing moving towards an economic system that mimics countries like Denmark and Norway. I can make convincing arguments that support his ideas and I can make convincing arguments opposing his ideas. I can not do the same for Hillary Clinton (nor would I ever want to).

Hillary (IMO) is as much as a neocon as the clowns we see running for the GOP nomination and her record doesn't make me believe she is a liberal. Her record makes me believe she is a hypocrite. And she is likely going to successfully manipulate women and minorities to win the nomination and the general election. These clowns running for the GOP nomination make normal conservatives look insane and the GOP can kiss the senate goodbye thanks to them. How can actual conservative republicans ever expect to win over the votes of people who are willing to vote for Donald Trump as a Republican president. The GOP has created a monster and the liberals are laughing their asses off. This is what happens when you pander to religious whackos and bigots; and scare the shit out of voters with fear mongering tactics.
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Whether or not you agree with Trump, it's good for ideological diversity to have someone out there representing fascism, right?

Business Insider captured this exchange between Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough and Donald Trump. Donald Trump left Joe Scarborough stunned after being asked about Vladimir Putin killing journalists

Scarborough: “Well, I mean, it’s also a person who kills journalists, political opponents, and invades countries. Obviously that would be a concern, would it not?”

Trump: “He’s running his country, and at least he’s a leader. Unlike what we have in this country.”

Scarborough: “But again: He kills journalists that don’t agree with him.”

Trump: “I think our country does plenty of killing, also, Joe, so, you know. There’s a lot of stupidity going on in the world right now, Joe. A lot of killing going on. A lot of stupidity. And that’s the way it is.”