Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Ruth Ben-Ghiat, a professor of history at New York University who writes extensively on authoritarianism and Italian fascism, told me that a discernible trait of authoritarian and autocratic rulers is ongoing “frustration” with the “inability to make others do their bidding” and with “institutional and bureaucratic procedures and checks and balances.”

“Trump doesn’t respect democratic procedure and finds it to be something that gets in his way,” Ben-Ghiat said. “The blaming of others is very typical of autocrats, because they have difficulty listening to a reality that doesn’t coincide with their version of it. It’s part of the authoritarian temperament to blame others when things aren’t working.”

Trump expects independent officials “to behave according to personal loyalty, as opposed to following the rules,” added Timothy Snyder, a history professor at Yale University who wrote “ (On Tyranny),” a book of lessons from the 20th Century. “For Trump, that is how the world is supposed to work. Trump doesn’t understand that in the world there might truly be laws and rules that constrain a leader.”

Snyder noted that authoritarian tendencies often go hand in hand with impatience at such constraints. “You have to have morality and a set of institutions that escape the normal balance of administrative practice,” Snyder said. “You have to be able to lie all the time. You have to have people around you who tell you how wonderful you are all the time. You have to have institutions which don’t follow the law and instead follow some kind of law of loyalty.”

It seems obvious that early worries about an unbound authoritarian Trump — fears that our institutions would not hold up or that Trump would bulldoze them — now look overblown. But nonetheless, echoes of these traits do appear present.

Beware of loyalty symbols — be it a sticker or armband, or even a hat, I imagine — however innocuous they seem, because they are often used to exclude. (“When everyone else follows the same logic, the public sphere is covered with signs of loyalty, and resistance becomes unthinkable.”) (Review | 20 ways to recognize tyranny — and fight it)

Yesterday, Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin said something of potentially very high significance that received no attention whatsoever. At a House subcommittee hearing, Mnuchin very casually walked away from Donald Trump’s long-standing promise never to touch Social Security benefits.

The exchange occurred more than an hour into the sleepy hearing. Utah Republican Chris Stewart made a plea for cutting mandatory spending, including Social Security. Mnuchin replied, “The president has made clear that on Social Security, that’s not something he’s addressing now, but if Congress wants to review that, obviously that’s within your prerogative.” Mnuchin was not pledging to cut Social Security. Instead, he was deferring the choice to Congress.

To understand the importance of this seemingly noncommittal statement, consider an exchange that took place earlier in the same hearing. Four months before, Mnuchin had pledged that the administration would not give rich people a tax cut. “Any reductions we have in upper-income taxes will be offset by less deductions so that there will be no absolute tax cut for the upper class,” he promised. But in the intervening months, Mnuchin and the administration have slowly wriggled away from that promise. At yesterday’s hearing, Democrat Matt Cartwright tried to hold Mnuchin to it. “If Congress passes a tax plan that does not adhere to the so-called Mnuchin rule,” he asked, “will President Trump veto it?” Mnuchin replied, “No, he will not.”

The administration’s promise not to cut taxes had thus been reduced to meaninglessness.
Beware of loyalty symbols — be it a sticker or armband, or even a hat, I imagine — however innocuous they seem, because they are often used to exclude. (“When everyone else follows the same logic, the public sphere is covered with signs of loyalty, and resistance becomes unthinkable.”) (Review | 20 ways to recognize tyranny — and fight it)
How I look at this brother is that people watch the gop work to pass legislation that will certainly cost tens of thousands of lives.

This guy was mad. My omly reget is that the stupid fuck was a lousy shot.
Man, fake news and over the top political rhetoric has got you twisted.
No, if you can't see that much, I would say you have been the victim of fake news.

Those republican motherfuckers are not going to be able to go out in pubic if they continue be greedy cocksuckers. They want to cut medicaid by 800 billion and give tax cuts to the wealthy at 880 billion.

They will need 24hr protection soon, and their famlies should look into changing their names.:)
Im not biblical, someone takes one of my eyes I'm taking both of theirs.

If those pigs think they are going to fuck millions without consequences, they are mistaken. Those days are over.

President Donald Trump's attempt to bring peace and stability to the Middle East has backfired spectacularly. He has put a major U.S. ally, Qatar, in a serious geopolitical crisis and damaged the efforts of his own cabinet to calm regional tensions.

Trump’s recent trip to the region was intended to bring together likeminded Arab states plus Israel to hold the front line against Iran. However, what started off as an initiative to contain and push back Tehran has ended up dividing longstanding American allies.

President Donald Trump's attempt to bring peace and stability to the Middle East has backfired spectacularly. He has put a major U.S. ally, Qatar, in a serious geopolitical crisis and damaged the efforts of his own cabinet to calm regional tensions.

Trump’s recent trip to the region was intended to bring together likeminded Arab states plus Israel to hold the front line against Iran. However, what started off as an initiative to contain and push back Tehran has ended up dividing longstanding American allies.

Everyone is looking to 2018. Things will be made right.