Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Am i supposed to listen to those same people that were oh so for obamacare. They got it very wrong with that one. I think I'll choose not to listen to those morons.
And most would not disagree but turning healthcare over to insurance companies and denying millions coverage is not a fix.

24 million more uninsured is a good alternative?

For half of what we currently spend we could cover all. And that doesn't mean giving everyone Medicare that sucks. The elderly still go bankrupt with medicare, and once they do the system knows they have them over a barrel and can take everything they own.
I pick up my parents scripts and very few are under $200. Many are $400-$800. You are getting fucked and you don't even realize it.
Lock him up. Flyn they can share the same cell. Who wouldn't want a stand up guy watching his back while he takes a shit like flynn or sessions. I wouldnt :)
look up the laws
Flynn/Sessions will only get FINED for failing to report foreign meetings. No evidence of any "collusion" or "elections stealing" so no prison
No evidence of any Trump wrongdoing whatsoever

The funny things is that hardcore-Trumpsters (not me but I know quite a few) are like Meh, go ahead and investigate Trump so we can finally clear this up.

Now libtards/MSM know Trump "impeachment because of Russia stealing the elections" are going nowhere so they are making up even more "stories needing impeachment"
And most would not disagree but turning healthcare over to insurance companies and denying millions coverage is not a fix.

24 million more uninsured is a good alternative?

For half of what we currently spend we could cover all. And that doesn't mean giving everyone Medicare that sucks. The elderly still go bankrupt with medicare, and once they do the system knows they have them over a barrel and can take everything they own.
What i mean is i dont believe what they are saying. They said this and that about obamacare and none od it was right. I stop listening to peoples that are never right.
What i mean is i dont believe what they are saying. They said this and that about obamacare and none od it was right. I stop listening to peoples that are never right.
I do and the CBO agrees. What it boils down to friend is more human suffering than anyone is really capable of imagining.

The [Seth Rich] episode is the (culmination of a long trend at Fox), which began as an antidote to perceived liberal bias and has devolved into a cesspool of anti-immigrant hysteria, climate-change denial, cultist support for President Trump and assaults on “elites,” including legitimate news operations. The skimpy offering of legitimate news (e.g. Fox News Sunday’s interviews, “Special Report with Bret Baier”) has been subsumed to right-wing froth and faux news designed to cement a-factual dogma (e.g. “Fox & Friends,” “The Five,” Hannity, Tucker Carlson). When much of Fox programming abandoned coverage of the biggest story in decades — the possible obstruction of justice by the president — the facade of legitimate journalism crumbled.

Too many supposedly respectable conservative outlets, which used to be gatekeepers to keep out the kooks and racists from the movement, shy away from confronting the conservative media behemoth. Worse, many play a supporting role in echoing Fox’s paranoia about elites, hysteria about illegal immigration and cultural resentment (as if white conservative males are the most persecuted group in the country). The debasement of conservative debate and dumbing down of the Republican Party cannot be blamed entirely on Fox, talk radio and absence of adult supervision in previously upscale conservative circles, but its role in transforming the party of ideas into the party of “alternative facts” — better known as lies, rumors and crackpottery — cannot be overstated.
“These statues are not just stone and metal,” Landrieu told a crowd at Gallier Hall. “They are not just innocent remembrances of a benign history. These monuments purposefully celebrate a fictional, sanitized Confederacy, ignoring the death, ignoring the enslavement and the terror that it actually stood for.”


Days before taking office, Donald Trump said his company would donate all profits from foreign governments to the U.S. Treasury, part of an effort to avoid even the appearance of a conflict with the Constitution’s emoluments clause.

Now, however, the Trump Organization is telling Congress that determining exactly how much of its profits come from foreign governments is simply more trouble than it’s worth.

In response to a document request from the House Oversight Committee, Trump’s company sent a copy of an eight-page pamphlet detailing how it plans to track payments it receives from foreign governments at the firm’s many hotels, golf courses, and restaurants across the globe. But while the Trump Organization said it would set aside all money it collects from customers that identify themselves as representing a foreign government, it would not undertake a more intensive effort to determine if a payment would violate the Constitution’s prohibition on public office holders accepting an “emolument” from a foreign state.

“To fully and completely identify all patronage at our Properties by customer type is impractical in the service industry and putting forth a policy that requires all guests to identify themselves would impede upon personal privacy and diminish the guest experience of our brand,” the Trump Organization wrote in its policy pamphlet, which the company’s chief compliance officer said had been distributed to general managers and senior officials at all of its properties.

THE TRUMP ADMINISTRATION has faced a growing clamor over the glaring conflicts of interest of many of its high-level appointees.

Michael T. Flynn, President Trump’s former national security advisor, is currently under investigation for his failure to report $45,000 in fees for a speech given in Moscow to RT, the Russian state media outlet. The billionaire investor Carl Icahn has been criticized for serving as an informal and unpaid advisor to Trump, including on areas in which Icahn has a direct financial interest.

What’s more difficult to track, however, are the conflicts of interest of lower-level appointees — the personnel who execute Trump administration policy on a day to day basis.

To shed light on these appointees’ backgrounds, The Intercept and the Center for Media and Democracy have requested the Office of Government Ethics Form 278, the standard financial disclosure document, for hundreds of Trump officials. We have now received over 150 of them and compiled them in a public Google Documents table, and will be adding more as they arrive.