Many called you out for defending MW in that thread @gr8whitetrukker. Keep lying just means I'll go harder then. I don't care....

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voodoo Test E

Congratulations, you're really on a roll with this whole proving nothing thing.

I like this one better:

So the guy lied about the contest being recent. Big deal... he still won the thing, even if it was a year ago. I'm not losing any sleep over it.

After Odie was proven to be a scammer, fraud, liar, gear slinger and a shill... You defended him.

I didn't really hold it against you at the time... Hell, there was a LOT more to the story than you even knew about. But for someone so hell bent on bringing up shit from years gone by, I wanted everyone to see how you're not only a fucking lunatic but you're a hypocrite too. Trukk and Odie were close as hell and even he didn't defend him, he condemned him.

Worthless. Member.
Loser boy @CdnGuy sexually gets off in these fourms it's sick. He gets so amped and hard dicked when his loser self research and finds contradictions from old post. "You'll see guyzzz.. bet on that..ill go harder" LMAO fucking loser non aas user!
Congratulations, you'really on a roll with this whole proving nothing thing.

I like this one better:

After Odie was proven to be a scammer, fraud, liar, gear slinger and a shill... You defended him.

I didn't really hold it against you at the time... Hell, there was a LOT more to the story than you even knew about. But for someone so hell bent on bringing up shit from years gone by, I wanted everyone to see how you're not only a fucking lunatic but you're a hypocrite too. Trukk and Odie were close as hell and even he didn't defend him, he condemned him.

Worthless. Member.
Lmao i defended Odie in ONE POST before BOTH CBS AND TRUKK told me what the deal was you clown. Start backing up your accusations punk bitch! Now fuck off this between Trukk and I . Thank you
Lmao i defended Odie in ONE POST before BOTH CBS AND TRUKK told me what the deal was you clown. Start backing up your accusations punk bitch! Now fuck off this between Trukk and I . Thank you

The deal... As in how he was a known liar, shill and gear slinger before that post? And you needed Trukk to help you determine that?

You're really starting to look like a fucking idiot...
Just like everyone that's ever called you out, right?

If one person tells horse, they are crazy. If three people tell you you're a horse, there's conspiracy afoot. If ten people tell you you're a horse, it's time to buy a saddle.
I have always tried to post information to my accusations UNLIKE you ! Yes not all my info was correct but I have no problem ADMITTING THAT! When I fucked up I take responsibility! UNLIKE YOU! Now since you wont shut up hick farmboy. Welcome to "ignore list" along with only the trolls lol Been fun ;)
I have always tried to post information to my accusations UNLIKE you ! Yes not all my info was correct but I have no problem ADMITTING THAT! When I fucked up I take responsibility! UNLIKE YOU! Now since you wont shut up hick farmboy. Welcome to "ignore list" along with only the trolls lol Been fun ;)

If you admitted everytime you were wrong you'd do nothing but apologize all fucking day.

AGAIN, post where I was wrong and didn't own up. I'll wait. Again.

This "dumb hick" earned more money today than you will all year... So what's that make you?
I have always tried to post information to my accusations UNLIKE you ! Yes not all my info was correct but I have no problem ADMITTING THAT! When I fucked up I take responsibility! UNLIKE YOU! Now since you wont shut up hick farmboy. Welcome to "ignore list" along with only the trolls lol Been fun ;)
Were going to have to issue you the official trukker fanboy belly shirt. On said shirt will be bedazzled "trukker" and you will wear said shirt for the forced fellacio sessions as a consequence of being the smaller less dominant stag in the group. This is a spot reserved for the "bitch" of the crew. Thats you bud ;) the very last bit of credibility just dribbled down your clenched jaw at a perfect 98.6° brewed by yours truly just south of my hairy naval. Yes, my jizz actually DOES get more respect and have more credibility than your entire being. So open up that cum receptacle and lets hear some more crazy. Everyone knows crazy bitches are more fun.
Were going to have to issue you the official trukker fanboy belly shirt. On said shirt will be bedazzled "trukker" and you will wear said shirt for the forced fellacio sessions as a consequence of being the smaller less dominant stag in the group. This is a spot reserved for the "bitch" of the crew. Thats you bud ;) the very last bit of credibility just dribbled down your clenched jaw at a perfect 98.6° brewed by yours truly just south of my hairy naval. Yes, my jizz actually DOES get more respect and have more credibility than your entire being. So open up that cum receptacle and lets hear some more crazy. Everyone knows crazy bitches are more fun.
Jeezus. Your cold as ice