Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

The FBI's scrutiny of Kushner places the bureau's sprawling counterintelligence and criminal investigation not only on the doorstep of the White House, but in the Trump family circle. (The Washington Post first reported last week) that a senior White House official close to Trump was a "person of interest," but did not name the person. The term "person of interest" has no legal meaning.

The FBI's scrutiny of Kushner places the bureau's sprawling counterintelligence and criminal investigation not only on the doorstep of the White House, but in the Trump family circle. (The Washington Post first reported last week) that a senior White House official close to Trump was a "person of interest," but did not name the person. The term "person of interest" has no legal meaning.

I despise rich people and buffoons like Trump makes me despise them even more. They are the true leeches in this country and they need to be stopped by a revolution.

There might be some rich people being marked for death soon.
I despise rich people and buffoons like Trump makes me despise them even more. They are the true leeches in this country and they need to be stopped by a revolution.

There might be some rich people being marked for death soon.
So, because for some odd reason you despise rich people there should be a revolution? I'm not gonna lie, that sounds like something those "angry at the world" college kids would say.
What i mean is i dont believe what they are saying. They said this and that about obamacare and none od it was right. I stop listening to peoples that are never right.
Nice avatar.
So, because for some odd reason you despise rich people there should be a revolution? I'm not gonna lie, that sounds like something those "angry at the world" college kids would say.
I like rich people. I just want them to pay the same tax rate. We will all pay for it eventually.