U guys think im going to get 60% hematocrit from 500mg testosterone enanthat?


New Member
I injected 900mg yesterday to frontload and I feel the hematocrit is high so I will inject 500mg and donate blood if it’s high or something. If it’s 60% i want to go to 38% so about 2 pints of blood gone. But it varies from person to person and people have 30% hematocrit even while pinning grams weekly so who knows it might be me but just to make sure I don’t want above 55% because your blood will be as thick as honey and you would die from stroke while weightlifting.
is the high hematocrit even bad? Doesn’t it take years to be fatal or something because im only going to run this not for that long but cruise on low amounts after I donate so that it drops
Am I overthinking and being high inhibition? Should I just not think about this and blast because I feel like I’m being a pussy worrying about this and that
Ok thank you for the advice, have you ever experienced high hematocrit? Was it borderline fatal?
Bro, I say this with all due respect. You need to relax a bit. Want my advice after doing this for almost 20 years now? #1 worry about your blood pressure reading.

I have yet to see anyone have many legit issues from high hemocrit. I however have seen and have personally experienced unfortunately the effects of long term uncontrolled high blood pressure. It will if left out of control ruin your kidneys and cause heart issues much more than a higher hemocrit ever could. Same but to a lesser degree your LDL level.

My doctor knew mine was high, but wasn't too worried unless it got to a very extreme level. A rise is completely normal and expected with anabolics.
Bro, I say this with all due respect. You need to relax a bit. Want my advice after doing this for almost 20 years now? #1 worry about your blood pressure reading.

I have yet to see anyone have many legit issues from high hemocrit. I however have seen and have personally experienced unfortunately the effects of long term uncontrolled high blood pressure. It will if left out of control ruin your kidneys and cause heart issues much more than a higher hemocrit ever could. Same but to a lesser degree your LDL level.

My doctor knew mine was high, but wasn't too worried unless it got to a very extreme level. A rise is completely normal and expected with anabolics.
Ok thank you for the advice, it’s helped me to relax a bit. My bp is in the normal range as of now. Appreciate it.
Dude, all your posts are about health issues from using gear. If you are not going to do this while under the care of a physician, you should really pause and figure out what the hell you are doing before injecting anything else. To go it on your own requires a lot of research and education prior to beginning. You should not be trying to figure it all out after the fact.
Dude, all your posts are about health issues from using gear. If you are not going to do this while under the care of a physician, you should really pause and figure out what the hell you are doing before injecting anything else. To go it on your own requires a lot of research and education prior to beginning. You should not be trying to figure it all out after the fact.
Ok thanks, how much did nattokinase lower your HTC?
Maybe you'd have a different experience, but I call bullshit on Natto doing anything for HCT. Same for Naringin. Neither did a damn thing for me over months of usage at high doses. Just do double red donations (if you qualify) when your HCT is elevated as confirmed by labs. Seriously, a CBC is one of the cheapest panels you can get. You're fixating on a problem that doesn't even exist. It takes time to produce red blood cells; the effect isn't instantaneous or even fast. That's why it takes months and months (at least) to improve blood markers if you've gone anemic... after you've addressed the cause. Speaking of which, don't overthink blood donations either. If you start to see blood markers getting towards out of range, get a full iron panel, including ferritin. Stay ahead of any potential problems with iron and ferritin, because blood donations devastate your stores. Anemia sucks and is a very deep hole that takes a very long time to climb out.
Maybe you'd have a different experience, but I call bullshit on Natto doing anything for HCT. Same for Naringin. Neither did a damn thing for me over months of usage at high doses. Just do double red donations (if you qualify) when your HCT is elevated as confirmed by labs. Seriously, a CBC is one of the cheapest panels you can get. You're fixating on a problem that doesn't even exist. It takes time to produce red blood cells; the effect isn't instantaneous or even fast. That's why it takes months and months (at least) to improve blood markers if you've gone anemic... after you've addressed the cause. Speaking of which, don't overthink blood donations either. If you start to see blood markers getting towards out of range, get a full iron panel, including ferritin. Stay ahead of any potential problems with iron and ferritin, because blood donations devastate your stores.
Thank you, so u think I can blast 500mg test e for 3 months? Yesterday I injected 900mg to saturate my test levels and front load.
Maybe you'd have a different experience, but I call bullshit on Natto doing anything for HCT. Same for Naringin. Neither did a damn thing for me over months of usage at high doses. Just do double red donations (if you qualify) when your HCT is elevated as confirmed by labs. Seriously, a CBC is one of the cheapest panels you can get. You're fixating on a problem that doesn't even exist. It takes time to produce red blood cells; the effect isn't instantaneous or even fast. That's why it takes months and months (at least) to improve blood markers if you've gone anemic... after you've addressed the cause. Speaking of which, don't overthink blood donations either. If you start to see blood markers getting towards out of range, get a full iron panel, including ferritin. Stay ahead of any potential problems with iron and ferritin, because blood donations devastate your stores. Anemia sucks and is a very deep hole that takes a very long time to climb out.
I agree. I still take Natto on the off chance it helps some but the best things I have done are high hydration and cardio. But even with those I usually end up donating once every 90 days.
As a kid I had very low hematocrit doctors said to my parent to stuff my face with red meat so that’s what they did and now I have naturally high hematocrit.
I can donate every 2 months if I want hospital allows me , after many high dosages blast I had increased hematocrit but not on a level that is fatal.
However high hematocrit with high BP can be dangerous and very uncomfortable.
Symptoms ? Feeling heavy , getting dizzy easily , out of breath easily , blurred vision , headaches , high bp , high heart rate , sleepy , sluggish , waves of pin and needles all over your body.
What helps ? 1. Cardio 2. Donation 3. Hydration 4. Aspirin 5. Cialis
I’ll speak from experience number one is cardio a lot and intense cardio can make you feel normal if high hematocrit.
What i do on a blast every time is donate before cycle donate mid cycle donate after cycle.
bro i was on 2grams+ and my hemacrit was 46%
whatever TRT bullshit youve been reading about is nonsense
the most important factor is not being dehydrated, especially before the test
maybe you are not a native english speaker and have been misinterpreting things or reading things in the wrong places

