Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

I've been left speechless reading the crap on this thread for quite a while. I participate on a LOT of forums, mostly the off-topic political areas of trade forums. You guys have reached a state of ignorance I have not encountered anywhere else, and that's saying a lot. I know four women on a sewing forum who would eat the lot of you for breakfast. There are dozens of pages of arguments here about which president, democrat or republican, has the best socialist health care plan for fuck's sake. Do any of you even know what's going on in the world?
That was a very general statement. Care to elaborate?

Every year, tens of thousands of investors descend on Omaha to attend the annual meeting of Berkshire Hathaway, the conglomerate controlled by Warren E. Buffett, and hear directly from the billionaire.

And this year, those who made the trek heard Mr. Buffett on Saturday criticize the Trump administration’s health care overhaul as a giveaway to wealthy individuals like himself, and heard him rebuke the previous management of Wells Fargo, of which Berkshire is one of the biggest shareholders.

The most enthusiastic endorsement of the book [“The Camp of the Saints”] from anyone at Breitbart, and certainly the longest endorsement, came from a young reporter who wrote a gushing 4,000-word article that said “all around the world, events seem to be lining up with the predictions of the book.” The article, which neglected to mention that “The Camp of the Saints” is widely regarded as utterly racist, merely described it as controversial, and made conspiratorial parallels between its fictional characters and Pope Francis, Marco Rubio, and even Glenn Beck.

The Breitbart reporter was Julia Hahn, a Bannon protégé who followed him into the White House as a special assistant to President Trump. Bannon and other alt-right figures in the West Wing, including Sebastian Gorka, have received enormous amounts of criticism for espousing ideas that are seen as racist or ridiculous. Gorka is reportedto be leaving the White House, and there have been reports that Bannon might be edged out, too. But Hahn has gotten almost no notice for writing what appears to be the longest and most laudatory article about “The Camp of the Saints” that has appeared in the American media in recent years. The few in-depth stories about her getting a job at the White House have mostly focused on her lashing criticism of Paul Ryan, the House speaker whose conservative positions on immigration were far too permissive for Bannon, Hahn, and the rest of Breitbart.