Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Another one of my favorite parts of the article he posted is this one which sums up my previous post almost perfectly. "Women with unintended pregnancies are more likely to receive delayed or no prenatal care and to smoke, consume alcohol, be depressed, and experience domestic violence during pregnancy. Unintended pregnancy also increases the risk of babies being born preterm or at a low birth weight, both of which raise their chances of health and developmental problems".
So, women who are irresponsible and become pregnant by their own choices make even more irresponsible choices and because of that women must be absolved of all personal responsibility. Not one time in the entire article did I see anything pointing to women having to take any personal responsibility for their choices, not one. "My body, my choice!" Exactly ladies, my money and my choice not to subsidize your poor choices.

Let's just fix that quote..

"Women who smoke and consume alcohol are more likely to receive unintended pregnancies, delayed or no prenatal care, experience [or commit] domestic violence and be depressed. Smoking and consuming alcohol also increases the risk of babies being born preterm or at a low birth weight, both of which raise their chances of health and developmental problems"

I'm pretty sure my version is more accurate in terms of causation.
Let me clarify that. I would fuck any of them if it meant I would never have to look at trump again.

Now that is taking one for the team.:(
Let me clarify that further. MO is out since she is the wife of the greatest pres since Lincoln.
Obama was the best president since lincoln?
Yes imo. The best president since Washington would be the one who provides healthcare to all as a right while at the sametime cutting costs to those seen by other advanced countries.

I'm a little older than most here. I have seen good people die because of the cost and availability of healthcare in the USA.

We can do better.
Yes imo. The best president since Washington would be the one who provides healthcare to all as a right while at the sametime cutting costs to those seen by other advanced countries.

I'm a little older than most here. I have seen good people die because of the cost and availability of healthcare in the USA.

We can do better.
Historians rank him 12th just behind widrow wilson. I would imagine, over time, that will go down once the love affair is over and folks take in his actual accomplishments. Remember, his greatest accomplishments was one of the worst bills ever in the aca and making the middle east even worse.
Historians rank him 12th just behind widrow wilson. I would imagine, over time, that will go down once the love affair is over and folks take in his actual accomplishments. Remember, his greatest accomplishments was one of the worst bills ever in the aca and making the middle east even worse.
Republican historians.

The aca is fucked up because healthcare, pharmaceutical and insurance corporations wrote it.

Who could of guessed that once again Hollywood liberal democrat assumes zero responsibility and blames Trump for her actions. Of course it wouldn't be progressive enough without a claim of sexism to go with it. She is clearly the victim here and assumes zero responsibility.

Who could of guessed that once again Hollywood liberal democrat assumes zero responsibility and blames Trump for her actions. Of course it wouldn't be progressive enough without a claim of sexism to go with it. She is clearly the victim here and assumes zero responsibility.

She was fucked up, but she wants to fuck Anderson Cooper? How fucked up is that?

Who could of guessed that once again Hollywood liberal democrat assumes zero responsibility and blames Trump for her actions. Of course it wouldn't be progressive enough without a claim of sexism to go with it. She is clearly the victim here and assumes zero responsibility.

She's a moron. Hopefully it is the end of her career.
She's a moron. Hopefully it is the end of her career.
To be honest, I don't even care about her posing for that picture. People are free to do what they want but you have to accept the consequences of your decisions. Instead of taking responsibility she plays the victim. It's a sickening trend that needs to end. The photo was stupid and a bad decision but her press conference, where she blamed Trump,sexism, and the Trump family, was even more disgusting.
Im thinking he will invoke executive privilege in an attempt to keep Comey from testifying. :) hello obstruction of justice followed by impeachment and removal from office.

I think he needs a psychological evaluation to determine if he is competent to serve. His conduct suggests he may have early dementia.