Trestolone(MENT) cycle


New Member
After much research I decided to give a trest only cycle a try. Thoughts on 12.5mg trest ED, along with hcg, and I have Aromasin on hand and was thinking use that during if issues arise and also as a pct?
along with hcg, and I have Aromasin on hand and was thinking use that during if issues arise and also as a pct?
No you have no idea what you are doing.

You saying "on hand" is the biggest red flag.

you are also implying you might not have estrogen issues on trestolone lol.
I dont think you have used steroids before and youre going to mess yourself up regardless of what you do
No you have no idea what you are doing.

You saying "on hand" is the biggest red flag.

you are also implying you might not have estrogen issues on trestolone lol.
I dont think you have used steroids before and youre going to mess yourself up regardless of what you do
I’ve done a cycle of test e once a few years ago, one of AC262 and a separate cycle of SR9009 both last year. Definitely not an expert by no means at all but I’ve dabbled a little here and there. Tbh your response comes off as condescending. Lot of assumptions. Never “implied” anything, there have been plenty examples of folks who didn’t have estrogen issues, and some who have….both with or without test base. At high doses and at the lower end like 10 to 12mg doses which some have used as/or in lieu of TRT. This compound in particular just varies with some people. Either way an AI was quoted “on hand” as a just in case in the majority of the info I’ve read tho. So I guess everyone who made this statement “in hand” there and in all the forums are walking red flags too? Or are you just like that with me? Not very welcoming sir or ma’am. Again no expert here but like I said I’ve dabbled and I’ve done my research. Anyways I hope you can see how you’re coming off and fix that bcus you could’ve asked questions instead of trying to kinda shame??…that’s what turns people off to places like here. Take it from someone whose been using thinksteroids for years, I see how people get treated a lot of times so I’ve stayed in the background. Folks want a place to fellowship and learn and grow bcus the wealth of knowledge is so valuable and we’re all just trying to learn and have a better understanding of things that’s all. I’ll get off my soapbox now….apologies for the sermon but be it in person or online I speak my mind when I feel I’m getting certain vibes. You take care
I’ve done a cycle of test e once a few years ago, one of AC262 and a separate cycle of SR9009 both last year. Definitely not an expert by no means at all but I’ve dabbled a little here and there. Tbh your response comes off as condescending. Lot of assumptions. Never “implied” anything, there have been plenty examples of folks who didn’t have estrogen issues, and some who have….both with or without test base. At high doses and at the lower end like 10 to 12mg doses which some have used as/or in lieu of TRT. This compound in particular just varies with some people. Either way an AI was quoted “on hand” as a just in case in the majority of the info I’ve read tho. So I guess everyone who made this statement “in hand” there and in all the forums are walking red flags too? Or are you just like that with me? Not very welcoming sir or ma’am. Again no expert here but like I said I’ve dabbled and I’ve done my research. Anyways I hope you can see how you’re coming off and fix that bcus you could’ve asked questions instead of trying to kinda shame??…that’s what turns people off to places like here. Take it from someone whose been using thinksteroids for years, I see how people get treated a lot of times so I’ve stayed in the background. Folks want a place to fellowship and learn and grow bcus the wealth of knowledge is so valuable and we’re all just trying to learn and have a better understanding of things that’s all. I’ll get off my soapbox now….apologies for the sermon but be it in person or online I speak my mind when I feel I’m getting certain vibes. You take care
He was right.

