Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Trump congratulates Philippines pres for executing. Drug offenders.

One more reason to flush the turd.

On Wednesday, nearly three weeks after the House passed it, the latest version of the AHCA finally had its impact evaluated by the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office and the results were stunning: Similar to an earlier report, 23 million fewerpeople would be insured. In addition, coverage would be unavailable or prohibitively expensive in large parts of the country for services such as mental health, substance abuse, maternity and pediatric dental care. Out of pocket costs would increase too as lifetime caps, outlawed under the ACA, would return.

Kimmel’s experience begs the question that is boiling just below the surface — whether Americans have a basic right to health care, or whether that right is reserved for those who can afford it. Or as Kimmel simply put it, “No parent should ever have to decide if they can”

If the AHCA becomes law, people like Billy with pre-existing conditions would lose protection against being charged more for insurance. The prohibition against lifetime caps and the requirement that insurers cover a package of basic essential benefits would also disappear. Like many parents in his shoes, Kimmel shudders at the thought of his son growing up without access to care through no fault of his own.
We would have Nixon for president if not for leaks in the federal government. His daughter is still alive and she would be president today.

Love to hear these republicans bitch about leaks:) when the shoe was on the othet foot about Clinton the cunts were in an uproar.

I got idea when schools out lets meet in the park and settle this like men. Chains, bats only. No guns or knives. Except for me, I will have a machine gun and and make America great again. Would all republicans please wear red? Thank you. See you then. :)

Impossible republicans are right for life. I mean as long as it is their lives and their families that is.

They want that baby born, and I agree as. But I feel it is the womans choice. I will not impose my religious beliefs on any other person.

The problem is with these fucking hypocrites who want to slash Medicaid and food subsidies to the poor is most Americans are being played, and the only thing that will come of the new republican healthcare program is many will die. This is bald faced hypocrisy commited on America by uninformed voters.
the possibility of Donald Trump being impeached and removed from the presidency has significantly increased this month. That is the good news.
Inebriated by Hope

The Sweet Trap of Anticipation
We are local
animals, interested in our immediate neighborhood—even if people far
away consider us total idiots...

A school allows someone
with unusual ideas with the remote possibility of a payoff to find company
and create a microcosm insulated from others. The members of the group
can be ostracized together—which is better than being ostracized alone.
If you engage in a Black Swan-dependent activity, it is better to be part
of a group.

(so you don't go mad like the screaming girl)

Taleb Nassim
Fooled by Randomness

Tell Hillary to change their political name group name from 'Onward together' to 'Ostracized together'
Hey she will like you if say "most Trumpsters don't know what ostracized is"
and you'll feel less ridiculous by attending other wackos meetings as previously explained.

Remember Meso+date tag pics at Dems meetings or you weren't there!
And no, no Hillary tits pics, please.
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We would have Nixon for president if not for leaks in the federal government. His daughter is still alive and she would be president today.

Love to hear these republicans bitch about leaks:) when the shoe was on the othet foot about Clinton the cunts were in an uproar.

I got idea when schools out lets meet in the park and settle this like men. Chains, bats only. No guns or knives. Except for me, I will have a machine gun and and make America great again. Would all republicans please wear red? Thank you. See you then. :)
This whole thing is about leaks. Leaks of podesta's emails. Leaks were quickly diverted to russian collusion. Oh, those nasty leaks. Don't look at hillary leaks. Lets divert everones attention to the leakers.
Am i supposed to listen to those same people that were oh so for obamacare. They got it very wrong with that one. I think I'll choose not to listen to those morons.