Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Without Russia this country would not be in the hands of a president that everytime I see him I want to slug in the filtrum.
Without Russia this country would not be in the hands of a president that everytime I see him I want to slug in the filtrum.
Question, big_p. In what manner do you think trump colluded with russia? What do you think trumps involvement was? Also, do you think what trump may have done is any worse than what hillary did do in colluding with the main stream media to get elected?

“I HAVE just one piece of advice: If you have tapes, burn ’em!”

So intones the ghost of Richard Nixon, sparking President Trump’s insistent reply: “There are no tapes!”

Thus unfolds the latest animated short from “The Simpsons,” as the show continues to skewer the controversies surrounding the White House.

The nearly two-minute short includes a visit from fired FBI director James B. Comey, who hears Trump’s pleas for help and a hug; Vice President Pence, rubbing the “vice” off his nameplate in anticipation; and Attorney General Jeff Sessions beneath a sheet. The background gags include the iconic photo of Trump in the Oval Office with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Ambassador Sergei Kislyak.

Soon, former president Nixon is getting his “first hug.”

The short was the idea of “Simpsons” co-creator James L. Brooks and guided by showrunner Al Jean, with producer-writer David Silverman directing. Eric Keyes was responsible for the caricatures.

“The turnaround was so tight,” Silverman says, “that we didn’t even [story]board it.”

The short is “paid for” by the Committee to Turn the Clock Ahead to 2020 — “or back to whenever.”
Question, big_p. In what manner do you think trump colluded with russia? What do you think trumps involvement was? Also, do you think what trump may have done is any worse than what hillary did do in colluding with the main stream media to get elected?
I'm not going to address HC. So far I have no reason to believe DJT is in collusion directly with russians, I do believe he is obstructing the investigation though.

Nixon had no good reason to break into Watergate. His underlinings did it. He was impeached and resigned for obstruction. He won that election in a landslide.
Bill Clinton was investigated for whitewater and before it was over he perjured himself by not admitting he got a blowjob in the oval office.
Before the dust settles trump will go down for obstructing if not a more serious offence. He is unfit to hold the office anyway.
I'm not going to address HC. So far I have no reason to believe DJT is in collusion directly with russians, I do believe he is obstructing the investigation though.

Nixon had no good reason to break into Watergate. His underlinings did it. He was impeached and resigned for obstruction. He won that election in a landslide.
Bill Clinton was investigated for whitewater and before it was over he perjured himself by not admitting he got a blowjob in the oval office.
Before the dust settles trump will go down for obstructing if not a more serious offence. He is unfit to hold the office anyway.
I do hope that there's a chance the 25th Amendment will be invoked at some point to sort this out. But that raises the specter that Pence will also make a mockery of the Presidency if he were to take the powers of the presidency for even a short time. This means the people are screwed.