Also learn how to use paragraphs.
After much research I decided to give a trest only cycle a try. Thoughts on 12.5mg trest ED, along with hcg, and I have Aromasin on hand and was thinking use that during if issues arise and also as a pct?
Even on a low dose like that I would still take Aromasin every day starting day 1 and evaluate from there. Low estrogen is better than blowing up with tits, acne and high blood pressure. And start with 5mg. And have raloxifene on hand in case the Aromasin doesn't work. Ment is an estrogen bomb like nothing else.
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I’ve done a cycle of test e once a few years ago, one of AC262 and a separate cycle of SR9009 both last year. Definitely not an expert by no means at all but I’ve dabbled a little here and there. Tbh your response comes off as condescending. Lot of assumptions. Never “implied” anything, there have been plenty examples of folks who didn’t have estrogen issues, and some who have….both with or without test base. At high doses and at the lower end like 10 to 12mg doses which some have used as/or in lieu of TRT. This compound in particular just varies with some people. Either way an AI was quoted “on hand” as a just in case in the majority of the info I’ve read tho. So I guess everyone who made this statement “in hand” there and in all the forums are walking red flags too? Or are you just like that with me? Not very welcoming sir or ma’am. Again no expert here but like I said I’ve dabbled and I’ve done my research. Anyways I hope you can see how you’re coming off and fix that bcus you could’ve asked questions instead of trying to kinda shame??…that’s what turns people off to places like here. Take it from someone whose been using thinksteroids for years, I see how people get treated a lot of times so I’ve stayed in the background. Folks want a place to fellowship and learn and grow bcus the wealth of knowledge is so valuable and we’re all just trying to learn and have a better understanding of things that’s all. I’ll get off my soapbox now….apologies for the sermon but be it in person or online I speak my mind when I feel I’m getting certain vibes. You take care
the problem is you have "read" and "done research" on forums about one of the least used and most side effect ridden steroids available.

my point is that you think you can understand everything through other peoples anecdotes, yet ignore all the red flags about this compound, all the side effects and the fact that its just not popular or recommended.

To me you sound like you think you know better and think that the more posts you read, the more side effects you can avoid, but steroids don't care how many threads you've read. Your body doesn't care that you read some anecdotes about how testosterone isn't needed.

You ran SARMS twice? like how do you avoid/ignore all the information about how bad they are?

you simply are not experienced enough to wing a trestolone only cycle
i mean you can, but post back here and be honest about how it went

again, the fact you think that not needing an A.I with trestolone is even a possibility shows how little you understand about estrogen and trestolone. That despite reading all these posts about estrogen and trestolone, you don't comprehend it and underestimate estrogen side effects and steroids themselves.

You don't have the experience to even weed through the posts that you read and seperate the B.S from the truth. (probably why you ran SARMS twice)

just do testosterone. is that not enough for you?
the problem is you have "read" and "done research" on forums about one of the least used and most side effect ridden steroids available.

my point is that you think you can understand everything through other peoples anecdotes, yet ignore all the red flags about this compound, all the side effects and the fact that its just not popular or recommended.

To me you sound like you think you know better and think that the more posts you read, the more side effects you can avoid, but steroids don't care how many threads you've read. Your body doesn't care that you read some anecdotes about how testosterone isn't needed.

You ran SARMS twice? like how do you avoid/ignore all the information about how bad they are?

you simply are not experienced enough to wing a trestolone only cycle
i mean you can, but post back here and be honest about how it went

again, the fact you think that not needing an A.I with trestolone is even a possibility shows how little you understand about estrogen and trestolone. That despite reading all these posts about estrogen and trestolone, you don't comprehend it and underestimate estrogen side effects and steroids themselves.

You don't have the experience to even weed through the posts that you read and seperate the B.S from the truth. (probably why you ran SARMS twice)

just do testosterone. is that not enough for you?
Again sir you’re assuming. The forums yes was a part of the research, but there’s also other resources out there in the ether. With trest maybe not as much but there’s enough for a thorough comb through. And regardless I don’t think ANYONE has a 1000% grasp of ANY of these compounds if we’re being honest. There’s red flags with all of them, some more than others but still. But you look at ALL the info…. anecdotes included. That’s one of the main things folks do in forums like these right?? Discuss and share ideas and experiences?? Theres calculated risk with all these compounds sarms included. Speaking of sarms tho, does that really show my lack of experience??? Really tho??? Lol HOW SWAY!!?? Did you come at the thousands of folks ON THIS HERE FORUM and tell them they lack experience too or nah?? Yeah I doubt it hoss….last I checked searching “sarm” or any sarm like “Ostarine“ or “YK11” brings up tons of conversations about cycles, by folks who’ve been on this forum just as long as you, but ok hoss. And again……I NEVER SAID I DIDNT NEED AN AI SON. Again ASSUMING! Instead of ASSUMING what I do and don’t comprehend, like I said before you could’ve just asked questions. Could’ve had constructive dialogue. But you woke up and said “let’s be a dick.” Maybe whatever compound you’re currently on you might’ve underestimated your own estrogen. Lol listen kid…I could keep going back and forth with you but nah…I’m good. Follow along or not Idc. At this point hoss I won’t pay you no mind. You be blessed tho ok? Alright
Even on a low dose like that I would still take Aromasin every day starting day 1 and evaluate from there. Low estrogen is better than blowing up with tits, acne and high blood pressure. And start with 5mg. And have raloxifene on hand in case the Aromasin doesn't work. Ment is an estrogen bomb like nothing else.
Yeah that’s what I was thinking. What I noticed from some anecdotes some would wait to implement their AI. Seemed risky knowing how estrogenic trest is.

