Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

You do realize, despite the fact that all those innocent people died, which is not good, not good, could have been me.

The real reason hitler rose to power was to oppose the influx of bolshevic Marxist Hebrews from Russia that were flooding the streets of Germany with anti Christian, anti family bull shit.

It's okay.

Most marriages fail and the best sexual experience a male gets in Europe is with a screen and girls are getting raped by muslims.

I'm not a nazi sypmathiZer but godamnit do I know the real facts behind what's going on.

You fucking idiots are going to oppose oppose oppose till no one can speak, accidentally calm a mentally retarded person by the wrong fictional gender (spoiler your gender is what's between your legs) and let muslims, who's body book literally says to terrorize the west and kill and rape and blah blah blah (surprise all terroirst attacks are pretty much committed by muslims)



And if you're wondering why I said what I said it's because my family actually worked directly with hitler in the party. Don't try to box me I you triggered, adrenally triggered wank. There is no causation and correlation other than the fact that my heritage made me think for myself about what's really the motive of governing bodies.

Keep fighting the fight that's exactly what they want you idiots to do.

Cause civil unrest so they can declare martial law and use those ndaa acts that hitler, I mean that African Muslim douche bag signed off on.

Let's see how you feel when the phones l, cars, gas, food, water, are all turned off and all your possessions including food and resources cabable of producing agriculture and live stock are seized under that executive order your beloved Muslim in office signed off on.

HAVE YOU IDIOTS EVEN ACTUALLY GONE TK WHITHOUSE.goc/executiveorders and read an entire document?!

Turn off the news it's a private news source.

Better yet, go listen to Immortal tech Rev Vol II and turn on the 4th branch.

Do it before you blow George soros one more time and swallow his kids youn retarded excuse for life.

Sheep being led straight to slaughter by lions

Well, it's over now – right? He may have three and a half years left in office, but Donald Trump is finished. The Charlottesville tragedy was the final stake through the Grinch-heart of his presidency. If he didn't deserve it so enormously much, it would be sad.

The presidency of Donald Trump has already seen mass dismissals, felony accusations, a key adviser raided by the FBI, a press chief accusing a fellow official of auto-fellatio, a preschool version of a nuclear stare-down with North Korea, and countless other fiascoes and indignities. But a rampage of misjudgment and anti-leadership starting on August 12th, 2017, was a clear nadir.

It began that Saturday morning. After torch-bearing neo-Nazis stormed a postcard-perfect Virginia university town, and the life of a young woman was snuffed out by a vehicular terrorist, Trump – the same man who couldn't shut up during the campaign, tweeting at all hours like a friendless coke addict, notably berating Barack Obama for failing to identify terrorism by name – suddenly lost the power of speech.

When he finally did make a statement, it was only to issue a preposterous parody of presidential evenhandedness, decrying bigotry and violence "on many sides." Those three words instantly set a new standard for Trump-iniquity. The president of the United States had announced he was so insecure, so politically alone, that he couldn't even disavow people making Hitler salutes in broad daylight. For a normal politician, the calculus is simple: Don't hug Nazis. It's on page one of Presidenting for Dummies. But Trump's narcissism is so malignant that it alters basic equations. The president seemed paralyzed by the fact that some of the Charlottesville protesters wore MAGA hats, an indemnifying variable in Trump-math: "They like me, therefore they are me. And me can't be all bad – even if me is a Nazi."


Life in the Trump era is like the president's favorite medium, Twitter: an endless scroll of half-connected little anger Chiclets rapidly spinning us all into madness and conflict, with no end in sight.

This is Trump's legacy. Because of his total inability to concentrate or lead, he will likely never do anything meaningful with the real governmental power he possesses – if he had a tenth of the managerial skills of Hitler, we'd be in impossibly deep shit right now. But as an enabler of behavior, as a stoker of arguments and hardener of resentments, he has no equal. Under Trump, racists become more racist, the woke necessarily become more woke, and areas of compromise among all quickly dwindle and disappear. He has us arguing about things that weren't even questions a few minutes ago, like, are Nazis bad?

Trump has shown, once again, that his power to bring out the worst in people is limitless. And we should know by now that he's never finished, never beaten. Historically, he's most dangerous when he's at his lowest. And he's never been lower than now.