Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

CONGRESSIONAL REPUBLICANS— Speaker of the House Paul Ryan in particular — have been vociferously criticized for passing the American Health Care Act this Thursday before the final version of the bill was scored by the Congressional Budget Office to determine its likely effects.

The biggest change between previous versions of Trumpcare and the bill that squeaked through the House is that the new AHCA allows states to waive parts of Obamacare’s rules about community-rating. This means that people with preexisting health conditions — essentially anyone who hasn’t been in perfect health their entire lives — who live in states that do this would be placed in high risk pools and likely charged far, far more for insurance, so much that it could be totally unaffordable.

White House spokesperson Sarah Sanders why the House was not waiting for a CBO score before voting. It is, she said, “impossible to score a lot of the things that would go into this because it has so many different factors that you simply can’t predict what governors may do in their states.”

Yet on Saturday, Ryan’s press secretary AshLee Strong took to twitter to claim that in fact the AHCA had been scored by the CBO.

This is true, in the sense that previous versions of the bill were scored by the CBO. It’s also consciously deceptive, in the sense that the version that passed has not been scored by the CBO.
The very good news is that today, by a decisive vote, the people of France voted to reject racism and xenophobia. The bad news is that an extreme right-wing party received some 36% of the vote - far more than they had ever received before.

It is time for the political leadership in France, the United States, the United Kingdom and countries around the world to understand that the current structure of the global economy is leaving large portions of humanity behind. And those people are angry and discouraged. It is not acceptable that here and around the world there is a "race to the bottom" where hundreds of millions of workers are working longer hours for lower wages. It is not acceptable today that, globally, the top 1 percent now owns more wealth than the bottom 99%. It is beyond grotesque that the wealthiest 8 billionaires in the world own more wealth than the bottom half of the world's population- some 3.7 billion people. In the United States and around the world we must create economies that work for all, not just the wealthy, the powerful and the greedy.

Depending on your interpretation, President Trump either (endorsed far-right French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen)or suggested that her stock was rising because of a pre-election terrorist attack in Paris.

Either way, Sunday's results were an embarrassment for Trump.

There are too many threads to untangle from this dense knot of incoherence, from Trump’s claims about Jackson’s character and priorities to his ignorance of the Civil War and its causes, which he projects on unnamed “people,” seemingly unaware that this subject is among the most studied and debated in American historiography. Trump’s attempted alternative history is so remarkable that it’s tempting to ignore it as yet another bizarre claim from a president defined by his deep and abiding ignorance.