Also I would like to thank you for the respectful dialogue BossBig. Many blessin tuh yuh bredren
Agree with @Liter O' Test you don't sound ready to try a trest cycle. Once per day inject won't cut it with acetate and starting at 12.5mg is a bad idea
He did alot of assuming and ran with it. I posted to start a dialogue on the topic….gain prospective from folks. But yeah I’ve seen doses at 5mg and an old shipmate buddy of mine did a cycle and didn’t go any higher than that. This stuff is potent
Again sir you’re assuming. The forums yes was a part of the research, but there’s also other resources out there in the ether. With trest maybe not as much but there’s enough for a thorough comb through. And regardless I don’t think ANYONE has a 1000% grasp of ANY of these compounds if we’re being honest. There’s red flags with all of them, some more than others but still. But you look at ALL the info…. anecdotes included. That’s one of the main things folks do in forums like these right?? Discuss and share ideas and experiences?? Theres calculated risk with all these compounds sarms included. Speaking of sarms tho, does that really show my lack of experience??? Really tho??? Lol HOW SWAY!!?? Did you come at the thousands of folks ON THIS HERE FORUM and tell them they lack experience too or nah?? Yeah I doubt it hoss….last I checked searching “sarm” or any sarm like “Ostarine“ or “YK11” brings up tons of conversations about cycles, by folks who’ve been on this forum just as long as you, but ok hoss. And again……I NEVER SAID I DIDNT NEED AN AI SON. Again ASSUMING! Instead of ASSUMING what I do and don’t comprehend, like I said before you could’ve just asked questions. Could’ve had constructive dialogue. But you woke up and said “let’s be a dick.” Maybe whatever compound you’re currently on you might’ve underestimated your own estrogen. Lol listen kid…I could keep going back and forth with you but nah…I’m good. Follow along or not Idc. At this point hoss I won’t pay you no mind. You be blessed tho ok? Alright
Nobody's reading this wall of idiocy bro.
Again sir you’re assuming. The forums yes was a part of the research, but there’s also other resources out there in the ether. With trest maybe not as much but there’s enough for a thorough comb through. And regardless I don’t think ANYONE has a 1000% grasp of ANY of these compounds if we’re being honest. There’s red flags with all of them, some more than others but still. But you look at ALL the info…. anecdotes included. That’s one of the main things folks do in forums like these right?? Discuss and share ideas and experiences?? Theres calculated risk with all these compounds sarms included. Speaking of sarms tho, does that really show my lack of experience??? Really tho??? Lol HOW SWAY!!?? Did you come at the thousands of folks ON THIS HERE FORUM and tell them they lack experience too or nah?? Yeah I doubt it hoss….last I checked searching “sarm” or any sarm like “Ostarine“ or “YK11” brings up tons of conversations about cycles, by folks who’ve been on this forum just as long as you, but ok hoss. And again……I NEVER SAID I DIDNT NEED AN AI SON. Again ASSUMING! Instead of ASSUMING what I do and don’t comprehend, like I said before you could’ve just asked questions. Could’ve had constructive dialogue. But you woke up and said “let’s be a dick.” Maybe whatever compound you’re currently on you might’ve underestimated your own estrogen. Lol listen kid…I could keep going back and forth with you but nah…I’m good. Follow along or not Idc. At this point hoss I won’t pay you no mind. You be blessed tho ok? Alright
look I get you feel disrespected, and I got the same treatment when I first posted here, however I actually back up what I say with knowledge and experience.

You are so offended about everyone "assuming" you don't know what you're talking about or that you're doing things wrong, but you ,think that Aromasin is a PCT drug

I know this thread is super old but thoughts on trestolone solo for a cycle with hcg added for protection, then Aromasin for pct?
Why would we think you're right about other things when you don't understand the basics?

