I'll help you remember. INH is one of the most helpful, dedicated, insightful, intelligent, and stand up mofos on this board. Whether he does or doesn't have personal experience with a source is irrelevant.

Im gonna go ahead and say i am in 100% agreement with you here Doc. INH is a solid brother and i look forward to reading his very informative posts. Much like yourself you pop tart eating power lifter [emoji4] BTW, real good seeing you posting again.
All great news and I'm happy you had a good experience but throughout this discussion you continue to dodge my straightforward questions and the topic where this discussion all started. Which you started, actually.

I assumed there was some level of mutual respect between us, therefore I also expected a certain level of integrity in your responses and more importantly some notion of accountability for the statements you made.

So since you chose to run around in circles, move the goal posts, and not directly address the statements you made, I'll just sum it up:

1. You said, only people with personal experience with a source should offer their opinion and that anyone else should "shut their pie-hole" as they have nothing of value to offer.

2. You're 100% wrong. People with opinions can offer value too and do not need to keep quiet.

3. People with personal experience and people with an opinion should speak/post their minds. It's the readers job to assess and assign value.

4. Not all personal experiences have the same value, same as opinions. However, they are both important aspects of evaluating a source and the information should be used as an individual sees fit.

5. No one should be silenced (except maybe that attention whore in elites thread).

6. Finally, Meso owns these threads, not individuals and certainly not sources.
Your a little late to the game buddy. You can get of your soap box. No one in this thread cares anymore. Go sale your your bullshit somewhere else.
If no one cares, why comment? And what bullshit is he selling? The value of properly vetting a source by an unbiased member? Oh no. Who wants that?
The vetting process was long over and pretty sure OGH was referring to people like your friend cdngay who didnt buy or use steroids and generally just made shit up.

So yeah, opinions like his are not needed or valued. Now if a veteran member with experience buying and running gear such as yourself wants to chime in, then its more than welcome. I think thats what OGH was trying to get across and insert got all butt hurt about and went on the offensive. In a dead source thread.....
Your a little late to the game buddy. You can get of your soap box. No one in this thread cares anymore. Go sale your your bullshit somewhere else.

Did I trigger you? lol

Late to what game? The fact that the discussion happened in this thread is inconsequential the events or topics specifically relating to this source. This thread had nothing to do with the discussion.

OGH made a comment that I disagreed with. I presented my argument. I felt he was disingenuous with his rebuttals and called him out on it.

So what's your problem?
The vetting process was long over and pretty sure OGH was referring to people like your friend cdngay who didnt buy or use steroids and generally just made shit up.

So yeah, opinions like his are not needed or valued. Now if a veteran member with experience buying and running gear such as yourself wants to chime in, then its more than welcome. I think thats what OGH was trying to get across and insert got all butt hurt about and went on the offensive. In a dead source thread.....

Do you even have any clue wtf you're talking about? Insertnamehere does purchase and use steroids. Think before you post so you don't look like a fool for doing it.
Alot of guys seem to have opinions about TSL (and other labs) but very few with actual experience . I got TSL experience , do you two ? Casual observers...:confused::confused:

Only those of us that actually buy & consume these products can give accurate testimony if the said products are true or fake and if the sources are crooks or not...
The rest of you are just observers , as cdnguy was...

Ok smartass you go inject some educated opinion and tell me if it was fake or not...

Did you forget the time you wanted to chew my ass out for MY choice in pin locations when you yourself had never tried it?

Did you also forget you chewed Wunderpus' ass out for his choice in AAS doses, in his own log nonetheless, when you yourself hadn't tried it?

Did you forget you chewed out TNE and Wunder in TNE's log over their choice of doses when you yourself hadn't ran those kinds of doses?

Did you forget you ripping in the Atlas thread when I can't find anything saying you ran their gear?

You've posted plenty in the powerlifting threads, have you ever competed in powerlifting?

You posted advice in a female fat loss thread, did you get a sex change and back?

Do I need to get more examples of your hypocrisy at times or do these suffice?
The vetting process was long over and pretty sure OGH was referring to people like your friend cdngay who didnt buy or use steroids and generally just made shit up.

