Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

After decades of seeking to advance scientific understanding, reality suddenly shifts, and you are back in the cold darkness of ignorance. The ignorance starts with President Trump. It starts with untruths and (alternative facts). The untruth that climate change is a “hoaxengineered by the Chinese. The alternative fact that “nobody really knows” the causes of climate change. These untruths and alternative facts are repeated again and again. They serve as talking points for other members of the administration. From the Environment Protection Agency administrator, who has spent his career fighting against climate change science, we learn the alternative fact that satellite data show “ (leveling off of warming)” over the past two decades. The energy secretary tells us the fairy tale that climate change is due to “ (ocean waters, and this environment in which we live).” Ignorance trickles down from the president to members of his administration, eventually filtering into the public’s consciousness.

Getting out of this metaphorical darkness is going to be tough. The administration is powerful. It has access to media megaphones and to bully pulpits. It can (abrogate international climate agreements). It can weaken national legislation designed to protect our air and water. It can challenge climate science and can tell us that more than three decades of scientific understanding and rigorous assessments are all worthless. It can question the integrity and motives of climate scientists. It can halt satellite missions and impair our ability to monitor Earth’s climate from space. It can (shut down websites) hosting real facts on the science of climate change. It can deny, delay, defund, distort, dismantle. It can fiddle while the planet burns.


Trump has referred to a (dark cloud) hanging over his administration. The primary cloud I see is the self-created cloud of willful ignorance on the science of climate change. That cloud is a clear and present threat to the lives, livelihoods and health of every person on the planet, now and in the future. This cloud could be easily lifted by the president himself.

“The fundamental question of our time is whether the West has the will to survive,” he said, employing the same life-or-death language as in his inauguration speech, which promised a war against the “American carnage” of urban crime. “Do we have the confidence in our values to defend them at any cost? Do we have enough respect for our citizens to protect our borders? Do we have the desire and the courage to preserve our civilization in the face of those who would subvert and destroy it?”
Either way soul is going to be destroyed. I think that is better than the west coast of the USA.

I don't think we can depend entirely on middle defense systems.

I think that the main risk is not the west coast of the country but the fact that he can reach the US satellite systems with them.

The problem is that a significant attack properly carried out in the skies over the United States could take down the nation’s electronic infrastructure.
Computers, networks, communications, systems that provide fuel, electricity, food, banking, medical systems, shipping systems, travel, airlines, everything

That's why the height this missile reached is so concerning ...
I think that the main risk is not the west coast of the country but the fact that he can reach the US satellite systems with them.

The problem is that a significant attack properly carried out in the skies over the United States could take down the nation’s electronic infrastructure.
Computers, networks, communications, systems that provide fuel, electricity, food, banking, medical systems, shipping systems, travel, airlines, everything

That's why the height this missile reached is so concerning ...
Well said good sir! that's why I stock up on guns and ammo:) when shit hits the fan I'll be ready!! Will you?

MOSCOW — With the long-awaited first meeting between President Vladimir V. Putin and President Trump finally in sight, the Kremlin is hoping at a minimum to inject some clarity into a relationship so far marred by contradictions, anxiety, scattered recriminations and, on occasion, astonishing bonhomie.

“As for the policy of the U.S. administration, we have to understand first what it will involve,” Sergei A. Ryabkov, the deputy foreign minister, told a conference of foreign policy experts from both countries in Moscow last week. “This is what we are actually trying to do, in an utmost active manner, right now.”

Whatever the outcome of the encounter on Friday — which although on the sidelines of the Group of 20 summit meeting of world leaders in Hamburg, Germany, is expected to overshadow it — the Kremlin is betting that Mr. Putin can stage-manage the event so that he comes out looking like the stronger party.

If nothing much emerges from the meeting, analysts said, the Kremlin can repeat the standard Russian line that Mr. Trump is weak, hamstrung by domestic politics.

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Trump Aides’ Biggest Worry About Europe Trip: Meeting With Putin JULY 5, 2017

But if Mr. Trump agrees to work with Mr. Putin despite a list of Russian transgressions beginning with the annexation of Crimea and ending with its interference in the 2016 presidential election, he will also look weak while Mr. Putin can claim that he reconstructed the relationship.

“It is a win-win situation for Putin,” said Andrei V. Kolesnikov, a political analyst at the Carnegie Moscow Center.