What I said in a earlier comment in this thread, about how your "research" on trest doesn't mean anything, because this compound is not widely used, the anecdotes you're reading from and trusting in are from other anonymous morons on the internet and most importantly, you are too inexperienced/biased to look at trest info objectively.

type II, literally gave two AMAZING comments about this specifically about this, yet you are so arrogant you ignore this completely. Do you understand what objective means? You mention "Calculated risk", you do not understand this, if you cannot objectively look at information you cannot "calculate risk", you do not have the ability to weigh pros and cons, you just ignore the cons? Based on a feeling? Or maybe you read 3 comments about no test and they outweigh 1 comment from type II LOL

MENT failed abysmally at maintaining androgen-dependent functions when trialled as a potential male contraceptive.

Sexual function effects
2 of 13 (15%) MENT subjects withdrew after 8 weeks of treatment due to low libido & erectile dysfunction...Adverse events included reduced libido & erectile function in 4 additional subjects in the MENT group who completed treatment (6/13, or 46%) [these adverse effects were not reported by any subject in the testosterone group]...Due to the incidence of reports of low libido and early withdrawal in the MENT group, it was decided in consultation with the study Data Monitoring and Safety Committee to shorten the MENT treatment period to 24 weeks whereas men in the testosterone group completed 48 weeks of treatment.

Walton, M. J., Kumar, N., Baird, D. T., Ludlow, H., & Anderson, R. A. (2007). 7 -Methyl-19-Nortestosterone (MENT) vs Testosterone in Combination With Etonogestrel Implants for Spermatogenic Suppression in Healthy Men. Journal of Andrology, 28(5), 679–688. doi:10.2164/jandrol.107.002683

What is odd is this persistent cheerleading of MENT [1], a non-5α-reducible progestagenic androgen [2] that aromatizes to a highly potent 7α-methylestradiol [3] as a viable T alternative for supporting sexual function [4] despite all evidence to the contrary, borne out by its never being pursued to market through the clinical trials process, etc.

If you can grok the concepts described in the links herein, you might see why combination of testosterone (5α-reducible & aromatizable androst-4-ene-3-one) & a 5α-androstan-3-one (possessing antiestrogenic properties, see forthcoming Article regarding Primo & Crashed E2) with MENT is a rational cycle design.

