Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

trump is not fit to be president of the United States. He does not possess the requisite intellect and does not understand the significance of the office he holds nor the tasks associated with it. He doesn't read. He doesn't bother to peruse important files and intelligence reports and knows little about the issues that he has identified as his priorities. His decisions are capricious and they are delivered in the form of tyrannical decrees.
He is a man free of morals. As has been demonstrated hundreds of times, he is a liar, a racist and a cheat. I feel ashamed to use these words, as sharp and loud as they are. But if they apply to anyone, they apply to trump. And one of the media's tasks is to continue telling things as they are: trump has to be removed from the White House. Here, in summary, are the most frequent remarks from Europeans about trump in rough order of frequency:
1. trump is unstable, and we’re not going to count on anything he says or commits to.
2. trump doesn’t support NATO or European integration.
3. trump is actively encouraging racist nationalists in our country.
4. trump is allied with Putin to bring Europe down.
5. There’s no doubt trump worked with Putin to win the U.S. presidential election.
6. If trump’s polls drop too low, he’ll start a war in order to get Americans to rally around him. (Opinions vary on whether trump’s war would be with North Korea, Iran, terrorists in Nigeria, or an escalation in Syria, Iraq, or Afghanistan.)
7. How did you Americans come to elect this ego-maniac? (Others called him an infant, moron, ignoramus, fool.)
8. He’s another Franco, Mussolini, Salazar, Hitler.
9. We remember fascism. We never thought it would happen in America.
10. The world depends on American leadership. We’re very worried.
My overall impression: Anti-trump sentiment is even stronger in Europe than it is in the U.S. If trump expects his European trip to give him a reprieve from his troubles at home, he’s mistaken.
trump is not fit to be president of the United States. He does not possess the requisite intellect and does not understand the significance of the office he holds nor the tasks associated with it. He doesn't read. He doesn't bother to peruse important files and intelligence reports and knows little about the issues that he has identified as his priorities. His decisions are capricious and they are delivered in the form of tyrannical decrees.
He is a man free of morals. As has been demonstrated hundreds of times, he is a liar, a racist and a cheat. I feel ashamed to use these words, as sharp and loud as they are. But if they apply to anyone, they apply to trump. And one of the media's tasks is to continue telling things as they are: trump has to be removed from the White House. Here, in summary, are the most frequent remarks from Europeans about trump in rough order of frequency:
1. trump is unstable, and we’re not going to count on anything he says or commits to.
2. trump doesn’t support NATO or European integration.
3. trump is actively encouraging racist nationalists in our country.
4. trump is allied with Putin to bring Europe down.
5. There’s no doubt trump worked with Putin to win the U.S. presidential election.
6. If trump’s polls drop too low, he’ll start a war in order to get Americans to rally around him. (Opinions vary on whether trump’s war would be with North Korea, Iran, terrorists in Nigeria, or an escalation in Syria, Iraq, or Afghanistan.)
7. How did you Americans come to elect this ego-maniac? (Others called him an infant, moron, ignoramus, fool.)
8. He’s another Franco, Mussolini, Salazar, Hitler.
9. We remember fascism. We never thought it would happen in America.
10. The world depends on American leadership. We’re very worried.
My overall impression: Anti-trump sentiment is even stronger in Europe than it is in the U.S. If trump expects his European trip to give him a reprieve from his troubles at home, he’s mistaken.

The first is Trump's resignation, which won't happen.

The second is that Republicans in the House and Senate support impeachment, which would be justified by the president's proven obstruction of justice, but won't happen because of the Republicans' thirst for power, which they won't willingly give up.

The third possible solution is the invocation of the 25th Amendment, which would require the cabinet to declare Trump unfit to discharge the powers of the presidency. That isn't particularly likely either.

Fourth: The Democrats get ready to fight and win back majorities in the House and Senate in midterm elections, which are 18 months away, before they then pursue option two, impeachment.

Fifth: the international community wakes up and finds a way to circumvent the White House and free itself of its dependence on the U.S. Unlike the preceding four options, the fifth doesn't directly solve the Trump problem, but it is nevertheless necessary - and possible.
PLEASE tell me you didn't stop working as a doctor to engage in an endeavor with such small probability of success (overthrowing Trump)

I see scallys back to his attempt to repost every Trump tweet on the Internet. Maybe that's the reason he hates Trump. Trump tweets and millions read it. scally retweets and 3 people read it. Lol

The FBI's scrutiny of Kushner places the bureau's sprawling counterintelligence and criminal investigation not only on the doorstep of the White House, but in the Trump family circle. (The Washington Post first reported last week) that a senior White House official close to Trump was a "person of interest," but did not name the person. The term "person of interest" has no legal meaning.

His only crime is being an idiot son who married one of the best American girls EVER, just because he was lucky enough to be born in a wealthy family.
He's no and probably will never be a hardcore entrepreneur like Ivanka/Donald are.
$500k/yr ain't too hard to get if you try hard enough

Come on guys this is a TESTOSTERONE forum and you come here to weep and whine because rich guys (and poor guys as well lol) despised you guys? Man up!

