Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

[Impeachment is extremely unlikely ... Paralysis is the goal ... 2018 House Flip ...]

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Although the betting odds are still against it, the possibility of Donald Trump being impeached and removed from the presidency has significantly increased this month. That is the good news.

Now for the bad news. Whether or not that happens, the political environment in the U.S. will continue to be terrible. If impeachment becomes a serious option, it will still be a matter of choosing which option is least bad and then working like crazy to minimize the damage and build for the future.

Reasonable minds can differ about whether it would be good for the country for Trump to be impeached (or forced to resign, or removed due to mental incompetency via the Twenty-Fifth Amendment). And the political implications are even less clear, as I noted in a recent column in which I laid out why Democrats might want a wounded and neutered Trump to remain in office through January 2021.

Based on what we know now, I tentatively join the “go ahead and follow the impeachment path” group. I do not, however, want to sugarcoat this. Even before the Republicans decided last year to help Trump eke out his shaky win in the Electoral College, Republicans had long since turned American politics into an ugly war zone.

Pat Moynihan, the great politician-intellectual, warned about the dangers of "defining deviancy down," in which worse and worse behavior comes to be accepted as the norm.

The late New York senator's essay, almost a quarter century ago, was about crime and family structure. Today it applies to the Trump presidency: the danger that chronic lying, ignorance of history and policy, petty invective, racial demagoguery and personal greed fall within the realm of the norm.

If President Donald Trump gives a speech that is reasonably coherent or takes a sensible action, suddenly even some critics treat it as a momentous occurrence. But wait a moment. That's actually what presidents are supposed to do.

When he commits one of his especially egregious acts, the news media world too often fall into one flawed approach or another. Either they downshift into partisan mode -- in which those who constantly attack him continue to do so, and those who critique his critics continue their barrage -- or they pursue a misbegotten mission for "balance."
Fucking idiots...
trump's budget says that if you are the richest family in America, you will get a multi-billion-dollar tax break through the repeal of the estate tax. But, at the same time, if you are a lower income senior citizen you will not be able to get the one nutritious meal a day you now receive through the Meals on Wheels program or the help you desperately need if you have a disability and are trying to survive on a $1,200 a month Social Security check....