Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

It has been evident for some time now that the President of the United States is, like many older white American men, addicted to Fox News.

Like a bird trapped in a behavioral psychology experiment, unable to stop responding to the stimuli of flashing lights and noises that promise food, Donald Trump appears at times to be almost a victim of the conservative channel’s capacity to induce rage in its most loyal viewers.

A series of updates to the president’s personal Twitter feed on Monday illustrated just how severe the problem has become, with Trump now relying so heavily on the network’s morning program, “Fox and Friends,” for political arguments, that he appears almost unable to think for himself.
[M]ake [A]ttorneys [G]reat [A]gain

Donald Trump Jr. is in a legal danger zone following his acknowledgment that he met during the heat of the 2016 presidential campaign with a Russian lawyer with Kremlin ties who offered to deliver damaging information about Hillary Clinton.

Democratic and Republican lawyers and political operatives alike say explanations about the June 2016 meeting from President Donald Trump’s oldest son are way out of step with common campaign practices when dealing with offers for opposition research.

But perhaps far more important, his statements put him potentially in legal cross hairs for violating federal criminal statutes prohibiting solicitation or acceptance of anything of value from a foreign national, as well as a conspiracy to defraud the United States.

We don’t cover every Trump-Russia story here at FiveThirtyEight. Some of them can be repetitive, such as the many iterations of the now-familiar narrative around the controversial work that President Trump’s onetime campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, did in Ukraine. Others are heavily reliant on unnamed sources or make vague claims, which means they’re complicated to understand and hard to verify.

But The New York Times’s weekend story, which details Donald Trump Jr.’s meeting last June with a Russian lawyer from whom he hoped to receive negative information about Hillary Clinton, is significant. It has the potential to stick to the president for three reasons:

First, this meeting involved President Trump’s inner circle.

Secondly, Trump Jr.’s reason for being at the meeting is at the core of the Russia controversy: He was hoping to undermine Clinton.

Third, the story is well-sourced and includes support from on-the-record sources.

We don’t cover every Trump-Russia story here at FiveThirtyEight. Some of them can be repetitive, such as the many iterations of the now-familiar narrative around the controversial work that President Trump’s onetime campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, did in Ukraine. Others are heavily reliant on unnamed sources or make vague claims, which means they’re complicated to understand and hard to verify.

But The New York Times’s weekend story, which details Donald Trump Jr.’s meeting last June with a Russian lawyer from whom he hoped to receive negative information about Hillary Clinton, is significant. It has the potential to stick to the president for three reasons:

First, this meeting involved President Trump’s inner circle.

Secondly, Trump Jr.’s reason for being at the meeting is at the core of the Russia controversy: He was hoping to undermine Clinton.

Third, the story is well-sourced and includes support from on-the-record sources.

Where is Flynn when you need him? Lock him up.
The gop will not publicly admit it. Yes when the Dems lose 3 states by a total of 80,000 votes and say Russia played no part in the election is ludicrous. Putin handed trump the election.

We will not know until that insecure twat is removed from office. He is giving Russia cover at the experience of our system of government.

What part did they play in changing votes? Please explain how Russia changed votes. I can't wait to read this intelligent factual response if there is one.

Question is... who played a larger role? Russia or liberal fake news?
They don't call them SMART MONEY for nothing
(billionaire) Clinton campaign donors don't buy "Russia stole the election" BS
Clinton Donors Not Buying Her Russia Excuse
Only broke (and dumb) libs do believe that shit

If you're so smart, why ain't you a dem campaign-donor?

Freaking liberals. Amirite?

The good news is we are teaming up with Russia to create an impenetrable cyber hacking super squad.
*edit he was totally kidding about that last part.
So this means we teamed up together with Russia to prevent another Naps leak?

Plain fact: 3 different versions in less than 24 hours

1 Trump Jr got hacked Hillary info from Russian attorney
2 Trump Jr got offered to adopt Russian children by a russian attorney
3 Trump Jr hired a russian attorney to defend himself

The most likely scenario
4 Jr was just getting a bj from her, no strings attached (like his dad and grandpa did a zillion times)

These days paparazzi are going to spot him drinking russian vodka and claim collussion
Every time i hit "show ignored content" i see a wall of Scally posts and instantly regret it
Even dems/libs ignore doctor-pct rants
ever wondered why he only posts in a steroids board full of young people who don't give a fuck about their own health, let alone their country politics?

Why he doesn't post in instead?
WTFU ...

White House Correspondents’ Association President Jeff Mason on Monday night alleged that the White House had drafted him to criticize the work of other reporters. “There have definitely been times over the last several months where the White House has come to us — often to me specifically — asking that we or I intervene and criticize a member news organization or reporter,” said Mason at an event held at the White House Historical Association.