No it's not a plausible explanation. A Total testosterone panels reflect just that...TOTAL testosterone meaning it shows free testosterone, bioavailable testosterone, and testosterone bound to SHBG. The higher your test level the more free test you have unless SHBG goes up to a proportionate degree but just bc free test goes up does not mean total test goes down bc total test again is free+bioavailable+bound.

This was my understanding as well.... being as I was out numbered and always learning I chalked it up as just being a meat head:(

I'm not the quickest to call bullshit.....
Maybe next time:)
I could care less who you buy gear from... If you are upset by the loss of TSL, I'm truly sorry for you.

Never bought gear from TSL. Don't care that they are leaving. Sucks the BS will have to move to another source thread, potentially one I buy gear from. You done hardass?
@Eman ! How did you get mixed up in this TSL thing ? Your a pretty decent guy , how did you end up in this childish "bitch-fest" ??
Just wondering...o_O

The rep started a thread to announce tsl's lame 10% off promo. I told him to GTFO with that shit, he PM'd me to tell me to go fuck myself, so I decided to meander into the thread to see what kind of source we had in our forum here. The rest is history I suppose.

Nothing really childish about the thread. CDN needed a talking to and I don't condone shit sources hanging around on Meso so I stuck around. Mission accomplished.
The rep started a thread to announce tsl's lame 10% off promo. I told him to GTFO with that shit, he PM'd me to tell me to go fuck myself, so I decided to meander into the thread to see what kind of source we had in our forum here. The rest is history I suppose.

Nothing really childish about the thread. CDN needed a talking to and I don't condone shit sources hanging around on Meso so I stuck around. Mission accomplished.

So you got into it with Padawan ? But you never purchased ? Ok , just wondering if you got burned or something...
No, I have never purchased from this source. From evening everything I've seen about them, I'm glad that I didnt.

I'm glad you got good results from them though. I did consider looking into them a while back but went with someone else instead.

I just got lucky I guess . Still getting good results from their old label TSL test-c . But it looks like things are going south for yet another Meso source ...oh well I got my eye on the new girl here . lol . I think shes Turkish ...;)
No it's not a plausible explanation. A Total testosterone panels reflect just that...TOTAL testosterone meaning it shows free testosterone, bioavailable testosterone, and testosterone bound to SHBG. The higher your test level the more free test you have unless SHBG goes up to a proportionate degree but just bc free test goes up does not mean total test goes down bc total test again is free+bioavailable+bound.

Actually @G2Ready misunderstood the explaination.

The total test can come back lower on blood results than one expected if the free testosterone is higher. ( if testosterone is bound up it's just floating around) The more free test you have the more efficient the testosterone is being used. This will affect numbers reflected as a whole in its entirety.

Example given:
If I have a total test of 3000 but my free is 20 which can happen if shbg is raised ( by drinking, certain other meds etc) then the testosterone will not be utilized in the most efficient way. And will remain higher as it is bound. By freeing up the test, the test will be utilized and the total will drop as the testosterone is being utilized.

This is how the body works, as testosterone is being utilized / metabolized the number have to drop. It's like eating, if I start out with a piece of chicken, each bite makes it smaller, the same with the body, the more effecient the body utilizes the tests the faster the number will drop.
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