Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

If Trump is ever placed under oath he will perjure himself for sure. He can't help it.
The issue is they hate Trump so much, they can't even quit watching his Twitter account long enough to do there seances, and pray to the devil that Air Force One will crash. It's so funny how obsessed they are with Trump. I actually enjoy looking at the little pictures, some are actually very funny, childish but funny. Don't forget that's a grown men that post these cartoons, and quite possibly even believes some of them . It's so funny to see them scream and holler because Trump called their hero Pocahontas, and yet they'll put up cartoons of the evil Trump in traditional Indian clothing. It proves they are full of crap, but very entertaining.
I love it. Trump knows how to get under their skin, and he's so good at it. Go ahead and take the popcorn, it's definitely a fun show.

I don't hate him. I wish he was good president. To respect him I think you would have to be oblivious to all the crap that he said since he became president.
A proven liar has zero credibility. i’m not sure anything Flynn says will hold up in a court of law.

I agree, except there will be those who choose to believe him for political reasons. Presidents are impeached by politicians, not judges and juries.

TOUTING SUPPORT FOR their tax cut legislation, House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., the Senate Finance Committee, and (Sen. Rob Portman), R-Ohio, released a letter this week signed by 137 economists who say they strongly endorse the Republican legislation before Congress. President Donald Trump on Friday afternoon tweeted a short video featuring the list of 137 economists.

“Economic growth will accelerate if the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act passes, leading to more jobs, higher wages, and a better standard of living for the American people,” reads the letter, which was organized by the RATE Coalition, a corporate advocacy group that is lobbying in support of the bill.

But a review of the economists listed on the letter reveals a number of discrepancies, including economists that are supposedly still academics but are actually retired, and others who have never been employed as economists. One might not even exist.

WASHINGTON — When President Trump fired his national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn, in February, White House officials portrayed him as a renegade who had acted independently in his discussions with a Russian official during the presidential transition and then lied to his colleagues about the interactions.

But emails among top transition officials, provided or described to The New York Times, suggest that Mr. Flynn was far from a rogue actor. In fact, the emails, coupled with interviews and court documents filed on Friday, showed that Mr. Flynn was in close touch with other senior members of the Trump transition team both before and after he spoke with the Russian ambassador, Sergey I. Kislyak, about American sanctions against Russia.

While Mr. Trump has disparaged as a Democratic “hoax” any claims that he or his aides had unusual interactions with Russian officials, the records suggest that the Trump transition team was intensely focused on improving relations with Moscow and was willing to intervene to pursue that goal despite a request from the Obama administration that it not sow confusion about official American policy before Mr. Trump took office.

On Dec. 29, a transition adviser to Mr. Trump, K. T. McFarland, wrote in an email to a colleague that sanctions announced hours before by the Obama administration in retaliation for Russian election meddling were aimed at discrediting Mr. Trump’s victory. The sanctions could also make it much harder for Mr. Trump to ease tensions with Russia, “which has just thrown the U.S.A. election to him,” she wrote in the emails obtained by The Times.

It is not clear whether Ms. McFarland was saying she believed that the election had in fact been thrown. A White House lawyer said on Friday that she meant only that the Democrats were portraying it that way.

But it is evident from the emails — which were obtained from someone who had access to transition team communications — that after learning that President Barack Obama would expel 35 Russian diplomats, the Trump team quickly strategized about how to reassure Russia. The Trump advisers feared that a cycle of retaliation between the United States and Russia would keep the spotlight on Moscow’s election meddling, tarnishing Mr. Trump’s victory and potentially hobbling his presidency from the start.
This is a bad time in the history of our country... my generation is the only hope for change and our futures are being impeded by laws being written in the present... how can we even fight this
Why is CNN saying it’s breaking news that Kuschner Asked flynn to contact the Russians? what’s the problem? do they not understand that that’s the type of thing that happens during transition of administrations. they make a big deal out of it like there’s something wrong with it to try to trick their viewers. and this all happened post election. it’s hilarious how many people fall for all the fake news bullshit.

Or maybe they’re just too stupid and don’t understand how the government operates during transitions. that’s probably more likely