Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

I was the only one at the table that didn't vote for trump. I just talked about how much I enjoyed the meal and all the effort that went into it. Tomorrow will be a good day at the gym after all that good food.
You couldn't even talk about todays football games as small talk. Without Trumps name coming up! Sad....

Michael Flynn, who served as President Trump’s national security adviser for just (24 days)before being cut loose, may be the key figure to unraveling the entire Russia scandal. If that’s true, the president just got some very, very bad news in the form of a New York Times report:

Lawyers for Michael T. Flynn, President Trump’s former national security adviser, notified the president’s legal team in recent days that they could no longer discuss the special counsel’s investigation, according to four people involved in the case — an indication that Mr. Flynn is cooperating with prosecutors or negotiating a deal.

Mr. Flynn’s lawyers had been sharing information with Mr. Trump’s lawyers about the investigation by the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, who is examining whether anyone around Mr. Trump was involved in Russian efforts to undermine Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.

That agreement has been terminated, the four people said. Defense lawyers frequently share information during investigations, but they must stop when doing so would pose a conflict of interest. It is unethical for lawyers to work together when one client is cooperating with prosecutors and another is still under investigation.​

We should be clear that this news is not definitive proof that Flynn is cooperating with Mueller. It may mean only that he is in the process of negotiating a deal to avoid prosecution, and that deal might or might not involve giving information on other figures in the investigation. But if Flynn is indeed cooperating, Trump is in big trouble.

That’s because if Flynn is cooperating, it can only be because he has information to offer Mueller on someone more important than himself. That’s how it works. And who is more important than Flynn? Only a very small number of people. Among those implicated in (this whole affair), that group may consist of Jared Kushner and Trump, and that’s about it.

Which means we may be getting closer to answering a question I’ve been asking for a long time: Why was President Trump so intensely focused on protecting Michael Flynn?


Here’s what we should watch for now: If the White House suddenly changes how it talks about Flynn, disparaging him instead of saying what an admirable fellow he is, that’ll be a good indication of a change in Trump’s feelings. And it looks as though he has a lot to be nervous about.
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4 days ago the lawyers were "scrambling to keep Trump calm"

As the F.B.I. Closes In, Trump’s Lawyers Are Scrambling to Keep Him Calm

I'd have to imagine that's changed to good old fashion "panic mode " :eek::D

A former federal prosecutor explained why President Donald Trump should be worried about Mike Flynn’s possible cooperation with the special counsel — and why he may not be able to pardon his former national security adviser.

Flynn’s lawyers notified the president’s legal team Wednesday that they would no longer share information about the case, according to a New York Times report, and former prosecutor Renato Mariotti broke down what that means.

“Defense attorneys representing individuals that are under investigation typically agree to share information with each other about what they’ve learned from the government,” Mariotti tweeted.

“The government tries to reveal as little as possible about what it’s doing to the defense,” he added, “so defense attorneys try to glean as much as they can from their brief conversations with prosecutors and from the questions their clients are asked during interviews.”

Mariotti, who’s running for Illinois attorney general, said those “nuggets of information are valuable” and usually provide the basis of news reports on special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation of Trump campaign ties to Russia.

Defense attorneys representing clients in the same investigation usually enter into a joint defense agreement, which can be formal or informal, he explained, and makes their statements to one another privileged.

This week’s news indicate Flynn and his lawyers no longer believe Trump will pardon the disgraced national security adviser or his son Mike Flynn Jr., or that they believe the father-son duo could be convicted of state crimes beyond the reach of a pardon, Mariotti tweeted.

“A deal for Flynn would likely mean that Mueller would accept a guilty plea to a single felony charge and would potentially recommend a reduced sentence depending on the extent of his cooperation,” Mariotti said. “It is unlikely to result in complete immunity.”

The former prosecutor said cooperating witnesses are required to answer all questions on all subjects related to the investigation, so Flynn could lengthen the special counsel probe.

Or, Worse ... Much Worse ... [Fingers Crossed]

There’s a real sense in which it is a crime to obstruct justice even if no underlining crime is ever proven, but it’s certainly a more serious thing to deliberately undermine an investigation if the crime that is the prime focus is discovered and prosecutable. For this reason, it matters a lot whether or not Michael Flynn is charged with criminal offenses because the president of the United States asked the director of the FBI to drop his inquiry into Flynn and then fired the director when he would not.

Were Michael Flynn to be cleared of all wrongdoing, we might not consider Trump’s interference a high crime or misdemeanor even if it is a crime of some sort. On the other hand, if it looks like Trump tried to prevent justice from being obtained for actual crimes, that’s obstruction however you want to define it.

Therefore, the worse things are for Flynn, the worse they will be for Trump. If he can say that he was right all along that Flynn is innocent and shouldn’t be harassed, that will benefit him politically and in the eyes of Congress. But if Flynn is slapped with a long list of indictments, it’s going to make Trump look like a co-conspirator. His best defense at that point will be that he is actually a dope and a fool rather than a witting participant in a series of criminal acts. And that’s not a great look for a president.

But, of course, there’s a third possibility that’s even worse for the president, and that seems to be what we’re about to see unfold.


Michael Flynn has so much criminal exposure it’s almost ridiculous, including things as potentially serious as conspiracy to kidnap, perjury, and obstruction of justice. He has to worry about those charges, plus a long list of problems with disclosure forms involving his lobbying work, background checks, and compliance with military rules and regulations. And he’s reportedly worried that his son will wind up with a lengthy jail term, as well. To significantly reduce all that exposure, he’s going to have to tell a pretty compelling story to Robert Mueller’s prosecutors.

It’s true that plea negotiations could still break down, but they’ve almost certainly begun. The chances are now very high that Flynn will be testifying against the president of the United States and that his testimony will be the basis for a criminal referral of some sort to Congress from the office of the special counsel.

This also has to be of concern to Paul Manafort and Rick Gates, because they’re missing the chance to be the first cooperating witnesses, and are therefore losing the opportunity to reduce the amount of time they’ll be spending in prison.

The floodgates could now open, but even if they don’t it’s beginning to look like a worst-case scenario for Trump. It would be hard enough to try to explain why he fired an FBI director for refusing to drop an investigation of a man now facing a dozen or more indictments. But if that man becomes the star witness against Trump, it will be impossible to defend against the central obstruction of justice charge.

Impeachment is by design a political process with a political definition of what constitutes a removable offense. For that reason, Trump can survive some pretty serious charges, just as Bill Clinton did in the late 1990s. But there are still limits, and a guilty Flynn presents a serious problem. A guilty testifying Flynn could be fatal.
If anyone doubts Flynn was paid for access to this administration by the Turks 609.000$ Should check the news about the phone call the Turkish president had with trump. Turkey had been lobbying for over 20 years for the USA to stop arming Kurdish rebels in Iraq and Syria. All it took for the trump to pull the plug was a phone call before tee time with Tiger, it’s all done. Erdogan must b the politician of the century for what he has accomplished with them phone call only!!! Kurds again left with the empty promises off a home land by Us and violence there will go haywire. But what do I know ....

"The constellation of Russian connections circling around Planet Trump is quite extraordinary," says Guardian reporter Luke Harding. His new book is Collusion.