Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Eight hundred thousand people with dreams will be deported by one person with delusions, sources confirmed on Tuesday.

According to reports, U.S. residents who have obtained advanced degrees, served in the military, and saved people from Hurricane Harvey will be kicked out of the country by a man who believes that his microwave is spying on him.

“Under this new decision, if you have worked hard, gone to school, and contributed to the country, you face immediate deportation,” one legal expert said. “On the other hand, if you can prove that you have a glaring personality disorder and a flimsy grasp on reality, you can decide the fate of those other people.”

The delusional man defended his controversial decision late Tuesday afternoon, accompanied by several key voices in his head.

“The people I am deporting are parasites who have exploited our economy,” the man, who has declared bankruptcy six times, said.
I understand you don't like Obama, that's fine. But how can you call him a pussy and support Trump President Trump, who got five draft deferments, again attacks Sen. Blumenthal's military record

Trump is smart along with all the other people that didn't go to Vietnam.

so you have no problem going to fight a war in some foreign land thousands of miles away for some foreign country which that war has absolutely nothing to do with United States? you're willing to put your life on the line for some foreign country? I find that a little weird that you're willing to die for some other foreign country.

I would have no problem going fighting for my own country but fighting other counties war that has absolutely nothing to do with USA? no thanks, I'll pass
Trumpracist, Trumpxenophobia, Trumpropaganda ...

you're confused. you're confusing trumps view on putting American citizens first over illegal immigrants and the rule of law. doca is unconstitutional. the president has no authority to make law. Trump rightly got rid of it letting Congress which has the authority to write law make law on this issue. it has nothing to do with race. it has everything to do with putting American citizens first which they come in all races and the US constitution.

Even Obama said he had no authority to do tthat and thenhe turns around and does it anyway.he should've been impeached for not holding up his oath of office and blatantly disregarding the Constitution. and this isn't the first time he's done unconstitutional things just look at all the court cases that's been ruled against his administration as unconstitutional.

just out of curiosity how old are you? you seem to always post a lot of childish cartoons.
article 1 section 8 clause 4.

8.4 To establish a uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States;