Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse


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What's President Trump hearing when he watches Fox News?

He's hearing that special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation is "illegitimate and corrupt." That it's led by a "band of merry Trump-haters" who are trying to reverse the results of the election. And that it must be stopped.

He's also hearing that the FBI is becoming "America's secret police," akin to the KGB in Russia, full of "sickness" and "corruption."

These are all actual quotes from some of the president's favorite pro-Trump talk shows.

The overarching message from "Fox & Friends" and "Hannity" is unmistakable: Mr. President, you're the victim of a "deep state" plot to take you down. Don't let it happen.

Sean Hannity, the highest-rated host on Fox, has renewed his calls for Mueller to resign. And Fox's other pro-Trump shows reinforce this message on a daily basis.

In recent weeks, there's been a big increase in reporting about Mueller's probe and how it could affect Trump's inner circle. At the same time, there's also been a sharp escalation in the anti-Mueller rhetoric coming from right wing media sources.

With four of Trump's associates now charged by Mueller's team, and congressional probes also proceeding in many different directions, other channels are filled with the latest twists and turns about the intensifying investigations.

But viewers who stick to Fox might not know that. The nightly focus is on Mueller's alleged partisanship, not Trump's potential problems.

[I have always found this guy to be one of the most detestable politicians for his stance on abortions. A probable source for his animus is his own cleft lip/palate repair. But, this takes the cake as Franks' “discussion of surrogacy with two previous female subordinates, making each feel uncomfortable” can only have a one meaning since in vitro is opposed by these rabid antiabortionists! Because some of the fertilized eggs are invariably discarded, anti-abortion activists consider it [mass] murder. In their black and white universe, life begins at the moment of fertilization, period. So, what Franks wanted to do was FUCK THEM!]

Rep. Trent Franks, an Arizona Republican who is among the most conservative members of the House, said he would resign his seat after House officials learned that he had asked two female employees to bear his child as a surrogate.

Franks’s announcement came as the House Ethics Committee said it would create a special subcommittee to investigate Franks for conduct “that constitutes sexual harassment and/or retaliation for opposing sexual harassment.”

His resignation, which Franks said is effective Jan. 31, will end the ethics investigation.

Franks said in his statement that the investigation concerns his “discussion of surrogacy with two previous female subordinates, making each feel uncomfortable.”

A lot of good, honorable Republicans used to believe there was a safe middle ground. You didn’t have to tie yourself hip to hip with Donald Trump, but you didn’t have to go all the way to the other extreme and commit political suicide like the dissident Jeff Flake, either. You could sort of float along in the middle, and keep your head down until this whole Trump thing passed.

Now it’s clear that middle ground doesn’t exist. That’s because Donald Trump never stops asking. First, he asked the party to swallow the idea of a narcissistic sexual harasser and a routine liar as its party leader. Then he asked the party to accept his comprehensive ignorance and his politics of racial division. Now he asks the party to give up its reputation for fiscal conservatism. At the same time he asks the party to become the party of Roy Moore, the party of bigotry, alleged sexual harassment and child assault.

There is no end to what Trump will ask of his party. He is defined by shamelessness, and so there is no bottom. And apparently there is no end to what regular Republicans are willing to give him. Trump may soon ask them to accept his firing of Robert Mueller, and yes, after some sighing, they will accept that, too.


The rot afflicting the G.O.P. is comprehensive — moral, intellectual, political and reputational. More and more former Republicans wake up every day and realize: “I’m homeless. I’m politically homeless.”

The Trump White House is apparently where self-awareness goes to die. After Candidate Trump attacked President Barack Obama relentlessly for golfing, President Trump (has golfed more than Obama). After Candidate Trump ran the most bare-knuckle campaign in modern history, his family has (complained about the “viciousness” of politics). After Trump attacked Hillary Clinton with gusto for using a private email server as secretary of state, numerous White House aides have used private email.

We can now add one more to the list.

At Thursday's White House media briefing, press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders bid reporters adieu but then decided she wanted to address one more question: About Trump's health. Toward the end of his speech Wednesday on (recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel), you see, Trump began slurring and mispronouncing his words.

Donald Trump spent much of 2016 questioning his opponent’s stamina to be president of the United States. But it is now Trump’s own fitness that is being scrutinized by friends and foes alike. After Trump spent recent weeks creating a level of chaos unseen around the White House since Richard Nixon’s resignation in 1974, Capitol Hill politicians and media outlets are quietly questioning whether Trump is fit for the highest office in the land. That the commander in chief slurred his way through the end of a speech on Jerusalem Wednesday was just the latest in a string of unsettling incidents.

Many who move through his orbit believe Trump is not well. That is a verdict that was reached long ago by many of the president’s own staff. More than a few politicians and reporters across Washington have shared similar fears.

Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) openly questioned Trump’s competence and suggested that administration officials are doing little more than running “ (an adult day care center).” The chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee also expressed fear that the president’s erratic behavior is putting the United States “on the path to World War III.”

The secretary of state reportedly called the president a “ (moron).”

The national security adviser allegedly said Trump has the mind of a “kindergartner.”

John McCain’s 2008 campaign manager Steve Schmidt said Thursday that “the question of his fitness, of his stability is in the air.”

Unfortunately, Schmidt is right. With the pace of headlines detailing Trump’s erratic behavior quickening, so, too, are questions about his well being.

White House insiders tell Vanity Fair that Trump is “unraveling” mentally.
DipShit Dershowtiz ...

You ought to read Isaac Chotiner’s interview in Slate with Alan Dershowitz, the famous lawyer turned Trump defender. As it becomes ever more unsustainable to maintain the president’s innocence, more Trump supporters will fall back on Dershowitz’s theory that the president cannot be held to account—especially now that Dershowitz’s arguments have been endorsed by President Trump himself.

In the Chotiner interview, Dershowitz makes his case at greater length than cable television allows. It’s worth hearing and weighing his argument in order to appreciate how very wrong it is—and must be: ...

Before the president can be prosecuted for obstruction, he—most lawyers seem to agree—must first be impeached and removed from office. But the fact that an obstruction trial cannot begin so long as the president holds his or her office does not mean that no president can ever obstruct at all. Yet this is the argument Americans are now being invited to believe.

The Trump presidency is leading this country in directions utterly inconsistent with any concept of the rule of law. But it is not only Donald Trump personally and individually who is doing the leading. Around and often ahead of him are many others, in politics and media, who empower him by breaking long established institutions and norms of government. Whether Dershowitz’s anti-constitutional stance is motivated by his support for Trump, lingering rage at Obama, or sheer contrarianism is immaterial. This is a case where motive does not matter. Only the results do. And they become more dangerous by the day.