Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

they're domestic terrorists just like black lives matter...

Nonsense! @Jeremiahflex will tell you about all the positive, constructive activities BLM has done for the AA community and the US as a whole. :rolleyes:

Go ahead, @Jeremiahflex , list all the amazing things BLM does for AA and the country. And while you're at it, tell us why you personally support a racist, fascist, violent, and murderous hate group such as BLM.

Or you could just deflect and ignore this request like usual.
Trumpracist, Trumpshit, Trumpropaganda, ...

"You can sway a thousand men by appealing to their prejudices quicker than you can convince one man by logic." - Robert A. Heinlein
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Scallywag is begging to be behind a gulag fence.

Don't these complete dumb asses understand that democrats are pushing socialism.
Lenin himself said quote socialism is communism.

Every time there's communism half the fucking country's population is starved or shot in a genocide.

The Trump administration has decided to disband the federal advisory panel for the (National Climate Assessment), a group aimed at helping policymakers and private-sector officials incorporate the government’s climate analysis into long-term planning.

The charter for the 15-person which includes academics as well as local officials and corporate representatives — expires Sunday. On Friday, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s acting administrator, Ben Friedman, informed the committee’s chair that the agency would not renew the panel.

The National Climate Assessment is supposed to be issued every four years but has come out only three times since passage of the 1990 law calling for such analysis. The next one, due for release in 2018, already has become a contentious issue for the Trump administration.

Administration officials are currently reviewing a scientific report that is key to the final document. Known as the Climate Science Special Report, it was produced by scientists from 13 different federal agencies and estimates that human activities were responsible for an increase in global temperatures of 1.1 to 1.3 degrees Fahrenheit from 1951 to 2010.

As the worst week in a cursed presidency wound down, I spotted more and more forecasts that Donald Trump would resign, including from Tony Schwartz, who wrote “The Art of the Deal” for Trump and presumably understands his tortured psyche.

They struck me not as wishful or fantastical.

They struck me as late.

Trump resigned the presidency already — if we regard the job as one of moral stewardship, if we assume that an iota of civic concern must joust with self-regard, if we expect a president’s interest in legislation to rise above vacuous theatrics, if we consider a certain baseline of diplomatic etiquette to be part of the equation.

By those measures, it’s arguable that Trump’s presidency never really began. By those measures, it’s indisputable that his presidency ended in the lobby of Trump Tower on Tuesday afternoon, when he chose — yes, chose — to litigate rather than lead, to attend to his wounded pride instead of his wounded nation and to debate the supposed fine points of white supremacy.

He abdicated his responsibilities so thoroughly and recklessly that it amounted to a letter of resignation. Then he whored for his Virginia winery on the way out the door.
Something stinks about Charlottesville

By Russ Vaughn
August 17, 2017

Evidence is turning up from, of all places, the Southern Poverty Law Center, as well as Breitbart and others, that this character, Jason Kessler, who organized the suspicious and supposed Alt-Right demonstration in Charlottesville, Va. that blew up in everyone's face, is a cunning lefty holdover from the Occupy Wall Street movement and a former Barack Obama supporter. I smell Soros money, sabotage, and Democrat dirty tricks here.

full article


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