Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

I don't understand why we sell weapons like this. I mean we lose glocks to the street all the time I'm sure some of those weapons will turn up missing
Couple quick comments. First, the same media that is pushing these stories that you comdemn trump for has been proven to have an agenda and has been caught lying over and over again. That doesn't concern you at all? At what point do you start to question thier stories? Another point is, a lot of folks that are condemning trump for everything he does praised obama for everything he did and a lot of things that trump is doing obama has done as well. I dont see anybody insanely supporting trump. Folks are just not buying into the bullshit media spin that has been dubunked over and over again. I mean, some of these stories, or opinions, are freaking insane yet people are just eating it up.
[I expect so ... mistake ...]

President Trump has privately told multiple people, including EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt, that he plans to leave the Paris agreement on climate change, according to three sources with direct knowledge.

Publicly, Trump's position is that he has not made up his mind and when we asked the White House about these private comments, Director of Strategic Communications Hope Hicks said, "I think his tweet was clear. He will make a decision this week."
Couple quick comments. First, the same media that is pushing these stories that you comdemn trump for has been proven to have an agenda and has been caught lying over and over again. That doesn't concern you at all? At what point do you start to question thier stories? Another point is, a lot of folks that are condemning trump for everything he does praised obama for everything he did and a lot of things that trump is doing obama has done as well. I dont see anybody insanely supporting trump. Folks are just not buying into the bullshit media spin that has been dubunked over and over again. I mean, some of these stories, or opinions, are freaking insane yet people are just eating it up.

Wait, that 100b dollar arms deal to the Saudis was fake news?
Trump is like a teacher taking over a class where the kids ran amok and got whatever they wanted. barry soetoro kissed ass, gave away the farm, and let whoever do wtf ever they wanted. Now that shit is over and the other countries don't like it. To fucking bad. They'll learn that the ass kissing is over. Deals will be fair, climate bullshit won't be us reducing emissions while everyone else does nothing. Etc etc.
Trump is like a teacher taking over a class where the kids ran amok and got whatever they wanted. barry soetoro kissed ass, gave away the farm, and let whoever do wtf ever they wanted. Now that shit is over and the other countries don't like it. To fucking bad. They'll learn that the ass kissing is over. Deals will be fair, climate bullshit won't be us reducing emissions while everyone else does nothing. Etc etc.

Oh shit, you think climate change is a hoax?
Oh shit, you think climate change is a hoax?
Didn't say that. I don't think it's entirely man made for obvious reasons. I said we get fucked in every climate change agreement. You want to argue climate change the good "doctor" has a thread to feed you more dubious info. Let's stick to our President on this one.
Didn't say that. I don't think it's entirely man made for obvious reasons. I said we get fucked in every climate change agreement. You want to argue climate change the good "doctor" has a thread to feed you more dubious info. Let's stick to our President on this one.

No problem. Trump wouldn't even bother me so much if he took the time to think before speaking and stopped getting so butt hurt of the things people say about him.
[Trumpling Idiots ...]

Trump’s weird adherence to this 1980s concept explains his whole presidency (Opinion | Trump’s weird adherence to this 1980s concept explains his whole presidency)

What’s the standard line on President Trump these days? That he’s an erratic creature of no fixed commitments and no stable policy objectives? Not so fast. In fact, Trump’s entire administration can be understood through the lens of his weird, consistent, unwavering adherence to a 1980s concept of the War on Drugs.

This adherence unifies his policy actions: not only the appointment of drug-war hard-liner Jeff Sessions as attorney general but also his approach to immigration and “the wall,” his calls for a revival of “stop and frisk” and “law and order” policies, key features of the Republican House health-care bill, the bromances with Rodrigo Duterte and Vladimir Putin, and even the initial proposal to defund the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy.


The administration appears to think narcotics control can be achieved entirely through the tools of criminal justice.

But we tried that in the 1980s, the decade of “Miami Vice,” the era when the Los Angeles police chief, Daryl Gates, could testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee that casual drug users “ought to be taken out and shot.” We know where that story ends: with increased incarceration, further degradation of urban neighborhoods, no durable change in rates of drug use and a failure to address addiction.

So, yes, Trump has a vision, and he’s moving steadily toward it, wrongheaded though it is, dragging us along with him, as if into a wall.