*underdosed* Anavar / Oxandrolome 20mg Qingdao Sigma Chemical **EU warehouse**

i mean at this point its just kids that are too embarrassed to admit they have spent all their cash on underdosed garbage. This shit has gone so far down a hole. I still can't believe they are making those til foil top vials tho. Half the time you are not even getting what you paid for it’s all mixed up and underdosed.
What’s funny about you, and a few others lately, is you come into these threads with so much anger…almost as if you have something to gain by shredding this source. Let’s just say everything QSC has is shit, and it’s so obvious… as you say. Then why do you care so much? Are you the UG white knight? Coming to save the day? Where did QSC touch you? It’s ok. You can tell us. This can be your safe space.
What’s funny about you, and a few others lately, is you come into these threads with so much anger…almost as if you have something to gain by shredding this source. Let’s just say everything QSC has is shit, and it’s so obvious… as you say. Then why do you care so much? Are you the UG white knight? Coming to save the day? Where did QSC touch you? It’s ok. You can tell us. This can be your safe space.
My saaaaaafe space!!!
View: https://youtu.be/DzU05QmJMDg
i mean at this point its just kids that are too embarrassed to admit they have spent all their cash on underdosed garbage. This shit has gone so far down a hole. I still can't believe they are making those til foil top vials tho. Half the time you are not even getting what you paid for its all mixed up and underdosed.
Idk about oils and stuff.

All the products I got from them which was HGH and Peptides did the trick the problem I have with them is customer service and the fact they don’t give a shit.

Oh and the fact it took them 3/4 months to ship my order and when I confronted the rep he basically said “f you I don’t give a shit”.
you stopped selling orals completely cold turkey, when someone does a test on ur oils and posts it, you usually take the product off ur list and discontinue it cuz you get busted. Bro wendy, what ever the fuck, you guys are so fucking down the hole its only a matter of time. IDK why you didnt just stick to what you are good at... raws and peptides.... you got greedy with your tinfoil toppers sad
The problem is the Chinese government won’t let them legally sell orals anymore. There’s a blanket ban.

I’ve always had a good time with their oils. In fact, my blood work shows they work great… and so does extensive testing here.
There is SHITSMELL in the air.

Domestic warehouses are getting stocked up with product and the overpriced labs are shitting bricks.

Fun times ahead...