Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

The trump administration is apparently preparing to roll back the Obamacare requirement that all insurance plans cover contraception. That is unacceptable. If trump goes forward with this, it would be up to a women’s employers if they are able to get the contraception they need. We cannot go back to the days when women did not have full access to birth control. That is a decision for women and their doctors to make, not their employers. We need to expand women’s rights and ensure full reproductive justice, not move backwards as a society.

Leaked regulation: Trump plans to roll back Obamacare birth control mandate
Donald Trump’s Moment of Truth Is Near

The Justice Department’s recent appointment of retired FBI Director Robert Mueller as special counsel carried a small but meaningful downside risk for journalists, members of Congress, and the majority of the American people who seek a full accounting of Russia’s efforts to subvert the 2016 election and the Trump campaign’s cooperation with them.

Prior to Mueller’s appointment, his successor at the FBI, James Comey, had agreed in principle to testify publicly before Congress about the circumstances surrounding Trump’s decision to fire him in early May. Comey reportedly kept copious notes detailing his personal interactions with Trump, including the president’s efforts to obstruct the FBI’s investigation of disgraced national security advisor Michael Flynn and the broader Russia inquiry. By turning Comey into a private citizen, Trump freed Comey to testify about those interactions, but he also made him a witness.

The concern was that if Mueller decided to investigate whether Trump or anyone in the White House had obstructed justice, he might ask Comey not to testify publicly. That would have deprived the public of whatever closure Comey might be able to provide, propping open a void that is currently being filled with speculation and conspiracy theories.

Wednesday’s news that Comey sought and has received Mueller’s blessing to testify as early as next week before the Senate Intelligence Committee comes as an immense relief to those who feared that a protracted special counsel investigation would put public accounting of Russian interference on hold for months or years. But it also raised a perfectly logical question: If we could infer danger for Trump from Comey’s silence, can we infer that Trump is at least partially off the hook because Mueller gave Comey the OK to testify?

The answer, thankfully, is no.
Media made a bold and specific claim
if Comey doesn't testify "Trump obstructed the investigation" next week like media claimed he would, they will lose all their (little) credibility left.
Wow just wow...Trump's ignorance is showing loud and clear and time for America to find a way to get rid of this buffoon as he's really making America Shitty Again.
Geeze, Trump owns u Paul. Ok, lets just say Trump throws up a middle finger and says "fuck it, I'm done with this potus shit. Going back to the endless stress free vacation that was my life before subjecting myself to nonstop slander." What then Paul? No Trump to bitch about, then what?

It must be a senior citizen thing. As he approaches the big 60 Dementia and Alzheimer's is quickly setting in...
Couple quick comments. First, the same media that is pushing these stories that you comdemn trump for has been proven to have an agenda and has been caught lying over and over again. That doesn't concern you at all? At what point do you start to question thier stories? Another point is, a lot of folks that are condemning trump for everything he does praised obama for everything he did and a lot of things that trump is doing obama has done as well. I dont see anybody insanely supporting trump. Folks are just not buying into the bullshit media spin that has been dubunked over and over again. I mean, some of these stories, or opinions, are freaking insane yet people are just eating it up.

How many times are they gonna use this supposed "source says" tactic considering every single time it turns out to be wrong? I wonder if it's the same source every time, lol.

And you still believe the media that has been proven to lie to you over and over again.

The irony is that nobody seems to be interested in exposing no (steroid) source-shills anymore, as they look honest in comparison to mainstream media.
The trump administration is apparently preparing to roll back the Obamacare requirement that all insurance plans cover contraception. That is unacceptable. If trump goes forward with this, it would be up to a women’s employers if they are able to get the contraception they need. We cannot go back to the days when women did not have full access to birth control. That is a decision for women and their doctors to make, not their employers. We need to expand women’s rights and ensure full reproductive justice, not move backwards as a society.

Leaked regulation: Trump plans to roll back Obamacare birth control mandate
It still would be a decision for women in that they can decide to pay for it themselves. Women don't get to whine and complain about the government being involved in women's bodies and in same breath mandate that government subsidize and be involved in women's bodies. Can you see the hypocrisy there? When they want something for free then they are all for government involvement with their body. Can't have it both ways but they try in every aspect of life. Women are the most coddled creature on earth devoid of almost all personal responsibility. Let's not act like women are so in need of saving from the "possible" change in mandatory birth control coverage.
Wow just wow...Trump's ignorance is showing loud and clear and time for America to find a way to get rid of this buffoon as he's really making America Shitty Again.
If you wouldn't mind, could you elaborate a little on what exactly he has done that is so dire that he must be immediately removed or "find a way to get rid of this buffon"
At a time of massive wealth and income inequality, just two of President trump’s tax breaks would give $2.5 trillion to corporations and the wealthy, while taking away $2.5 trillion in programs that benefit the elderly, the sick, working families with children, and the most vulnerable. This is the Robin Hood principle in reverse – taking from the poor and working people and giving to the very rich.

The economic theory embraced by the trump budget, trickle-down economics, is and it has always been an abysmal failure and a fraud. This is a budget written by the billionaire class and is designed to benefit the billionaire class. Nothing more.

President trump’s budget must be rejected and replaced with a budget that meets the needs of working families, the elderly, the children, the sick and the poor - not just the 1 percent.

Trump Plan: $2.5 Trillion in Program Cuts for Low- and Moderate-Income People; $2.5 Trillion on Two Tax Cuts for Corporations and Wealthy Heirs
It still would be a decision for women in that they can decide to pay for it themselves. Women don't get to whine and complain about the government being involved in women's bodies and in same breath mandate that government subsidize and be involved in women's bodies. Can you see the hypocrisy there? When they want something for free then they are all for government involvement with their body. Can't have it both ways but they try in every aspect of life. Women are the most coddled creature on earth devoid of almost all personal responsibility. Let's not act like women are so in need of saving from the "possible" change in mandatory birth control coverage.

Maybe this will help clarify why birth control should be free...
"One of the tenets of the ACA is that if there’s strong scientific evidence that a preventive service has health benefits, then people shouldn’t have to pay for it."

It's ignorance like this that drives the price of medical care skyward. Might as well legislate against gravity near tall buildings.
Another one of my favorite parts of the article he posted is this one which sums up my previous post almost perfectly. "Women with unintended pregnancies are more likely to receive delayed or no prenatal care and to smoke, consume alcohol, be depressed, and experience domestic violence during pregnancy. Unintended pregnancy also increases the risk of babies being born preterm or at a low birth weight, both of which raise their chances of health and developmental problems".
So, women who are irresponsible and become pregnant by their own choices make even more irresponsible choices and because of that women must be absolved of all personal responsibility. Not one time in the entire article did I see anything pointing to women having to take any personal responsibility for their choices, not one. "My body, my choice!" Exactly ladies, my money and my choice not to subsidize your poor choices.