Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Your mothers
No I checked and she hasn't had visitors. I t costs me bank for a secure environment but it's mom right. You do have a point though punk, she does have more balls than your belligerent punk ass.
Don't drop the soap ...
He is refering to poor white trash republicans. You know the Frankenstein that took over the gop and gave us trump. From russia with love moron.
I bet the incidents in London just might prompt the US Supreme Court to lift the stay on Trump's travel ban and that just might be what is needed to stop the unfettered flow of radical Muslims into this country. If implemented fairly it should work.

Britain should also follow suit.
The only thing that makes sense out of any of Trump's ideas is the travel ban, and it should be implemented...and add Saudi Arabia to that list. Oh wait, Trump has business interests in SA...
Please take your meds. You seem to be foaming at the mouth again...
Get your own material. That's mine.

Things will get progressively more shitty for you. Dude next week Comey will make a case for trump obstructing justice. I'm hoping he attempts to invoke executive privilege. He is naive and his advisors are clueless.

I'm going to be giving that movie 2 thumbs up. Republican fucktards will be crying in the onion patch.
What has trump done for any of you? I'd just like to know. The only thing the dick smokers here do when confronted with facts about the morons actions is throw irrational temper tantrums.
What has trump done for any of you? I'd just like to know. The only thing the dick smokers here do when confronted with facts about the morons actions is throw irrational temper tantrums.
I'm moreso hoping he undoes the damage liberals do to me and the country. I'm not looking for someone to do something "for" me. Just get out of my life/way and allow me to do for myself.
I'm moreso hoping he undoes the damage liberals do to me and the country. I'm not looking for someone to do something "for" me. Just get out of my life/way and allow me to do for myself.
Could you be more specific? You say you have been injured?
Through all of this just imagine what it would be like when the dust settles on this tragedy and you were on the right side of history. Get back to me on that and I will tell you.
Could you be more specific? You say you have been injured?
For example, Forcing me to buy a piece of shit product (obamacare) that is just a bad deal for the consumer. Not the governments place to force me to buy a anything let alone a product they "know" sucks.