Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Donald Trump Predicted in Stephen Baxter’s 1995 Novel ‘Titan’

Titan is a 1997 science fiction novel by British writer Stephen Baxter. The book depicts a manned mission to Titan — the enigmatic moon of Saturn — which has a thick atmosphere and a chemical makeup that some think may contain the building blocks of life.

A man called Maclachlan is elected US president in 2008 and this is how he and his presidency are described:

“Maclachlan was inaugurated in 2008 after his wafer-thin win in the 2008 election. Maclachlan called it a ‘liberation of the capital’.

Armed militia bands came in from Idaho and Arizona and Oklahoma and Montana, to fire off black–powder salutes to the nationalist-populist who promised to repeal all gun laws.

In the crowd there were a couple of Ku Kux Klan costumes, a sight thought to have gone into an unholy past.

There was a rumour that a former Klan leader was being made ready to become a future White House chief of staff.

And in his speech Maclahlan appealed to the people to end what he called the ‘Israeli occupation of Congress’… And so on.

As soon as Maclachlan lifted his hand from the Bible, US peace-keeping troops in the Balkans and Africa started to board their planes to leave. Foreign aid stopped. The UN was being thrown out of New York, and there was a rumour that Maclachlan was planning some military adventure to take back the canal from Panama.

Army engineers – set in place during the handover from the last administration – started to build a wall, two thousand miles of it, along the Mexican border, to exclude illegal immigration. While it was being built, troops brought home from peace-keeping abroad were operating a shoot-to-kill policy.

There was chaos in the financial markets. Maclachlan had withdrawn the US from the North Americal Free Trade treaty, from the World Trade Organisation, from GATT. Reviews of the country’s membership of the World Bank and the IMF had started – arms of an incipent world government, Maclachlan said, designed to let in the Russians.

He had raised tariffs – ten percent against Japan, fifty percent agains the Chinese – and world trade collapsed. The Chinese, particularly, screamed. And so Maclachlan sent the Seventh Fleet to a new station off the coast of Taiwan.

Meanwhile, all the strategic arms treaties with Russia were torn up, as Maclachlan ordered his technicians to dig out the blueprints for Reagan’s old dream of Stragetic Defence Initiative. In fact, Maclachlan wanted to go further. He was inviting ideas for what he called his ‘da Vinci’ brains trust’.

And back home, Maclachlan had cut off any remaining programs which benefited blacks and other minorities, and any funding that appeared to support abortion, which had been made illegal in any form.”

Some years later…

“…the irony was, science was making a certain comeback. The environmental problems were becoming so pressing and complex that Maclachlan had reopened some of the university science labs and departments he’d ordered shut down. It was the plankton crash in the oceans that seemed to be scaring the scientists most.”
@Swiper I saved you a seat homie, looks like the shows slowly starting. Hope you like popcorn :D

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what’s the issue?

Flynn lied to the FBI about something that happened POST-election that had nothing to do with collusion with the Russians about the election. there’s nothing wrong with the incoming administration’s national security advisor talking to an ambassador of another country. National security advisor‘s talk to ambassadors of other nations during every transition of every administration.
The FBI surveyed the ambassador of Russia and Mike Flynn, listened to all their conversations and the only crime he gets arrested for his lying to them. obviously during those conversations nothing was wrong with what he said or did.

so again what’s the issue?

Michael Flynn’s plea on Friday to a single count of lying to the F.B.I. is a seismic event in the special counsel investigation.

For starters, it portends the likelihood of impeachable charges being brought against the president of the United States. Mr. Flynn, a former national security adviser, acknowledged that he was cooperating with the investigation. His testimony could bring into the light a scandal of historic proportions in which the not-yet-installed Trump administration, including Donald Trump personally, sought to subvert American foreign policy before taking office.

The repercussions of the plea will be months in the making, but it’s not an exaggeration to say that the events to which Mr. Flynn has agreed to testify will take their place in the history books alongside the Watergate and Iran-contra scandals.

