But in all reality I believe the defendant and plaintiff have both made valuable contributions. It's people like me who don't contribute .... I'm just a shill...
Did you forget the time you wanted to chew my ass out for MY choice in pin locations when you yourself had never tried it?

Did you also forget you chewed Wunderpus' ass out for his choice in AAS doses, in his own log nonetheless, when you yourself hadn't tried it?

Did you forget you chewed out TNE and Wunder in TNE's log over their choice of doses when you yourself hadn't ran those kinds of doses?

Did you forget you ripping in the Atlas thread when I can't find anything saying you ran their gear?

You've posted plenty in the powerlifting threads, have you ever competed in powerlifting?

You posted advice in a female fat loss thread, did you get a sex change and back?

Do I need to get more examples of your hypocrisy at times or do these suffice?

Still waiting on your pics here , DOC . Never have actually seen you....As far as I know your just another fat overweight kid playing on the internet . Post up...

Still butthurt over your buddy @CdnGuy getting canned ?? Get over it , he was a piece of shit . And if hes your kind of person your a piece of shit too ....Still waiting on those pics DOC ....o_O
Did you forget the time you wanted to chew my ass out for MY choice in pin locations when you yourself had never tried it?

Did you also forget you chewed Wunderpus' ass out for his choice in AAS doses, in his own log nonetheless, when you yourself hadn't tried it?

Did you forget you chewed out TNE and Wunder in TNE's log over their choice of doses when you yourself hadn't ran those kinds of doses?

Did you forget you ripping in the Atlas thread when I can't find anything saying you ran their gear?

You've posted plenty in the powerlifting threads, have you ever competed in powerlifting?

You posted advice in a female fat loss thread, did you get a sex change and back?

Do I need to get more examples of your hypocrisy at times or do these suffice?

And look at this lame attempt to hurt me...is that the best you can do ? You must have been up half the night digging up this worthless garbage . Are you sure your not @CdnGuy ? Same M.O . Same crazy history digging . If your not cdnguy then your the new cdnguy here I guess . Happy trolling Doc-Guy ! :confused:
And look at this lame attempt to hurt me...is that the best you can do ? You must have been up half the night digging up this worthless garbage . Are you sure your not @CdnGuy ? Same M.O . Same crazy history digging . If your not cdnguy then your the new cdnguy here I guess . Happy trolling Doc-Guy ! :confused:

OGH, I don't know what's going on man, but you seem to be getting into it with some long time members lately. And I can't see why, there's nothing being said that's attacking you.
That is precisely what Cdnguy was doing before he "left". Don't fall into that trap my friend.

Doc and INH have been invaluable to Meso. Their respect us well earned, as is yours. No pictures will change that. Have you seen Ripatoe (sp)? Not in superstar shape, but that doesnt affect his knowledge. Also I seem to remember a certain member posting a picture after a tren run where they ate everything. What if they were judged on that picture and not their overall contributions?

BLUF: there's alot to argue about on Meso, this isn't one of them.
OGH, I don't know what's going on man, but you seem to be getting into it with some long time members lately. And I can't see why, there's nothing being said that's attacking you.
That is precisely what Cdnguy was doing before he "left". Don't fall into that trap my friend.

Doc and INH have been invaluable to Meso. Their respect us well earned, as is yours. No pictures will change that. Have you seen Ripatoe (sp)? Not in superstar shape, but that doesnt affect his knowledge. Also I seem to remember a certain member posting a picture after a tren run where they ate everything. What if they were judged on that picture and not their overall contributions?

BLUF: there's alot to argue about on Meso, this isn't one of them.

Hold on there Jay Max , Doc is getting into it with me . Just defending back....

Someones mad because I helped run off cdnguy , cdnguy went nuts here . When cdnguy attacked @gr8whitetrukker and @Eman weeks ago I got involved . Im glad hes gone...
after talking to the boss we wanted to see if you guys want us back here? i get a ton of pms still and instead of talking there i figured i would ask you guys.

we want to reintroduce ourself, same quality, better service, and a prescnese here...

what do you guys think
It looks that way to me dude. But I placed an order 2 weeks ago sent cash and haven't gotten a response from you in like a week man. And it's shitty cause I'm the same dude that was backing you guys up through all the bull shit with just fish and cdnguy even saying I'd do a transformation with your lab to prove your lab was better.
after talking to the boss we wanted to see if you guys want us back here? i get a ton of pms still and instead of talking there i figured i would ask you guys.

we want to reintroduce ourself, same quality, better service, and a prescnese here...

what do you guys think

I had great T/a.... BUT THE CONSTANT TALK about long touchdowns was nauseating....
after talking to the boss we wanted to see if you guys want us back here? i get a ton of pms still and instead of talking there i figured i would ask you guys.

we want to reintroduce ourself, same quality, better service, and a prescnese here...

what do you guys think

You service was horrible for many members here. What are you going to do to make sure that does not happen again. Let me remind you I tried to order twice from you and the service and communication was garbage. Why should I believe you now?
after talking to the boss we wanted to see if you guys want us back here? i get a ton of pms still and instead of talking there i figured i would ask you guys.

we want to reintroduce ourself, same quality, better service, and a prescnese here...

what do you guys think

You got my vote...I'v been on this thread sice day one, posted 2 sets of bloods, never got anytkng for free.and was happy as fuck with my results, even placed a 2nd order but when @biggerben69 cautioned I was hesitend, then the Cnd-fuck went all ape shit on TSL an I had to withdraw my order....I'd like to see you guys back...

P...I sent you a PM...please let me know if you got it.
after talking to the boss we wanted to see if you guys want us back here? i get a ton of pms still and instead of talking there i figured i would ask you guys.

we want to reintroduce ourself, same quality, better service, and a prescnese here...

what do you guys think

You want to come back because most of the boards out there got rid of you guys. Seriously man why you still repping for this guy? You were a normal member at one time lol..

Pay must be good eh? Maybe he should hire someone so communication is better?

Maybe he should source some real Proviron also?
And FYI I've made 4 or 5 orders from tsl, all came within 5 days. This last order is 2 weeks and I'm still waiting so I'm sure you can see why I'm a little concerned, especially when he's on meso trying to start up again but hasn't responded to my messeges on proton.
after talking to the boss we wanted to see if you guys want us back here? i get a ton of pms still and instead of talking there i figured i would ask you guys.

we want to reintroduce ourself, same quality, better service, and a prescnese here...

what do you guys think
I'm going to say this - I've always liked @thetsl personally. He was always super helpful to me in private conversation. That being said, the boss can't be bad mouthing paying customers. The last few interactions he had were less than stellar and left a bad taste in people's mouths.

1. Get better turnaround.
2. Don't piss on your customer base.
3. The whole LE thing was very disconcerting. I'm not sure what could be addressed, but ANYTHING would be nice to hear.