Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

The most fucked up thing is the government can lie cheat and steal from the people but if the people lie to the government they’ll get arrested for a felony. how fucked up is that? talk about a tyrannical government....
This is a bad time in the history of our country... my generation is the only hope for change and our futures are being impeded by laws being written in the present... how can we even fight this

Learn the truth, tell the truth. It's really all one person can do. Too much of what's happening these days is the result of people believing in and spreading propaganda.
Mueller dismisses top FBI agent in Russia probe over possible anti-Trump texts

Robert Mueller, the special counsel leading the Justice Department’s Russia collusion investigation, removed an FBI agent from the case over possible anti-Trump text messages, Fox News confirmed Saturday.

The agent has been identified as Peter Strzok, one of the agency’s most experienced and trusted counterintelligence investigators, said the New York Times, which first reported the dismissal.

The allegations came to light after the Justice Department’s inspector general started examining Strzok's messages.

“Immediately upon learning of the allegations, the Special Counsel’s Office removed Peter Strzok from the investigation,” Peter Carr, a spokesman for Mueller, confirmed to Fox News.

Strzok also worked on the FBI investigation last year into whether then-Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton mishandled classified information through her use of private email servers while secretary of State.

During this investigation, Strzok was allegedly involved in an extra-marital affair with FBI lawyer Lisa Page, according to The Washington Post.

“Lisa Page completed her brief detail and had returned to the FBI weeks before our office was aware of the allegations,” Carr also said in his statement, though it was not immediately clear to which allegations he was referring.

Mueller was appointed in May to lead the Justice Department's investigation into whether President Trump or any of his associates colluded with Russian during the 2016 White House race.

Mueller took the assignment after Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself from the probe, amid accusations that he didn’t fully disclose a conversation with a Russian ambassador.

Strzok was reportedly reassigned this past summer from the Mueller investigation to the FBI’s human resources department, according to The Times.

A lawyer for Storzok declined to comment

Mueller dismisses top FBI agent in Russia probe over possible anti-Trump texts

mueller’s investigation has zero credibility
Have you figured out what "obstruction of justice " is yet my friend? You were saying something about "proven liar" ? Lol

Here's some fake news...:)

Donald Trump faces obstruction of justice claims after admitting he knew Michael Flynn lied to FBI months ago

Have you figured out the U.S. Constitution yet?

The president has the authority to fire the FBI director at anytime for any reason of his choosing. the President could direct the FBI director to investigate someone or not investigate someone as well.

if you don’t believe me ask Alan Dershowitz.
Have you figured out what "obstruction of justice " is yet my friend? You were saying something about "proven liar" ? Lol

Here's some fake news...:)

Donald Trump faces obstruction of justice claims after admitting he knew Michael Flynn lied to FBI months ago

Obstruction of Justice

"Generally, obstruction charges are laid when it is discovered that a person questioned in an investigation, other than a suspect, has lied to the investigating officers."

Edit, I just read your link. Fake news indeed.
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“ABC News suspends Brian Ross over 'serious error' in Flynn report”

“During a live "special report" Friday morning, Ross reported that Flynn would testify that Donald Trump had ordered him to make contact with Russians about foreign policy while Trump was still a candidate. The report raised the specter of Trump's impeachment and sent the stock market plummeting.”

ABC News suspends Brian Ross over 'serious error' in Flynn report

Michael Flynn’s Guilty Plea Sends Donald Trump’s Lawyers Scrambling

The President insists that the investigations into Russian meddling amount to nothing more than fake news. But the truth is now emerging.

For months, Trump has insisted that the investigations into Russian meddling—investigations being conducted by the special counsel Robert Mueller and by both the Senate and House Intelligence Committees—amount to nothing more than fake news. But, as is so often the case when the President cries “fake news,” the truth soon emerges.

Flynn’s encounter with Kislyak gets at central questions about the 2016 Presidential campaign and election: why were Trump and Russia doing one another’s bidding, and what promises were made between the candidate and that country in the event that he won? Flynn has now committed himself to answering those questions.

He was charged with a single felony count, escaping multiple charges of greater magnitude in exchange for his coöperation with prosecutors. The leniency of the deal indicates that Flynn has information not only about the transition-team members but also about his superiors—and the national-security adviser’s only real superior is the President of the United States.

Comey, whose testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee mapped out the President’s potential obstruction of justice, certainly seems to feel vindicated by Flynn’s guilty plea and by what it might mean for Trump. Shortly after the news broke, Comey, referring to the Biblical Book of Amos, tweeted, “But justice roll down like waters and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.”