We’re in new — and highly inflammatory — territory. Here are 10 immediate takeaways from today’s news.
what’s the issue?

Flynn lied to the FBI about something that happened POST-election that had nothing to do with collusion with the Russians about the election. there’s nothing wrong with the incoming administration’s national security advisor talking to an ambassador of another country. National security advisor‘s talk to ambassadors of other nations during every transition of every administration.
The FBI surveyed the ambassador of Russia and Mike Flynn, listened to all their conversations and the only crime he gets arrested for his lying to them. obviously during those conversations nothing was wrong with what he said or did.

so again what’s the issue?

The issue is Flynn is now officially property of the FBI. He will say whatever they want him to say.
what’s the issue?

Flynn lied to the FBI about something that happened POST-election that had nothing to do with collusion with the Russians about the election. there’s nothing wrong with the incoming administration’s national security advisor talking to an ambassador of another country. National security advisor‘s talk to ambassadors of other nations during every transition of every administration.
The FBI surveyed the ambassador of Russia and Mike Flynn, listened to all their conversations and the only crime he gets arrested for his lying to them. obviously during those conversations nothing was wrong with what he said or did.

so again what’s the issue?
The issue is they hate Trump so much, they can't even quit watching his Twitter account long enough to do there seances, and pray to the devil that Air Force One will crash. It's so funny how obsessed they are with Trump. I actually enjoy looking at the little pictures, some are actually very funny, childish but funny. Don't forget that's a grown men that post these cartoons, and quite possibly even believes some of them . It's so funny to see them scream and holler because Trump called their hero Pocahontas, and yet they'll put up cartoons of the evil Trump in traditional Indian clothing. It proves they are full of crap, but very entertaining.
I love it. Trump knows how to get under their skin, and he's so good at it. Go ahead and take the popcorn, it's definitely a fun show.


Prosecutors generally offer favorable plea bargains like this one only when the cooperating defendant can provide evidence that incriminates someone “up the ladder” — someone more senior than the defendant himself. In our experience, that is particularly true when the prosecutor is deciding not to pursue other, readily provable charges, like those that seem to exist here.

Lest there be any doubt about what is happening, the statement of the offense filed along with Mr. Flynn’s plea shows that he is prepared to testify that the communications that he lied about, concerning conversations with the Russian ambassador in December 2016, were discussed with multiple members of the transition team — including one “senior official” and one “very senior member.” It is not yet clear who those individuals are, but transition officials and members included Jared Kushner and Donald Trump Jr. as well as Vice President Mike Pence, Representative Devin Nunes of California; the former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon, and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin.

It is probably Mr. Kushner who is in greatest jeopardy now.

The guilty plea of former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn — the fourth official from President Trump’s campaign implicated in criminal activity — is in several ways even more damaging to the president than special counsel Robert Mueller’s charges earlier this fall against Paul Manafort, who actually ran Trump’s campaign for a time. In short: Flynn’s plea is a sign that Mueller’s investigation has reached a more central place within Trump’s orbit, and that it could creep closer to Trump still. But let’s go through why in more detail.

Michael Flynn’s plea on Friday to a single count of lying to the F.B.I. is a seismic event in the special counsel investigation.

For starters, it portends the likelihood of impeachable charges being brought against the president of the United States. Mr. Flynn, a former national security adviser, acknowledged that he was cooperating with the investigation. His testimony could bring into the light a scandal of historic proportions in which the not-yet-installed Trump administration, including Donald Trump personally, sought to subvert American foreign policy before taking office.

The repercussions of the plea will be months in the making, but it’s not an exaggeration to say that the events to which Mr. Flynn has agreed to testify will take their place in the history books alongside the Watergate and Iran-contra scandals.

We’re in new — and highly inflammatory — territory. Here are 10 immediate takeaways from today’s news.

Republicans impeached Clinton for lying about a blowjob. Trump is a pathological liar. It's going to catch up to him sooner or later and he will be impeached.