So yeah, opinions like his are not needed or valued. Now if a veteran member with experience buying and running gear such as yourself wants to chime in, then its more than welcome. I think thats what OGH was trying to get across and insert got all butt hurt about and went on the offensive. In a dead source thread.....

I'm the one butt hurt?? lol I'm going to start calling you CluelessGeorge. Based on your comments in these last two posts, it's certainly fitting.
The vetting process was long over and pretty sure OGH was referring to people like your friend cdngay who didnt buy or use steroids and generally just made shit up.

So yeah, opinions like his are not needed or valued. Now if a veteran member with experience buying and running gear such as yourself wants to chime in, then its more than welcome. I think thats what OGH was trying to get across and insert got all butt hurt about and went on the offensive. In a dead source thread.....

Funny that a new guy who no one knows or cares about would say someone elses opinion isn't needed. I'll give you a pass though. You're new and you saw OGH disagreeing with someone and you thought jumping in would help you be accepted. Just like you jumping in with cdnguy, you think joining with the mob makes you part of the "Meso crew".
Just for future reference, yes, mindlessly following around vets like a lemming will get you acceptance, but not respect. I'm sure you'll say you don't care, but your comment and reply show otherwise.
In the future, just be yourself fella. I'm sure everyone will like you and they'll accept you for who you are.

Funny that a new guy who no one knows or cares about would say someone elses opinion isn't needed. I'll give you a pass though. You're new and you saw OGH disagreeing with someone and you thought jumping in would help you be accepted. Just like you jumping in with cdnguy, you think joining with the mob makes you part of the "Meso crew".
Just for future reference, yes, mindlessly following around vets like a lemming will get you acceptance, but not respect. I'm sure you'll say you don't care, but your comment and reply show otherwise.
In the future, just be yourself fella. I'm sure everyone will like you and they'll accept you for who you are.

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Thanks for the pep talk sir. and FYI, Im not following anyone around I just happen to be subbed to this thread and value OGH's opinion about TSL more than inserts's, thats all.

Im also ok with you not caring about me. You dont like my opinion or what I have to say or add to the forum thats cool. Im not gonna cry about it and troll every thread like a petulant child like cdnguy.
I'm the one butt hurt?? lol I'm going to start calling you CluelessGeorge. Based on your comments in these last two posts, it's certainly fitting.
Call me what you like, thats your parogative. I just feel like you were taking what OGH said as personal when he was talking about people who dont know shit about buying and using steroids. You know, like cdngay. Thats all.
Do you even have any clue wtf you're talking about? Insertnamehere does purchase and use steroids. Think before you post so you don't look like a fool for doing it.
Im not talking about him.... Im talking about OGH's comments, which Im pretty sure was meant for trolls like cdngay not insert.

But whatever. Ill just shut it and move on. Peace
All great news and I'm happy you had a good experience but throughout this discussion you continue to dodge my straightforward questions and the topic where this discussion all started. Which you started, actually.

I assumed there was some level of mutual respect between us, therefore I also expected a certain level of integrity in your responses and more importantly some notion of accountability for the statements you made.

So since you chose to run around in circles, move the goal posts, and not directly address the statements you made, I'll just sum it up:

1. You said, only people with personal experience with a source should offer their opinion and that anyone else should "shut their pie-hole" as they have nothing of value to offer.

2. You're 100% wrong. People with opinions can offer value too and do not need to keep quiet.

3. People with personal experience and people with an opinion should speak/post their minds. It's the readers job to assess and assign value.

4. Not all personal experiences have the same value, same as opinions. However, they are both important aspects of evaluating a source and the information should be used as an individual sees fit.

5. No one should be silenced (except maybe that attention whore in elites thread).

6. Finally, Meso owns these threads, not individuals and certainly not sources.

Counsel, was that your closing argument? I think you can rest now.
I think the bottom line should be if you dont have personal experience/knowledge with a source , keep your pie-hole shut because your opinion means nothing and brings nothing to the table. Cdngay couldnt grasp this...

I was pointing to this initial post, which I agree with when it comes to a source that has already been vetted.

If you are making comments without any experience to back it up about the source than your input is less valued than someone who can comment to the sources recent quality, bloods, turn around ect...