Accutane permanent cure?

Just my thought but i feel like it is a mild long game peptide so any results will hard to notice as they will be small over a period of time. I figured id try it and see if maybe it will help with any acne scaring i may have and loose skin from being fat.
I thought the same thing. It’s cheap and can run it for a long time with no real adverse affects. If it works, awesome! If not, no money lost
I thought the same thing. It’s cheap and can run it for a long time with no real adverse affects. If it works, awesome! If not, no money lost
My thought as well. From what I have read it actually has a wide range of benefits. I though about trying some Mots-c but was like dam man your on enough sh@t atm.
Please let us know how it goes with the scars.
I have read about people applying ghk topically, which you are not doing, but I don't know if it had any effect.
I hope it works for you
Will do ms iris.. actually the scaring I'm most interested in is faint scars on my forearms. You can only see them when I get really tan. They are from the chicken scratch days left behind from the ole meth monster!! Lol
My thought as well. From what I have read it actually has a wide range of benefits. I though about trying some Mots-c but was like dam man your on enough sh@t atm.
Must be reading my mind. But I did buy the mots-c. I figured what the hell what’s another pin with my gh, Ghk, tirz, cycle, l-carnitine and glutathione lol

I should buy stock in gpz
wanted to throw out a little update on my Accutane journey. At 30 days of 60mg i went to 80 a day for the last 15 days. started getting some side effects at the 80 mg dose. I do not have any new big spots so i am thinking of going down to 40 mg a day and hopefully mitigate the side effects i am having. Any thoughts?
wanted to throw out a little update on my Accutane journey. At 30 days of 60mg i went to 80 a day for the last 15 days. started getting some side effects at the 80 mg dose. I do not have any new big spots so i am thinking of going down to 40 mg a day and hopefully mitigate the side effects i am having. Any thoughts?

You splitting the dose or once a day?

Sides have been so light on a split dose, and the improvement in my overall skin, beyond acne, have been so impressive I've decided to go with the "highest dose tolerable" method some dermatologists use to get to the magic 150mg/kg + cumulative dose which gives the max chance of permanently shrinking sebaceous glands. My pores have shrunk so much, my skin has improved massively, especially my face.

I truly didn't expect how much of an improvement it would make to non acne afflicted areas.

Worked my way up to 120mg/day as 60 and 60, only sides are chapped lips, and somewhat "fragile" skin that easily scratches, both handled without much effort.

Had to order another 8000mg in order to have enough.
You splitting the dose or once a day?

Sides have been so light on a split dose, and the improvement in my overall skin, beyond acne, have been so impressive I've decided to go with the "highest dose tolerable" method some dermatologists use to get to the magic 150mg/kg + cumulative dose which gives the max chance of permanently shrinking sebaceous glands. My pores have shrunk so much, my skin has improved massively, especially my face.

I truly didn't expect how much of an improvement it would make to non acne afflicted areas.

Worked my way up to 120mg/day as 60 and 60, only sides are chapped lips, and somewhat "fragile" skin that easily scratches, both handled without much effort.

Had to order another 8000mg in order to have enough.
I was doing 40am ans 40pm. I was just going to go down to 20 x2 a day but now after trading this I might try60 x2 for a week or 2 and see how it goes.. I have ichy water eyes and neck pain. Been through so much chap stick.
I was doing 40am ans 40pm. I was just going to go down to 20 x2 a day but now after trading this I might try60 x2 for a week or 2 and see how it goes.. I have ichy water eyes and neck pain. Been through so much chap stick.

Haha yeah lots of chapstick too. I noticed some slight back pain each time I upped the dose, which resolved after a few days until the next increase.

As we age, and with AAS use, sebaceous glands grow, which make pores larger.

One "milestone" I can point to for you is this.

The pores on my nose have shrunk so much, my nose looks smaller. Beyond that, I have zero blackheads despite a lifetime of oily skin, worsened by gear.

You'll know your sebaceous glands have significantly reduced in size, by something like 90%, when besides visibly smoother skin from the shrunken pores, you see white strings, called "sebaceous filaments" coming out of the pores on your nose. (don't try to remove these, they're actually healthy), When you have a ton of them, you know your most of the way to improved skin. My nose feels like sandpaper (but looks younger, cleaner, smoother, and smaller).

Once the "filament phase" on the nose is passed, and it feels really smooth, that's a sign all your sebaceous glands have been significantly reduced, the cells in your pores have been genetically "reset" so are no longer prone to producing the conditions that lead to acne, and your're 3/4 of the way to reaching the point where 99% of people are permanently cured of zits and/or excessively oily skin. .
I've read one or two 6 month courses of Accutane can permanently cure acne in a lot of cases.

Has this worked permanently for anyone with steroid induced acne?

I suspect a permanent cure isn't for the steroid induced type, but I'd like to know if it's worth a try given the nasty sides or just stick to Doxycycline, which is effective and no sides but temporary.

The permanent cure to Accutane nasty side effects doesn't exist, but you can get close to recovery with quite a few steps.

First off, I'm sorry you embarked on that journey and I have read the sexual and mental sides are terrible.

You will find help on propeciahelp forum as the side effects are very close in nature to propecia's side effects.

Mostly consists of strong androgens and methylation modulators. If you need help understanding the biochemistry neety greety of it all I am here, it can get tricky.

Hope this helps ;)
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The permanent cure to Accutane nasty side effects doesn't exist, but you can get close to recovery with quite a few steps.

First off, I'm sorry you embarked on that journey and I have read the sexual and mental sides are terrible.

You will find help on propeciahelp forum as the side effects are very close in nature to propecia's side effects.

Mostly consists of strong androgens and methylation modulators. If you need help understanding the biochemistry neety greety of it all I am here, it can get tricky.

Hope this helps ;)

I have a much better understanding of the process now, and like finasteride panic, the sides are exaggerated and long standing fear of accutane is mostly baseless.

The primary effect, although there are others, is to shrink sebaceous glands that provide fuel to the acne fire.

If you're very young, as historically most users have been, there's a greater chance of them growing back to a size the causes acne to return, but as an adult that's less likely.