Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

TrumpShit, TrumpScum, TrumPsychopath ...

They weren't just bone spurs. They were the best bone spurs. They were huge, gigantic bone spurs. But also classy ones. Believe me. Trust me. I've got proof. (Analysis | McCain hits Trump where it hurts, attacking ‘bone spur’ deferments in Vietnam)

After a week in which President Trump endured not-so-veiled criticisms from (his two predecessors as president) and Sen. (John McCain) (R-Ariz.), McCain delivered another broadside that seems clearly aimed at Trump — in the most personal terms yet.

McCain, whose (status as a war hero Trump publicly and controversially doubted as a 2016 presidential candidate), appeared to retaliate in kind against the president in a C-SPAN interview about the Vietnam War airing Sunday night. In the interview, McCain pointed to wealthy Americans who were able to get out of being drafted into service in the conflict in which he spent years as a prisoner of war. And he pointed to a very specific type of deferment which Trump just happened to use.

“One aspect of the conflict, by the way, that I will never ever countenance is that we drafted the lowest-income level of America, and the highest-income level found a doctor that would say that they had a bone spur,” McCain said. “That is wrong. That is wrong. If we are going to ask every American to serve, every American should serve.”
TrumpShit, TrumpScum, TrumPsychopath ...

They weren't just bone spurs. They were the best bone spurs. They were huge, gigantic bone spurs. But also classy ones. Believe me. Trust me. I've got proof. (Analysis | McCain hits Trump where it hurts, attacking ‘bone spur’ deferments in Vietnam)

After a week in which President Trump endured not-so-veiled criticisms from (his two predecessors as president) and Sen. (John McCain) (R-Ariz.), McCain delivered another broadside that seems clearly aimed at Trump — in the most personal terms yet.

McCain, whose (status as a war hero Trump publicly and controversially doubted as a 2016 presidential candidate), appeared to retaliate in kind against the president in a C-SPAN interview about the Vietnam War airing Sunday night. In the interview, McCain pointed to wealthy Americans who were able to get out of being drafted into service in the conflict in which he spent years as a prisoner of war. And he pointed to a very specific type of deferment which Trump just happened to use.

“One aspect of the conflict, by the way, that I will never ever countenance is that we drafted the lowest-income level of America, and the highest-income level found a doctor that would say that they had a bone spur,” McCain said. “That is wrong. That is wrong. If we are going to ask every American to serve, every American should serve.”


We can try to resist being drawn into this swamp of petty invective, knowing that we are being pulled away from the consequential questions. Yet doing so would mean overlooking the central fact of our political situation: that Trump is systematically sapping our democratic capacities through his routine behavior. As (Bush put it), “We have seen our discourse degraded by casual cruelty. . . . Argument turns too easily into animosity. Disagreement escalates into dehumanization.”

This is why all except the most blind Trump partisans had to be heartsick over the performance of White House Chief of Staff John F. Kelly on Thursday. The retired Marine Corps general, who devoted his life to service and suffered stoically when he lost a son in combat, stepped out as a hatchet man against Rep. Frederica S. Wilson.

It was Wilson, a Florida Democrat, who revealed that the president told the widow of Sgt. La David T. Johnson that the slain soldier “ (knew what he signed up for).” Kelly could not back up Trump’s claim that Wilson had “totally fabricated” the president’s conversation. In fact, Kelly seemed indirectly to confirm her account. So he resorted to a (vicious rebuke) of the African American congresswoman.

Kelly didn’t even have the decency to use Wilson’s name, and he compared her to noisy “empty barrels.” It was hard to hear him and not think of Bush’s warnings about “dehumanization.” Kelly went on to (give a false account of) gracious, bipartisan comments Wilson made at the dedication of a Florida FBI building.

Thus is our world turned upside down: A genuine patriot is reduced to the role of propagandist for a boss whose idea of sacrifice, as Trump once explained on ABC News, is running a business from which he profited.
TrumpScum, TrumpShit, TrumpCrap, ...

Wake The Fuck Up ...

As early as this week, President Trump is set to declare the opioid crisis a “national emergency.” Trump telegraphed this when he that he would soon have a “major announcement” on the “massive opioid problem,” and people inside the White House are now leaking word that this announcement will herald an all-hands-on-deck push to combat the epidemic.

But members of Trump’s own handpicked commission to combat the epidemic aren’t nearly as confident, I’m told. They are increasingly worried that the Trump administration will not actually follow through with a robust response, even if he does go before the cameras and declare the crisis a national emergency, and they are increasingly annoyed by the efforts of people inside the administration who are resistant to such a response, one member of the commission says.

In a surprisingly blunt interview with me, Patrick Kennedy, the former congressman from Rhode Island who is a member of the President’s Commission on Combating Drug Addiction and the Opioid Crisis, candidly described the mood on the commission as one racked by pessimism about the president’s willingness and ability to follow through with a response that matches the scale of the human disaster that has unfolded.

The commission is set to release a final report of recommendations for combating the crisis on Nov. 1, and “the worry is that it won’t be adopted,” Kennedy tells me.

This apparently includes the head of Trump’s commission: New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R), whom Trump picked for the role. Kennedy told me that Christie has confided to him that he thinks failure on the opioid crisis could deal a debilitating blow to Trump’s presidency.

“It is finally sinking through,” President Trump tweeted yesterday. No, it was not actually a confession that his influence on the nation has finally hit bottom, and in fact broken through that on its way to somewhere in a handbasket.

No, it was a celebratory tweet about a poll that seemed to indicate that his efforts to destroy what’s left of independent press in the United States is actually causing major damage. His tweet went on to say, “46% OF PEOPLE BELIEVE MAJOR NATIONAL NEWS ORGS FABRICATE STORIES ABOUT ME. FAKE NEWS, even worse! Lost cred.”

Read that and weep.

That poll result, and we can only hope it is not accurate, is perhaps the saddest moment in this tragic administration’s brief and terrible history. An independent source of credible information may be the single indispensable foundation stone of a democracy. Trump has acted from the beginning to destroy it. I’m not even going to engage the substance of the poll, other than to say that it is not only the Big Lie but also the most Dangerous Lie.

I can tell you, for what it’s worth, that in the decades I’ve been working in the so-called mainstream media, that fabricating facts is the worst of the cardinal sins in the endeavor. There are faults aplenty in news organizations, but this is not one of them. It is so completely the opposite of Trump’s claims that it is impossible to dignify.

It is a dangerous charge beyond description, and Trump will stand damned before history for making it. It is undisguised cheerleading for the destruction of independent media in the United States. He has set in motion a rot, that if not reversed, will end our democracy and replace independent information with nothing but propaganda. We are functionally already part of the way there. What is even the point of a news organization running public fact-checking if the entire organization’s work is regarded as a lie? There is no solid ground remaining to operate from.

If the public loses confidence in actual sources of true information, what then? Then we are left with nothing but assertions, and he who has the biggest microphone or Twitter account wins the war of assertions. Without fact-based understanding, and the administration’s assault on this is comprehensive, there is no basis for public debate, and hence no basis for public decision-making. This is a tragedy beyond the words that are losing their meaning. And it is coming directly from the office of what was once known as the leader of the free world.

Could this be happening here? It is happening, daily, and right before our very eyes.