Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Ours is a moment in which a reality TV host and beauty pageant manager has managed to bluff his way (with the aid of every media institution) into the American presidency. Donald Trump’s reputation as master of the “Art of the Deal,” despite having declared bankruptcy four times, is proof enough of what Debord considered the defining characteristic of modern capitalist society; the slide from having to appearing.

Ours is a moment in which a new Cold War is brewing between the same old powers, albeit stripped of any trappings of ideological distinction. It is a moment in which carefully curated social media personas exist to promote products in the snapshots of their public but otherwise banal daily life; in which the commodification of one’s own identity is both the calling card of the savvy entrepreneur and the savvy consumer. It is a moment in which the language of proletarian class consciousness is not counterposed to racialized conceptions of cultural struggle but rather the latter is presented as the former and the former as the latter.

This is a moment demanding coronation as the ultimate victory of the spectacle.[4]

Were Debord alive today, he might take heart in the universalization of certain Situationist concepts. Young people implicitly understand what he considered the necessity of plagiarism so fully that a steady flow of memes utilize popular images in order to express the discontent, alienation[5] and radical impulses of a generation gripped by the fear of dying both of boredom and of starvation. Or perhaps Debord would instead, like Johnny Rotten of the Sex Pistols, cash in on his former status as a cultural rebel and embrace the system’s total absorption of everything he once hurled at it.

In any case, Debord is dead and we are not. We are thus faced with the simple choice of either confronting and resisting the spectacular power of late capitalism or else being consumed by it. Debord and the Situationists developed a sophisticated analysis of the presently reigning system and worked to find methods of combating its unique features. These deserve serious engagement and incorporation as we endeavor to construct a dynamic new left which sees both the necessity and the joy of resistance.