Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

I am in the construction biz, and I'm pretty liberal. I am anti- illegal immigrant and see lots of wealthy conservative contractors that you would expect to be anti- illegal with a crew of immigrant workers, many of which are illegal.
When it makes them money, they dont give a shit.
We dont need a better wall, we need to fine the shit out of business that hire illegals. Every single employee should have an I9 form.
Not disagreeing with fining employers, but my take is how can the government fine employers when they themselves are guilty of giving benifits to illegal immigrants? Its just hypocritical. I've also worked in the construction industry and have seen illegal immigrants working for a damn good wage. Making more than me. Also seen illegal immigrants owning thier own companies and multiple cars and multiple houses. It fascinates me when i hear folks say illegal immigrants come here and do the jobs nobody else will. It's a lie. They have work visas for that.
Not disagreeing with fining employers, but my take is how can the government fine employers when they themselves are guilty of giving benifits to illegal immigrants? Its just hypocritical. I've also worked in the construction industry and have seen illegal immigrants working for a damn good wage. Making more than me. Also seen illegal immigrants owning thier own companies and multiple cars and multiple houses. It fascinates me when i hear folks say illegal immigrants come here and do the jobs nobody else will. It's a lie. They have work visas for that.
E-Verify will help with weeding out the undocumented immigrants and making it mandatory for ALL employers will surely help. It may be a bit more work to make that system very user friendly but in the end it will shut illegals out from the workforce here so that there would no longer be the incentive for employers to hire anyone without valid proof of residency.

Hurricane Harvey has exposed the weakness of the three shibboleths that have been the guiding political philosophy for two generations of Republicans.

Those three shaky imperatives are that
1) lowering taxes is always a good idea,
2) government programs can always be cut and
3) economic growth must always be given priority over environmental concerns.
those kids and parents (along with refugees from all over) were systematically brought in to flood the system...that cocksucker and pussy obama was flying illegal alien criminals and refugees in on jumbo jets and dropping them off in the middle of the night in counties without even telling the governors of the states...
Something is seriously off about this president (Opinion | Something is seriously off about this president)

President Trump in three very different settings over the past few days reminded us how unsuited he is for the job. Increasingly, his presidency is defined by blatant lies, an empathy deficit and a frightful lack of ability to navigate through dire international crises. Each has been on display.

In the lies department, none quite measured up to his accusation that former President Obama wiretapped Trump Tower. All but cloddish sycophants like Sean Hannity knew this was preposterous. On Friday evening (when else?) the Justice Department acknowledged in a court filing that there are no records “related to wiretaps as described by the March 4, 2017 tweets.” Presumably, some taxpayer money and government personnel were diverted to track this down, which in and of itself is reprehensible.

In this case, Trump’s actions are unforgivable. Trump’s crude effort to throw the country and investigators off the trail in the Russia scandal (like his lie about tapes of conversations with James B. Comey) is indicative of a man for whom facts are fungible and no lie is too ridiculous to deploy to protect himself. He’s bluffed and blustered his way through decades of real-estate dealings where he was virtually never held to account. Now, lies upon lies (more than 1,000 in seven months) have piled up, rendering his utterances automatically suspect, at least for the more than 60 percent of voters who keep telling pollsters he is not honest. His lies now entail adverse political consequences and legal peril, both of which increase by the day.

Then we are reminded that Trump does not think and act like normal humans. He grins and mugs his way through a do-over visit to Texas to visit victims of Harvey. Soon things take a bizarre self-congratulatory tone. “It’s been very nice. It’s been a wonderful thing. As tough as this was, it’s been a wonderful thing,” Trump said. “I think even for the country to watch and for the world to watch. It’s been beautiful.” The word he was looking for, perhaps, is “heart-breaking.”

In the midst of a tragedy — in which the media behaved in exemplary fashion — he finds it necessary to denigrate reporters. (“Think of it, almost 11,000 people by going into winds that the media would not go into,” Trump said. “They will not go into those winds, unless it’s a really good story.”) The language of empathy is foreign to him. His unhinged narcissism deprives him of the ability to convey warmth or genuine emotion. (He is either furious or gleeful, the former when he feels victimized and the latter when he feels vindicated.) He remains the most tone-deaf modern president.

And most worrisome, we see in his reaction to North Korea’s possible hydrogen bomb test his inability to maintain for more than one scripted remark a serious, sober tone that inspires confidence among our allies. The Post reports:

In a pair of tweets issued Sunday morning, Trump wrote: “North Korea has conducted a major Nuclear Test. … North Korea is a rogue nation which has become a great threat and embarrassment to China, which is trying to help but with little success.”

Trump also delivered an admonishment of sorts to South Korea, saying that “appeasement with North Korea will not work” and suggesting that more severe steps must be taken to influence Kim’s regime.

In addition to threatening to pull out of a trade deal with South Korea (now of all times?), Trump seems unable to show solidarity with friends or avoid feeding the cycle of warnings and threats. His over-the-top public rhetoric does not intimidate Kim Jong Un; it appears to provoke him. Making empty, vague threats only diminishes America’s credibility and leads our allies to fret as to whether he’s so unstable and undisciplined that it will lead to a confrontation that does not stop with angry words.

One is left, still, agog at Trump’s dishonesty, narcissism and inability to project the calmness and discipline we expect from a president. Those who thought he’d grow in office or who perpetually think he’s “pivoting” or “becoming presidential” have engaged in dangerous delusion. One wonders how long we can muddle on with a president this unsuitable without provoking a constitutional or international calamity.
Are you referring to an online petition that has requested the government to declare Antifa a domestic terrorist group? I don't see any "declaration" or law out there by the government.

"Federal authorities have been warning state and local officials since early 2016 that leftist extremists known as “antifa” had become increasingly confrontational and dangerous, so much so that the Department of Homeland Security formally classified their activities as “domestic terrorist violence,” according to interviews and confidential law enforcement documents obtained by POLITICO."

Full Article

Ivanka Trump is for working women the way her father is for the working class: In both cases, the Trumps really just want their money.

President Trump’s daughter built her brand around women’s “empowerment,” by which I mean monetizing the anxieties and insecurities of stressed-out moms.

From the beginning, her stated goal was to help professional women dig deep down inside their souls and tap their inner purchasing power. She launched her jewelry line because the “concept of a self-purchasing female was lost among the traditional jewelers,” her website explains without apparent irony.

The company eventually expanded “into a solution-oriented lifestyle brand, dedicated to the mission of inspiring and empowering women to create the lives they want to lead.”

Pseudo-feminism became crucial to selling Ivanka Trump-branded books, handbags and heels. Hey, $135 leopard-print pumps can’t be frivolous if they help the sisterhood.

So what are Trump’s feminist bona fides, other than her throwaway #WomenWhoWork hashtaggery?

She publicly advocates paid family leave, even though she contracted out the designs of her clothing line to a firm that offered zero weeks of (paid maternity leave).

She claims to champion equal pay for equal work. At last year’s Republican convention, for example, she spoke of the need to close the gender pay gap — perhaps in part so her fans would have the cash necessary to shop her convention look (which she immediately urged them to do, via Twitter).

And on Equal Pay Day this year, she posted on Instagram that “it is the responsibility of all Americans to come together in pursuit of equal pay.”

Last week, however, she publicly endorsed a White House decision to trample a modest equal-pay enforcement initiative.


In other words, a Trump is advertising empowerment but delivering its opposite. Like father, like daughter, as they say.