Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

I'm just gonna leave it at this. Antifa is a hypocritical, brainwashed group. They are violently opposing the right to express free speech, claiming basically, that anything not their opinion is hate speech. Opposition of free speech is facism! I don't care if it's a nazi, Muslim, black hate preacher, Zionist Jew, fuckin whateva the fuck you wanna be, be it. Do your thing. But don't for a second doubt the reason you are allowed to speak freely is because of this country. Germany, Merkel the anti German, pro white genocide snake meets with google heads frequently to discuss censorship of anti Muslim content exposing the atrocities of these male military aged asylum speakers.

It just doesn't make sense.

End rant sorry
If Hillary got elected we'd be at war with Russia, pumping jihadist non-violent muslims who want to rape and destroy the west, and be told that we can't blame
It on the fact their Muslim. Surprise, it's Islam and Islam and globalism is the problem. Abrahamic religions were made with a future plan in mind, I.e. This bull shit. This is just a statement that I have no actual evidence to back other, but I do have a working frontal lobe that recognizes trends and patterns of events and directions of these trends.

Everyone should read Ishmael by David Quinn. Gives a nice story told perspective of religions of Abraham

Dick Gregory, the pioneering black satirist who transformed cool humor into a barbed force for civil rights in the 1960s, then veered from his craft for a life devoted to protest and fasting in the name of assorted social causes, health regimens and conspiracy theories, died Saturday in Washington. He was 84.

Mr. Gregory’s son, Christian Gregory, who announced his death on social media, said more details would be released in the coming days. Mr. Gregory had been admitted to a hospital on Aug. 12, his son said in an earlier Facebook post. Dick Gregory, 84, Dies; Found Humor in the Civil Rights Struggle
Not saying this isn't true, but IF there's going to be voter fraud why didn't they make it so Hillary won by electoral college and popular. Whatever entity could pull that off I'm sure they know how the EC system works.

Maybe they believed the bogus doctored polls being put out by the media. The vast majority believed Hillary was going to win by a landslide.

]Seems like big coincidence that is the same number of votes Hillary won the popular vote by. Edit: Also in that same article people point out duplicates deceased and moved voters. Alot of variables and errors registered voters can be dead moved under and different name (married or some shit)

Doesn't make a difference how the extra votes became available. If they can be detected, they can be used. For all we know Trump's side took advantage of it.

These are not normal times.

The man in the White House is reckless and unmanageable, a danger to the Constitution, a threat to our democratic institutions.

Last week some of his worst qualities were on display: his moral vacuity and his disregard for the truth, as well as his stubborn resistance to sensible advice. As ever, he lashed out at imaginary enemies and scapegoated others for his own failings. Most important, his reluctance to offer a simple and decisive condemnation of racism and Nazism astounded and appalled observers around the world.

With such a glaring failure of moral leadership at the top, it is desperately important that others stand up and speak out to defend American principles and values. This is no time for neutrality, equivocation or silence. Leaders across America — and especially those in the president’s own party — must summon their reserves of political courage to challenge President Trump publicly, loudly and unambiguously.

Enough is enough.


Men and women of conscience can no longer withhold judgment. Trump’s erratic nature and his impulsive, demagogic style endanger us all.

Republicans and conservatives around the country should be just as concerned as Democrats about Trump’s conflicts of interest, his campaign’s relationship with the Russians and whether he engaged in obstruction of justice. They should call him out when he sows division, when he dog-whistles, when he emboldens bigots. They should stand up for global human rights, for constructive engagement with the rest of the world and for other shared American values that transcend party allegiances.

Rejecting the president of one’s own party could mean alienating friends, crossing allies, damaging one’s chances of advancement or risking one’s career altogether for a matter of principle. But that’s the very definition of leadership.

No one can sit on the sidelines now. It’s time for Republicans to show some spine.

One can only view Trump and Bannon as locked in a feud if one believes that either have a sincere desire for the U.S. to be a free, stable, and prosperous place for all citizens. Instead both men are guided by a violent philosophy that combines white supremacy, capitalist greed, and an anti-American agenda guised as populism. They share billionaire backers who are happy to assist them in these goals. Over the course of Trump’s rise to power, they have never been public servants but instead eager agents of America’s destruction. They know their movement will continue whether Bannon is in the White House or not.

These are not normal times.

The man in the White House is reckless and unmanageable, a danger to the Constitution, a threat to our democratic institutions.

Last week some of his worst qualities were on display: his moral vacuity and his disregard for the truth, as well as his stubborn resistance to sensible advice. As ever, he lashed out at imaginary enemies and scapegoated others for his own failings. Most important, his reluctance to offer a simple and decisive condemnation of racism and Nazism astounded and appalled observers around the world.

With such a glaring failure of moral leadership at the top, it is desperately important that others stand up and speak out to defend American principles and values. This is no time for neutrality, equivocation or silence. Leaders across America — and especially those in the president’s own party — must summon their reserves of political courage to challenge President Trump publicly, loudly and unambiguously.

Enough is enough.


Men and women of conscience can no longer withhold judgment. Trump’s erratic nature and his impulsive, demagogic style endanger us all.

Republicans and conservatives around the country should be just as concerned as Democrats about Trump’s conflicts of interest, his campaign’s relationship with the Russians and whether he engaged in obstruction of justice. They should call him out when he sows division, when he dog-whistles, when he emboldens bigots. They should stand up for global human rights, for constructive engagement with the rest of the world and for other shared American values that transcend party allegiances.

Rejecting the president of one’s own party could mean alienating friends, crossing allies, damaging one’s chances of advancement or risking one’s career altogether for a matter of principle. But that’s the very definition of leadership.

No one can sit on the sidelines now. It’s time for Republicans to show some spine.

Who signed the NDAA I&II executive orders.
I don't want some beat around the bush winded spiel.

Who is the person who signed these executive documents?
don't be ridiculous, my estimate is 95%+ of voter fraud is by democrats...

Why would you think that? Are democrats smarter than republicans? More technically savvy? Don't kid yourself thinking they are any more or less corrupt than the republicans. Both sides lie and cheat to the extent they can get away with.
Who signed the NDAA I&II executive orders.
I don't want some beat around the bush winded spiel.

Who is the person who signed these executive documents?

As I've been told, you're wasting your time attempting to engage the liberal progressive propaganda-bot in discussion. He's an antifa supporter, so expect a one way "conversation" with total submission or else...

