Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

The FBI's scrutiny of Kushner places the bureau's sprawling counterintelligence and criminal investigation not only on the doorstep of the White House, but in the Trump family circle. (The Washington Post first reported last week) that a senior White House official close to Trump was a "person of interest," but did not name the person. The term "person of interest" has no legal meaning.

Criminal activity runs in the family.
So, because for some odd reason you despise rich people there should be a revolution? I'm not gonna lie, that sounds like something those "angry at the world" college kids would say.
I am just people feel they are entitled eh? Hell NO!

This week’s (bombing in Manchester), England, was another gruesome reminder that the threat from (radical Islamist terrorism) is ongoing. And President Trump’s (journey to the Middle East) illustrated yet again how the country central to the spread of this terrorism, Saudi Arabia, has managed to evade and deflect any responsibility for it. In fact, Trump has given Saudi Arabia a free pass and a free hand in the region.

The facts are well-known. For five decades, Saudi Arabia has spread its narrow, puritanical and intolerant version of Islam — originally practiced almost nowhere else — across the Muslim world. Osama bin Laden was Saudi, as were 15 of the 19 9/11 terrorists.

And we know, via a leaked email from former secretary of state Hillary Clinton, in recent years the Saudi government, along with Qatar, has been “providing clandestine financial and logistic support to [the Islamic State] and other radical Sunni groups in the region.” Saudi nationals make up the second-largest group of foreign fighters in the Islamic State and, by some accounts, the largest in the terrorist group’s Iraqi operations. The kingdom is in a tacit alliance with al-Qaeda in Yemen.

The Islamic State draws its beliefs from Saudi Arabia’s Wahhabi version of Islam. As the former imam of the kingdom’s Grand Mosque said last year, the Islamic State “exploited our own principles, that can be found in our books. . . . We follow the same thought but apply it in a refined way.” Until the Islamic State could write its own textbooks for its schools, it adopted the Saudi curriculum as its own.