This comment is pure gold

Never use ment without a test base

Ment is not good for hrt

And out of all that, this is the B.S you type in the same thread

I know this thread is super old but thoughts on trestolone solo for a cycle with hcg added for protection, then Aromasin for pct?
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I'm not gna bash you, we all started somewhere, and have had sketchy or I'll advised ideas. So I'll try keep it to the topic and nothing said is meant to insult, I was a dumb kid on message boards asking dumb questions and getting dickish responses once upon a time. No I'm not calling any of you dicks I'm too lazy to read all the responses right now.
What research did you do? If it was mpmd ignore it, he's nowhere near as smart as his main audience think he is, his degree is in marketing and he's just reading off studies. Vigorous Steve at least reads, cites and interprets studies. Actual research studies?, boards/Reddit threads?.
So firstly ment is fairly controversial, some people love it, some hate it. It's only relatively recently it's been being used as a ped by enhanced individuals. Can't remember exactly how long off the top of my head so don't at me ha.
You can read experiences here, other boards and Reddit and you'll find some can't handle it and get sides out the ass. Others love it and get little to no sides.
It aromatises heavily into methyl e2, methyl e2 is a bitch. I haven't slept and can't honestly remember how efficient ai's are with methyl e2, so I won't comment on it.
Personally I added it during a bulk 2 years ago, to a relatively low dose cycle, added it mid cycle can't remember for how long somewhere between 8-12 weeks(really need to start logging cycles). Cycle was test, tren, mast from a ttm blend before adding ment. Off the top of my head I want to say 200/300 mg of ttm a week, honestly can't remember. I do know I didn't go to 500mg. I might have gone to 400mg at the end but unsure ATM.
Heard about ment, read up on it, looked at anecdotal reports of personal experiences and said fuck it.
Before anyone calls me a moron, I've already got gyno and am awaiting the consultant to sign off on surgery. So I said fuck it, worst case it gets worse and they have more to remove.
Started low and titrated up. Started at 1mg/d and ended up at 10mg a day at the end.
Ment is fucking potent. I've run ttm many times, I love tren, I've run it up to 500mg tren, 950mg test, 500mg mast, with orals here and there. I know exactly how tren effects me, what I feel like, and how I react to tren.
That in mind I could discern what the ment was doing. So let's get into my experience I'll give the good and bad.
I honestly fucking love it.
Pros imo, strength gains, size gains, incredible mood (it actually seemed to counteract the tren personality, mood, anxiety, and aggression) I was constantly fucking happy and felt great, honestly added to the tren horniness which is already insane for me, positive size effects on the penis( obviously blood flow related but very noticeably bigger).
Cons imo, pinning every fucking god damned day, bloat, libido was ridiculous with it to the point it was annoying, constant erections(more so than with just tren)just became annoying honestly an attractive woman with a nice perfume could walk past and I'd be getting hard, acne from methyl e2 was a bitch, aggravated my gyno and grew it immediately even at 7mg/w.
It's worth noting I aromatise like a bitch anyway, but with tren I prefer to have somewhat higher e2 for the neuro protective benefit. Unpopular take but, personally, I'd much rather higher e2, deal with bloat, acne, and gyno aggravation to low e2 with no libido, sore joints and depression.
Anyway back to it. Ment is potent and generally run in lower doses than most compounds. I initially ran 1mg/d to test for issues and compatibility with my cycle. Then went to 5mg/d ending around 100mg/w. Pinning ed is an absolute c#nt, I dread it, depending how you aromatise and how you experience high e2 it could be a nightmare for you.
Is it a good compound, in my opinion and experience yes, but again some hate it and had terrible experiences with it. All responses to drugs are different for everyone and dependant on their genetics.
Would I run it solo, personally, no. There are plenty of people posting about running low dose ment as a test replacement for trt. Honestly fuck that pinning ed Vs 2x p/w on test is moronic or masochistic.
Considering your lack of experience with Peds, I'd recommend 500mg of test and a caloric surplus if you're looking to bulk, if you really want to, add an oral towards the end like var, sdrol, adrol, tbol, dbol. After that you can run a cycle with test and ment.
Ment is a 19nor and can indeed have all the negative effects all 19nors do. For me long term low dose deca for joint support left me anhedonic, now this was due to how deca effects the neurotransmitters which has a negative impact in neurodivergents with long term exposure, yay ADHD. I've run npp short term no sides. Tren I love but it's a double edge sword, it ramps up my anxiety, shortens my already short fuse, increase anger, makes me paranoid( honestly probably just a result of my existing anxiety ramped up) higher doses make me feel toxic as fuck, cns fatigue from constantly being in fight mode due to its effect on sympathetic nervous drive, insomnia. 19nors ain't for everyone.
I'm not your dad I can't tell you what to do or force you to do something.
If you've already got the ment, store it. Get test run it at 500mg a week for at least 16 weeks. Next cycle add the ment and titrate it up. It's considered an exotic compound, there aren't too many studies on it and it only relatively recent it's become popular, there is info on it like test, primo, tren, etc.
You're gna do what you want but that's my 2c
After much research I decided to give a trest only cycle a try. Thoughts on 12.5mg trest ED, along with hcg, and I have Aromasin on hand and was thinking use that during if issues arise and also as a pct?

Why do you make it look like you've made your mind when you are actually probing for answers and advice all along ?

