Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Standard of living already improving for those of us that work. Tax cuts coming, jobs being created.
Get out of your moms basement and join us.

I've said this before, the whole jobs being created thing is bullshit. You gotta talk to employers. Instead of giving 2 guys an 8 hour shift they're giving 4 guys 4 hour shifts. This doesn't give anyone livable wages, just something to print about jobs increasing
I've said this before, the whole jobs being created thing is bullshit. You gotta talk to employers. Instead of giving 2 guys an 8 hour shift they're giving 4 guys 4 hour shifts. This doesn't give anyone livable wages, just something to print about jobs increasing
Not true. Part time jobs are down and wages increased 2.5%. Every aspect of the jobs report improved and was better than anyone expected it would be. We are finally on the right track.
Lol I'm sure he wears gloves for advertising purpose only
Nope. It's widely known he wore them and used straps when deadlifting. And whatever, I don't give 2 fucks what dudes think. My chicks don't like rough hands. Now, if your guy likes rough hands when you do reach arounds, go right ahead, I totally understand.

Nope. It's widely known he wore them and used straps when deadlifting. And whatever, I don't give 2 fucks what dudes think. My chicks don't like rough hands. Now, if your guy likes rough hands when you do reach arounds, go right ahead, I totally understand.

Lol got my wife into dead lifts and now I think she needs gloves. I dont like that shit
Lol got my wife into dead lifts and now I think she needs gloves. I dont like that shit
Yeah I didn't mean anyone in particular when saying "you" bro. The glove thing is whatever for me. I just kinda got used to them. Most of my bro's don't either but nobody gives a shit either way. Lifting is lifting, gloves or whatever else you do or don't wanna wear.
Congrats on getting your wife to lift.
Not true. Part time jobs are down and wages increased 2.5%. Every aspect of the jobs report improved and was better than anyone expected it would be. We are finally on the right track.
Not sure if they factored in minimum wage in California going up a dollar every year till 2021. I'm sure that has an impact on those numbers
Not sure if they factored in minimum wage in California going up a dollar every year till 2021. I'm sure that has an impact on those numbers
According to the articles i read on cnn and such (and we all know how they feel about trump) the jobs report was great all the way around. They expected a great jobs reported and it out did what they expected. As for myself, I'm just not even gonna care about all the rhetoric and opinion pieces out there. Just gonna sit back and see what happens.
According to the articles i read on cnn and such (and we all know how they feel about trump) the jobs report was great all the way around. They expected a great jobs reported and it out did what they expected. As for myself, I'm just not even gonna care about all the rhetoric and opinion pieces out there. Just gonna sit back and see what happens.
Well I for one hope reports are true, and jobs and wages are up and unemployment is down. Rather then just technicalities for numbers
Well I for one hope reports are true, and jobs and wages are up and unemployment is down. Rather then just technicalities for numbers
If we can get back to what things were like before the economic melt down i think healthcare will improve as well. I remember before the melt down companies were paying for most of an emoyees healthcare. Everywhere i went companies were begging for employees and part of the packages they offered to get you in the door was good healthcare benefits. I like the direction we're headed in so far. I'm more of a entice people to work, entice companies to hire entice people to want to get a head kind of a guy. Imo, the last administration was more of a entice people to not work and companies and rich pay the bill for the folks that don't want to and pretty much penalize those that want to move forward. I think it shoukd hurt a bit to be poor and it should be embarrassing to wanna use government assistance. You know, here in California they do things like make your ebt card (no longer foodstamps) look like a real credit card as to not embarrass the user. They change laws like no more impounding your car for driving without a license because it was unfair to illegal immigrants. Not anymore because now illegal immigrants can get drivers licenses. They pass all kinds of laws that make it easier and better for the law breakers or the lazy and less privileged to where there is no incentive to better yourself and they penalize the ones that work hard or that have made it in life. Who, in their right mind, thinks this is the right direction for the country? Shit, California wants to free the prisoners and take your guns away at the same time. They want you so dependant on the government that you are unable to complain.

Trump thinks about politics like a low-information voter, which enabled him to speak their language naturally. His stated belief during the campaign that he could expertly craft a series of popular deals — “it’s going to be so easy” — appealed to low-information voters because it earnestly described the political world as they see it. Trump’s experience as a developer and professional celebrity have put a narcissistic gloss on Trump’s low-information worldview. He sees politics as a variation of real estate or reality television — a field where the players are sorted not so much as combatants on opposing teams (though they may compete at times) but on a hierarchy of success, with the big stars at the top sharing interests in common. His vague boasts that his presidency would create terrific things that everybody loves and is winning again is a version of how he truly sees the world.
I didn't realize that tax penalty was still going to be in affect even under Trump care, lame. (Trump and Obamacare: The Law Still Requires You to Purchase Health Insurance)
I've been left speechless reading the crap on this thread for quite a while. I participate on a LOT of forums, mostly the off-topic political areas of trade forums. You guys have reached a state of ignorance I have not encountered anywhere else, and that's saying a lot. I know four women on a sewing forum who would eat the lot of you for breakfast. There are dozens of pages of arguments here about which president, democrat or republican, has the best socialist health care plan for fuck's sake. Do any of you even know what's going on in the world?