Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Just a tip for everybody. Put Scally on ignore and this thread is much more readable. Doesn't even lag anymore for me.

I respect anyone's opinion but he doesn't even give his. It's nothing but copy and pasted articles and memes. Even when he's called out he doesn't give a personal response.

Again, no disrespect. Dual degrees from MIT and Harvard are not easily attained. But this thread was created for political discussion, not spamming with propoganda day after day. I'm surprised he hasn't been stopped for wasting server space.

he hasn’t been stopped because the owner of the board agrees with everything he posts.

he has no degrees. The MD after his name stands for mental disorder. do you really think a doctor (in what ever field it may be) would have all the time he has posting cartoons 24/7? he’s not fooling me.

like you said he also has no opinion and can’t type for himself. he’s probably a high school kid who’s severely mentally handicapped that he’s on government disability. it’s actually kind of sad and I feel bad for the kid. but this is his life and this is the only thing he can do due to his mental disorder that makes him feel like he’s important.

Wilbur Ross, the commerce secretary in the Trump administration, shares business interests with Vladimir Putin’s immediate family, and he failed to clearly disclose those interests when he was being confirmed for his cabinet position.

Ross — a billionaire industrialist — retains an interest in a shipping company, Navigator Holdings, that was partially owned by his former investment company. One of Navigator’s most important business relationships is with a Russian energy firm controlled, in turn, by Putin’s son-in-law and other members of the Russian president’s inner circle.

Some of the details of Ross’s continuing financial holdings — much of which were not disclosed during his confirmation process — are revealed in a trove of more than 7 million internal documents of Appleby, a Bermuda-based law firm, that was leaked to the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung. The documents consist of emails, presentations and other electronic data. These were then shared with the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists— a global network that won the Pulitzer Prize this year for its work on the Panama Papers — and its international media partners. NBC News was given access to some of the leaked documents, which the ICIJ calls the “Paradise Papers.”


Wilbur Ross, the commerce secretary in the Trump administration, shares business interests with Vladimir Putin’s immediate family, and he failed to clearly disclose those interests when he was being confirmed for his cabinet position.

Ross — a billionaire industrialist — retains an interest in a shipping company, Navigator Holdings, that was partially owned by his former investment company. One of Navigator’s most important business relationships is with a Russian energy firm controlled, in turn, by Putin’s son-in-law and other members of the Russian president’s inner circle.

Some of the details of Ross’s continuing financial holdings — much of which were not disclosed during his confirmation process — are revealed in a trove of more than 7 million internal documents of Appleby, a Bermuda-based law firm, that was leaked to the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung. The documents consist of emails, presentations and other electronic data. These were then shared with the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists— a global network that won the Pulitzer Prize this year for its work on the Panama Papers — and its international media partners. NBC News was given access to some of the leaked documents, which the ICIJ calls the “Paradise Papers.”


On the election trail in 2016, Donald Trump promised tax reforms to tempt major US companies back onshore and “bring back trillions of dollars from American businesses that is now parked overseas”.

As the first anniversary of his election victory looms this week, Trump and fellow Republicans are trying to drive those tax reforms through Congress.

On 1 November, Trump reiterated his commitment.

“Finally, our plan will bring back trillions of dollars from offshore … that will come pouring back into our country that will be put to work and will be spent by our companies that could never get the money back for many years. Bring the money back. We’re rebuilding America.”

But Trump is surrounded by wealthy individuals who have legally either sheltered their own investments or presided over policies to keep company profits or clients’ funds out of reach in tax havens.

Wilbur Ross, the commerce secretary in the Trump administration, shares business interests with Vladimir Putin’s immediate family, and he failed to clearly disclose those interests when he was being confirmed for his cabinet position.

Ross — a billionaire industrialist — retains an interest in a shipping company, Navigator Holdings, that was partially owned by his former investment company. One of Navigator’s most important business relationships is with a Russian energy firm controlled, in turn, by Putin’s son-in-law and other members of the Russian president’s inner circle.

Some of the details of Ross’s continuing financial holdings — much of which were not disclosed during his confirmation process — are revealed in a trove of more than 7 million internal documents of Appleby, a Bermuda-based law firm, that was leaked to the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung. The documents consist of emails, presentations and other electronic data. These were then shared with the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists— a global network that won the Pulitzer Prize this year for its work on the Panama Papers — and its international media partners. NBC News was given access to some of the leaked documents, which the ICIJ calls the “Paradise Papers.”


[This is a new WH framing of North Korea challenge that indicates they see war as only option. Or North Korean unilateral disarmament.]

“North Korea's goal is not to simply acquire horrific weapons to maintain the status quo,” said a senior White House official, who briefed reporters in Tokyo on the condition of anonymity. “They are seeking these weapons to change the status quo. Their primary goal is to reunify the Korean Peninsula and these weapons are part of the plan.”

U.S. President Donald Trump vowed to fight the power of global elites and told voters he would put "America First." But surrounding Trump are a number of close associates who have used offshore tax havens to conduct business. Scroll through their offshore stories.
A more hawkish Trump approach to China is coming soon (Opinion | A more hawkish Trump approach to China is coming soon)

Art of the Deal: [Trump Fucked]

"The whole purpose of the Trans-Pacific Partnership was to contain the hegemony of the Chinese market by marginalizing their unfair labor and trade practices."

"[G]iven the key strategic importance of Iran to China's 'One Belt One Road', Trump screwing up JCPOA is another epic blunder."

"Trump may be on the verge of going to war with North Korea. Is this really a good time to "get tough" with the Chinese?"

"Trump declared he would label China a currency manipulator on day one. We are way past day one so any talk of him getting tough is fantasy."

BANGKOK — In May 2016, Donald Trump promised a lot of winning. “We're going to win so much,” he said, “you’re going to be so sick and tired of winning." And "you’ll say, ‘Please, Mr. President, we beg you sir, we don’t want to win anymore. It’s too much.' "

He turned out to be right. We just didn’t know at the time that the "Mr. President" he was talking about was President Xi Jinping of China.

As Trump makes his diplomatic tour of Asia, the West faces a simple and unfortunate reality. There are four powers in the world that are strong enough to meaningfully shape global affairs: the United States, the United Kingdom/European Union, Russia and China.

Europe and Britain are turning inward, battling the self-inflicted wound of Brexit and trying to minimize the damage from illiberal populism in Hungary and Poland. The U.S. under Trump has taken a transactional, short-term view of diplomacy that willfully cedes U.S. influence and leverage — except on a narrow band of issues near and dear to Trump.

These simultaneous trends mean that the West is smashing its geopolitical might on the anvil of its own foolishness. The authoritarian regimes in China and Russia are gleefully picking up the pieces.