Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse (Unemployment rate drops to lowest level in a decade in April as economy adds 211,000 jobs)
How do you know all this? Don't we have to pass the law to see what's in it like the libs?
There's provisions for much of what you are bitching about. And a one payer system doesn't work. Australia isn't America. In fact, they probably wouldn't let you immigrate there. But I guess that's ok for them but not us right?

One payer doesn't work? Guess that depends on your defenition of "work is?"

"How do we know this?" It's called, reading. It's an amazing concept. You actually read, do research, and then hold that person accountable for what they say.

Let me ask, are you able to criticize Trump and hold him accountable?
Don't forget, Trump promised his healthcare plan will be cheaper and better than Obamacare.

If any of you Trumpsters actually read what they are passing you will immediately see that's impossible.

But hey, image is all that matters right? Make America great again! Sounds simple and obvious.

Great for who? If you work for a living and aren't uber rich that won't include you. Veteran? Won't include you either.
Pay taxes and make under $250,000 a year? Nope, not you either.

If any of you guys actually knew your candidate you would know you and your family's are never going to be part of his equation.

Good luck with a better standard of living with this clown.
Don't forget, Trump promised his healthcare plan will be cheaper and better than Obamacare.

If any of you Trumpsters actually read what they are passing you will immediately see that's impossible.

But hey, image is all that matters right? Make America great again! Sounds simple and obvious.

Great for who? If you work for a living and aren't uber rich that won't include you. Veteran? Won't include you either.
Pay taxes and make under $250,000 a year? Nope, not you either.

If any of you guys actually knew your candidate you would know you and your family's are never going to be part of his equation.

Good luck with a better standard of living with this clown.
Standard of living already improving for those of us that work. Tax cuts coming, jobs being created.
Get out of your moms basement and join us.
That's like me posting something from huffinton post. I see your not a serious debater. I'm sure your a master debater though!
Standard of living already improving for those of us that work. Tax cuts coming, jobs being created.
Get out of your moms basement and join us.

Moms basement? Ok buddy. I'd be willing to bet I pay more in taxes than you make a year grandpa.

You keep waiting on those tax breaks and higher standard for of living.
That's like me posting something from huffinton post. I see your not a serious debater. I'm sure your a master debater though!
Ok so you're a Masterbater. Its ok.
We can go back and forth till the end of Trumps 8yrs and never change each others minds. I'd rather poke fun at you libs that have zero sense of humor.
Bottom line is we won, we're happy with the direction of the country, and you post like you're chewing on a turd. Lighten up and enjoy life.
This is the problem with guys like you. The moment you don't like what your being told you throw a tantrum and start insulting people.

Kind of like the clown you voted for.
Moms basement? Ok buddy. I'd be willing to bet I pay more in taxes than you make a year grandpa.

You keep waiting on those tax breaks and higher standard for of living.
Always get a kick out of the I make more than you argument. And you're not my "buddy" buddy.745b0ed8cf9fe7088f372b299d3a5de266c31a7e0b70603b206d3c6d0600a164.jpg
Ok so you're a Masterbater. Its ok.
We can go back and forth till the end of Trumps 8yrs and never change each others minds. I'd rather poke fun at you libs that have zero sense of humor.
Bottom line is we won, we're happy with the direction of the country, and you post like you're chewing on a turd. Lighten up and enjoy life.

I love how you dance around the topic. It's like trying to have a conversation with a child. I let you get back to your fiber breakfast there big guy.
Always get a kick out of the I make more than you argument. And you're not my "buddy" buddy.View attachment 68753

Who's the keyboard warrior? I was actually trying to have a conversation and you made the comment about living in my moms basement?

Your a chickenshit dude. You start insulting people then start crying when you get called on your bullshit.

I love how you dance around the topic. It's like trying to have a conversation with a child. I let you get back to your fiber breakfast there big guy.
Lol I'm actually eating oatmeal. Look, sorry for the personal attacks. I usually avoid them.
We have a difference of opinion that can't be bridged. Lets agree to disagree. I'm not a good debater but I do read constantly so am informed. I'll let some of my co-Trumpers to debate. They're way better at it.
Lol I'm actually eating oatmeal. Look, sorry for the personal attacks. I usually avoid them.
We have a difference of opinion that can't be bridged. Lets agree to disagree. I'm not a good debater but I do read constantly so am informed. I'll let some of my co-Trumpers to debate. They're way better at it.

Oh, and keep wearing those gloves in the gym!

God forbid you actually look like a man when your lifting!