Do be a DOER, don't be a don'ter
1 Get a goal
2 Get a plan
3 Get get off your lazy ass
4 @MindlessWork get a tan too, your pale skin looks disgusting and points to a low testosterone beta-male


Can be applied any personal improvement no matter if training or personal finances.
If you really want to be really successful AND YOU SHOULD, you'd want to stop being an employee and become a business owner.

this is a TESTOSTERONE forum guys
Man up!

I despise rich people and buffoons like Trump makes me despise them even more. They are the true leeches in this country and they need to be stopped by a revolution.

There might be some rich people being marked for death soon.

Being loaded with money and dwelling where your next dollar is coming from. To me such people are arrogant and aloof.

Again, what's the mark? Is loaded with money 500k a year? Worth a million? 5? 10?

500k and over I would say.

Some firm handshakes, forced smiles, and awkward sword dances. In short, nothing.

Donald Trump has just completed a glitzy overseas trip.

It had ample farcical episodes: the Saudi king, the dictator of Egypt, and the president of the United States placing their hands on a glowing orb that evoked for some a lampoon of Lord of the Rings. The secretary of state assuring us that no one overseas was paying attention to Trump’s domestic troubles (palpably, indeed laughably, untrue) even as his spokesman excluded the American press from a briefing attended by the considerably more docile reporters of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The national-security adviser insisting, “The entire trip is about human rights, about all civilized people coming together to fight the hatred”—an odd remark to make in a country that lops the hands off thieves and the heads off apostates. The commerce secretary, in one of his more witlessly thuggish remarks, observing complacently about urban Riyadh: “There was not a single hint of a protester anywhere there during the whole time we were there.” And then there were the video clips: Melania flicking away her husband’s groping hand and the Leader of the Free World giving the prime minister of little Montenegro a good hard shove.

The remarkable thing about Vice President Mike Pence is that he is not remarkable at all.

That’s one of the first things I learned last December when I arrived in Indiana to — let’s face it — the next president of the United States. The man takes up very little space, and undoubtedly this was his great appeal to Donald Trump, one of the great oxygen consumers of our time.

Of course, Mr. Pence’s great appeal to many people now is that he is not Donald Trump. Liberals salivate that Robert Mueller might metaphorically reverse an election they see as stolen by a steak salesman and his Moscow buddies. Conservatives dream of ridding themselves of a nutbag and installing a man who can pursue tax cuts and a few more Justice Neil Gorsuches without the fear of a third world war being started because of something Mr. Trump heard on Infowars.

Still, maybe we should all stop and ponder an actual Pence presidency.

Will the man who reportedly calls his wife “Mother” and has no temper to speak of usher in an era of ennui after Mr. Trump’s reign of trauma? Perhaps, but a Pence nap has its own consequences.

It is possible that we could replace the most flamboyant and flamboyantly unqualified president in history with the most quietly unqualified and unexamined president since Warren Harding. (He has never answered whether he believes in evolution, but the evidence is not encouraging.)

From Extreme to Mainstream: How Social Norms Unravel

Social norms are typically thought to be persistent and long-lasting, sometimes surviving through growth, recessions, and regime changes. In some cases, however, they can quickly change.

This paper examines the unraveling of social norms in communication when new information becomes available, e.g., aggregated through elections. We build a model of strategic communication between citizens who can hold one of two mutually exclusive opinions.

In our model, agents communicate their opinions to each other, and senders care about receivers' approval. As a result, senders are more likely to express the more popular opinion, while receivers make less inference about senders who stated the popular view. We test these predictions using two experiments.

In the main experiment, we identify the causal effect of Donald Trump's rise in political popularity on individuals' willingness to publicly express xenophobic views. Participants in the experiment are offered a bonus reward if they authorize researchers to make a donation to an anti-immigration organization on their behalf.

Participants who expect their decision to be observed by the surveyor are significantly less likely to accept the offer than those expecting an anonymous choice. Increases in participants' perceptions of Trump's popularity (either through experimental variation or through the “natural experiment” of his victory) eliminate the wedge between private and public behavior.

A second experiment uses dictator games to show that participants judge a person less negatively for publicly expressing (but not for privately holding) a political view they disagree with if that person's social environment is one where the majority of people holds that view.
Who's more unstable? A guy who spends countless days/years endlessly posting to at best maybe 10 people, or the leader of the free world, who while you antifas spew pure blind hatred, has millions of backers and won a free election to become our President?
I have nothing personal against scally or any of you antifas. I don't think scally feels the same way about us Trumpsters but thats my opinion. He won't respond except maybe some rehashed meme and lets you groupies do all his defending. Very unimpressive for a supposed intellectual.
This is a political thread where we get brutal. scally gets the most attention because he clogs the thread with useless memes/fake news, outposts everyone combined by about a 50 to 1 margin, and never responds with any meaningful dialog.
Outside of this thread life goes on as normal. I respect our right to disagree and never mention this thread in other threads (I did accidentally post in the Lets See Your Ladies thread but made up for it).