Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

The government has just decared them a domestic terrorist group.

Are you referring to an online petition that has requested the government to declare Antifa a domestic terrorist group? I don't see any "declaration" or law out there by the government.
i actually did look at some youtube videos. most of them along the lines of " antifa gets owned " or " antifa gets surprised when bikers for trump show up "

they seem like little flash mobs of nerdy kids, trying to a little misguided good. always one or 2 transgender kids in the mix.
i just don't see them as much if a threat to the American way.
Theres many videos of antifa hitting innocent peoples over the head with sticks, throwing bricks at people, lighting cars on fire, chasing people down and beating them. They march and violently protest to stop conservatives from publicly speaking, they come bearing weapons wearing masks. They are terrorist nothing less.
The government has just decared them a domestic terrorist group. They run around and attack and assault people...

i just don't see them as much if a threat to the American way.

No, they aren't really much of a threat by themselves. But then, neither were Islamic extremists before the entire US security apparatus went on holiday and let 9 of the bastards into the country and onto US airliners armed with box cutters. That resulted in the biggest government power grab since the New Deal. The empire needs a domestic enemy, and "Islamic extremists" and "white racists" have been a real disappointment in that department.
I don't understand why the left is so pro illegal immigration.
IMO that's the main reason why Trump won.
Libs/dems defending illegal immigration, when it takes jobs and pay raises away from Americans who need them the most,
and most (illegal) hispanics can't even vote lol, at least not legally.
Something your beloved CNN doesn't want you to know

Did Bill Clinton pave the way for North Korea to develop nuclear weapons?

BILL CLINTON paved the way for North Korea’s nuclear war-mongering two decades ago and had the power to stop the growing threat from Kim Jong-un’s hermit kingdom, experts have sensationally claimed.

PUBLISHED: 07:47, Thu, Aug 10, 2017 | UPDATED: 12:23, Thu, Aug 10, 2017

The former US president signed a diplomacy deal with North Korea in October 1994 in the hope he could stem the threat of all-out war and instead bring the isolated nation into the “global community”.

But the pact was quickly betrayed by the warmongering nation who covertly developed nuclear weapons while the US subsidised billions of dollars to prop up the regime, experts claim.

And little over a decade later after the Agreed Framework was signed - promising billions of dollars in aid for a North Korean nuclear freeze - Kim had conducted its first of many nuclear tests.

The explosive claims come as it emerged Kim’s state is poised to launch a missile strike against the US territory of Guam, which could trigger a global conflict.

The conflict has the potential to spark Word War Three with military heavyweights Russia and China forced to pick sides.

But this week experts said a nuclear holocaust could have been avoided by Mr Clinton, who served as US President between 1993 and 2001, who was “duped” by the rogue state more than 20 years ago.

Robert Kaufman, professor of public policy at Pepperdine University, said: “The North Korean deal of 1994 is the prototype for why open societies should not negotiate arms control agreements with rogue regimes.

"The North Koreans duped Jimmy Carter — an emissary of Clinton — and the Clinton administration to subsidise the North Korean nuclear program in exchange for the counterfeit promise that North Korea would limit itself to civilian nuclear power.”

At the time, Mr Clinton said: “This US-North Korean agreement will help to achieve a long-standing and vital American objective: an end to the threat of nuclear proliferation on the Korean peninsula.

“This agreement is good for the United States, good for our allies, and good for the safety of the entire world.

“It’s a crucial step toward drawing North Korea into the global community.”

And in his memoirs, Mr Clinton revealed that the US was seriously considering strikes against North Korea, saying: “I was determined to prevent North Korea from developing a nuclear arsenal, even at the risk of war”.

The pact aimed to control the escalating situation on the Korean peninsula, where the two Korean countries had not negotiated a peace treaty after the Korean War ended in 1953.

However experts say the deal made North Korea more isolated and dangerous as it desperately tried to exert its communist authority.

It comes as a meme saying “Bill Clinton gave North Korea $5 billion and two nuclear reactors in 1994, essentially giving them nukes," did the rounds on social media on Wednesday.

It was an image including Mr Clinton seated next to late North Korean leader Kim Jong Il taken in August 2009 when the US President travelled to Pyongyang to negotiate the release of two American journalists.

Yesterday US President Donald Trump promised “fire and fury” if North Korea does not reign in its sabre-rattling - a threat which was quickly undermined by Kim’s declaration he was considering attacking Guam.

A spokesman for the rogue state said America was “driving the regional situation to an extreme pitch” and warned Kim's army was setting its sights beyond Guam.

They warned it was time for Mr Trump and all US citizens to stop believing “its mainland is an invulnerable Heavenly kingdom”.

Did Bill Clinton pave the way for North Korea to develop nuclear weapons?

Oh and giving American Uranium to the Russians, too. What a rap sheet.
I am in the construction biz, and I'm pretty liberal. I am anti- illegal immigrant and see lots of wealthy conservative contractors that you would expect to be anti- illegal with a crew of immigrant workers, many of which are illegal.
When it makes them money, they dont give a shit.
We dont need a better wall, we need to fine the shit out of business that hire illegals. Every single employee should have an I9 form.
I am in the construction biz, and I'm pretty liberal. I am anti- illegal immigrant and see lots of wealthy conservative contractors that you would expect to be anti- illegal with a crew of immigrant workers, many of which are illegal.
When it makes them money, they dont give a shit.
We dont need a better wall, we need to fine the shit out of business that hire illegals. Every single employee should have an I9 form.

