*underdosed* Anavar / Oxandrolome 20mg Qingdao Sigma Chemical **EU warehouse**

So I’ll be sending in the 20mg var international Monday. I’ve been taking 80mg and not much to report. That said, I’ve used var one other time and had it tested true and didn’t get much of the reported pumps ect either so var just might not be a drug for me. We will see. It will be a few weeks so sit tight. Primo and tren were sent off a week ago.
Fuck all of you racist motherfuckers on this site

Said the “red pill” misogynist.

So apparently it’s perfectly ok for you to constantly make blanket statements referring to women as intrinsically “evil”, bitches & whores etc by nature, who will absolutely cheat on you &/or fuck you over at the first opportunity .... but someone else simply using the word chink is soooo wrong.

Oh, it’s because you have a half chink daughter, I forgot, sorry. So we can call her an evil slut whore & when she’s older, post pictures of her cunt on the internet without her permission for “bro points” ..... but not call her a chink. Gotcha.

This is the kinda bullshit hypocrisy i was referring to a page or two back.

Fuck off elsewhere, you obnoxious, hypocritical little turd.
So I’ll be sending in the 20mg var international Monday. I’ve been taking 80mg and not much to report. That said, I’ve used var one other time and had it tested true and didn’t get much of the reported pumps ect either so var just might not be a drug for me. We will see. It will be a few weeks so sit tight. Primo and tren were sent off a week ago.
Hi @TRENdy07
Have you got the result for anavar yet ?
Sorry guys. Results haven’t been buried. Haven’t sent the var in yet. I have stock piles of it but since I probably won’t move any of it headed into winter, I’ve lost motivation to send it in. Primo and tren came back on point. My blood work on the cyp was where it should be. I’ll eventually get around to the var but it might be a bit
Ok fellas. If anyone is still interested, I finally went in 20mg var for testing. Will be a couple weeks or so for results but I’ll make a new thread when they come in.
Ok fellas. If anyone is still interested, I finally went in 20mg var for testing. Will be a couple weeks or so for results but I’ll make a new thread when they come in.
Is this from the international batch or eu?
Well…. Looking more and more likely my sample got lost in the mail. I’ll give it till next week then I guess I’ll start the process over again.