You would have pinned already and let us know if the cycle worked ...
I'm not gna bash you, we all started somewhere, and have had sketchy or I'll advised ideas. So I'll try keep it to the topic and nothing said is meant to insult, I was a dumb kid on message boards asking dumb questions and getting dickish responses once upon a time. No I'm not calling any of you dicks I'm too lazy to read all the responses right now.
What research did you do? If it was mpmd ignore it, he's nowhere near as smart as his main audience think he is, his degree is in marketing and he's just reading off studies. Vigorous Steve at least reads, cites and interprets studies. Actual research studies?, boards/Reddit threads?.
So firstly ment is fairly controversial, some people love it, some hate it. It's only relatively recently it's been being used as a ped by enhanced individuals. Can't remember exactly how long off the top of my head so don't at me ha.
You can read experiences here, other boards and Reddit and you'll find some can't handle it and get sides out the ass. Others love it and get little to no sides.
It aromatises heavily into methyl e2, methyl e2 is a bitch. I haven't slept and can't honestly remember how efficient ai's are with methyl e2, so I won't comment on it.
Personally I added it during a bulk 2 years ago, to a relatively low dose cycle, added it mid cycle can't remember for how long somewhere between 8-12 weeks(really need to start logging cycles). Cycle was test, tren, mast from a ttm blend before adding ment. Off the top of my head I want to say 200/300 mg of ttm a week, honestly can't remember. I do know I didn't go to 500mg. I might have gone to 400mg at the end but unsure ATM.
Heard about ment, read up on it, looked at anecdotal reports of personal experiences and said fuck it.
Before anyone calls me a moron, I've already got gyno and am awaiting the consultant to sign off on surgery. So I said fuck it, worst case it gets worse and they have more to remove.
Started low and titrated up. Started at 1mg/d and ended up at 10mg a day at the end.
Ment is fucking potent. I've run ttm many times, I love tren, I've run it up to 500mg tren, 950mg test, 500mg mast, with orals here and there. I know exactly how tren effects me, what I feel like, and how I react to tren.
That in mind I could discern what the ment was doing. So let's get into my experience I'll give the good and bad.
I honestly fucking love it.
Pros imo, strength gains, size gains, incredible mood (it actually seemed to counteract the tren personality, mood, anxiety, and aggression) I was constantly fucking happy and felt great, honestly added to the tren horniness which is already insane for me, positive size effects on the penis( obviously blood flow related but very noticeably bigger).
Cons imo, pinning every fucking god damned day, bloat, libido was ridiculous with it to the point it was annoying, constant erections(more so than with just tren)just became annoying honestly an attractive woman with a nice perfume could walk past and I'd be getting hard, acne from methyl e2 was a bitch, aggravated my gyno and grew it immediately even at 7mg/w.
It's worth noting I aromatise like a bitch anyway, but with tren I prefer to have somewhat higher e2 for the neuro protective benefit. Unpopular take but, personally, I'd much rather higher e2, deal with bloat, acne, and gyno aggravation to low e2 with no libido, sore joints and depression.
Anyway back to it. Ment is potent and generally run in lower doses than most compounds. I initially ran 1mg/d to test for issues and compatibility with my cycle. Then went to 5mg/d ending around 100mg/w. Pinning ed is an absolute c#nt, I dread it, depending how you aromatise and how you experience high e2 it could be a nightmare for you.
Is it a good compound, in my opinion and experience yes, but again some hate it and had terrible experiences with it. All responses to drugs are different for everyone and dependant on their genetics.
Would I run it solo, personally, no. There are plenty of people posting about running low dose ment as a test replacement for trt. Honestly fuck that pinning ed Vs 2x p/w on test is moronic or masochistic.
Considering your lack of experience with Peds, I'd recommend 500mg of test and a caloric surplus if you're looking to bulk, if you really want to, add an oral towards the end like var, sdrol, adrol, tbol, dbol. After that you can run a cycle with test and ment.
Ment is a 19nor and can indeed have all the negative effects all 19nors do. For me long term low dose deca for joint support left me anhedonic, now this was due to how deca effects the neurotransmitters which has a negative impact in neurodivergents with long term exposure, yay ADHD. I've run npp short term no sides. Tren I love but it's a double edge sword, it ramps up my anxiety, shortens my already short fuse, increase anger, makes me paranoid( honestly probably just a result of my existing anxiety ramped up) higher doses make me feel toxic as fuck, cns fatigue from constantly being in fight mode due to its effect on sympathetic nervous drive, insomnia. 19nors ain't for everyone.
I'm not your dad I can't tell you what to do or force you to do something.
If you've already got the ment, store it. Get test run it at 500mg a week for at least 16 weeks. Next cycle add the ment and titrate it up. It's considered an exotic compound, there aren't too many studies on it and it only relatively recent it's become popular, there is info on it like test, primo, tren, etc.
You're gna do what you want but that's my 2c

"I'm lazy"
"Haven't slept"

Maybe get a good night and gratify us with a paragraphed comment the following day ?
Why do you make it look like you've made your mind when you are actually probing for answers and advice all along ?

You would have pinned already and let us know if the cycle worked ...
Not saying op is, but a commend trend on multiple boards and Reddit is people seeking confirmation of their plan from others, framing it as a question.