just stay hydrated, get the test, and go from there, the body will not instantly let your hemacrit get super high and kill you.
people can have high hemacrit on low doses from being dehydrated or genetics or bad lifesttyle, people can have good hemacrit by having a regular diet and not fasting or something before the test. people do 1g+ test 1g+ eq and dont even test and dont die. its something to be mindful of but its not a 1:1 correlation where X dose will give you X hemacrit and x(2) gives you double hemacrit. the body likes balance and usually does this naturally.
bro i was on 2grams+ and my hemacrit was 46%
whatever TRT bullshit youve been reading about is nonsense
the most important factor is not being dehydrated, especially before the test
maybe you are not a native english speaker and have been misinterpreting things or reading things in the wrong places

just stay hydrated, get the test, and go from there, the body will not instantly let your hemacrit get super high and kill you.
people can have high hemacrit on low doses from being dehydrated or genetics or bad lifesttyle, people can have good hemacrit by having a regular diet and not fasting or something before the test. people do 1g+ test 1g+ eq and dont even test and dont die. its something to be mindful of but its not a 1:1 correlation where X dose will give you X hemacrit and x(2) gives you double hemacrit. the body likes balance and usually does this naturally.
Ooooooh ok thank you. I will drink more water and keep pinning.
Androgens in general do cause erythropoietin levels ot increase. Not everyone's affected to it to the same degree, but it definitely does.

There's a reason why some of this stuff was used for anemia.

Not everyone is symptomatic, but some people can feel some fatigue. I wouldnt worry about instant death or something..
Let me add my experience with high blood levels.
I’ve run Tren, EQ, anadrol, etc.
all things that heavily thickened my blood.

RBC, Hema, and Hemo all came back pretty elevated.
They have been elevated for anywhere from 6months to a year.
I did not donate. Never did. Last donation I did was 1.5 years ago or some shit, I don’t remember.

Until about a Few weeks ago I was fine, and then my body started fighting back. And I got hit hard.
Weakness in my arms and legs, high blood pressure, head aches, winded going up n down stairs, felt my heart beating out of my chest, blood sugar issues, etc
Could feel my body was having trouble pumping blood.
I made a thread about it.

Donated blood. A week later it all Subsided for the most part. I still don’t feel 100% but it may be due to my new blood pressure med. can take a month or two for your body to regulate on new meds.

Get labs. Access then. Donate. Stay hydrated.

I Also don’t understand the front loading of test. You’re just spiking your levels HARD. And then coming back in and pinning 500?
Interesting. Not sure your experience or goals. But high milligrams = more issues.

I’d have some issues doing that myself lol.
good luck my dude. Hope it works out and the issues go away.