*underdosed* Anavar / Oxandrolome 20mg Qingdao Sigma Chemical **EU warehouse**

This is why it’s important for the customer to post the bad results as well. The customer needs to call out the labs. I’m by no means saying you’re not credible but it should be the duty of all of us to out any bad lab test
Pretty sure the client is on the other forum, not here. London is a member of both and updates meso here. I see zero reason to believe this is a lie, that is just qscs reason to disregard the bad testing.

I encourage you or any member to send off for testing, I believe it'll fetch similiar results.
Pretty sure the client is on the other forum, not here. London is a member of both and updates meso here. I see zero reason to believe this is a lie, that is just qscs reason to disregard the bad testing.

I encourage you or any member to send off for testing, I believe it'll fetch similiar results.
Yes you are right.
The customer is french and he is part of our group. He has been a Qingdao customer for very long time and has spent thousands of dollar.
He is happy with qingdao products and will still keep buying.
You see I do not hide any details or facts.

Only reason you do not see him here is to avoid to get ban. As the rep blackmail anyone who says "bad".
I personally wonder how many people have got issue and never disclosed in public to avoid any ban from source. We all saw the problem when @Jet Labs just calmy talked about a bad lab test in public.

For the ones who instead of thanking the group to spend thousands on lab tests for harm reduction for all. Maybe act on something and be useful : Source Testing Group (thoughts, ideas & opinions)

BTW. This lab test cost us 160$. We earn nothing from it, 0$!
This is shared only to help other users all around the world.
Already 14 sources tested and 26 lab tests done.

By making false statements on our group, members might not share anything anymore. So at the of the day I wonder who earns something from it. The group who spend thousands on harm reduction or the shill that try to discredit the volunteer job we are doing.
Yes you are right.
The customer is french and he is part of our group. He has been a Qingdao customer for very long time and has spent thousands of dollar.
He is happy with qingdao products and will still keep buying.
You see I do not hide any details or facts.

Only reason you do not see him here is to avoid to get ban. As the rep blackmail anyone who says "bad".
I personally wonder how many people have got issue and never disclosed in public to avoid any ban from source. We all saw the problem when @Jet Labs just calmy talked about a bad lab test in public.

For the ones who instead of thanking the group to spend thousands on lab tests for harm reduction for all. Maybe act on something and be useful : Source Testing Group (thoughts, ideas & opinions)

BTW. This lab test cost us 160$. We earn nothing from it, 0$!
This is shared only to help other users all around the world.
Already 14 sources tested and 26 lab tests done.

By making false statements on our group, members might not share anything anymore. So at the of the day I wonder who earns something from it. The group who spend thousands on harm reduction or the shill that try to discredit the volunteer job we are doing.

@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals Will absolutely ban future buyers, as well as refuse to make an order mistake right if a member speaks out. I know for a fact one member who told me about one problem, yet that same member never went public with the ridiculous situation they were in.

They obviously have no problem using good results, but cry lies when testing doesn't look good. Biggest piece of shit source ever, thread is full of shills like triple tren guy claiming qscs test c is so legit he can feel it. Lmao.
@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals Will absolutely ban future buyers, as well as refuse to make an order mistake right if a member speaks out.
There have been several customers in the last couple weeks who had problems and he made it right according to them. Look it up in his source thread. It's not as black and white. I do understand that he is not making it right with people being very disrespectful or coming at him with their racist bullshit.
I do understand that he is not making it right with people being very disrespectful or coming at him with their racist bullshit.
Honestly regardless how you were treated, you have been paid. If paid you send the product, or refund, simple. Then ban the customer.
If QSC owned up to mistakes, made right any issues, had a better attitude he would be doing even better than he is. But he has an ego, cant be wrong.

For someone who thinks he is the top of the pile he sure gets defensive when questioned. Begin you to wonder why he is so defensive. Being overly defensive is a big billboard sign that you guilty.
I dislike it when guys turn to racial insults against sources or members, because there’s just no need for it. But that’s because I’m British, not American & much of what you Yanks consider acceptable as insults, eg “I fucked your Mom’s asshole last night & the dirty slut begged for more” is pretty taboo here & making remarks along those lines in person will see you get a very swift punch in the face in Britain. We don’t tend to call people faggots / fags / queers etc just because we disagree with their politics etc either.

But this is Meso, an American board, dominated by Americans, with almost constant racist, anti-Semitic, Islamaphobic, sexist & homophobic & of late, misogynist comments being made 24/7. This not me being “woke”, it’s just the way it is & I accept it’s intrinsic to American dominated forums, so .... yeah, whatever.

But .... the only time anyone ever criticise others for racial / homophobic etc insults is whilst they’re defending QSC & pretty much no one who says “oooh, it’s so wrong to be racist to QSC”, or calling him “a faggot” etc “is disgusting” ever says a fucking word when someone uses similar / same insults to other members or sources.

Not a dig at you personally, but this is something I’ve noticed, so just tend to view members complaining about QSC being called a chink, a faggot, a Frog, DingDong etc are just “taking offence” as & when it’s convenient to defend him.
Whatever you do for the life of you.... ever look through underground body buildings forum.... it literally is the asshole of the internet
@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals Will absolutely ban future buyers, as well as refuse to make an order mistake right if a member speaks out. I know for a fact one member who told me about one problem, yet that same member never went public with the ridiculous situation they were in.

They obviously have no problem using good results, but cry lies when testing doesn't look good. Biggest piece of shit source ever, thread is full of shills like triple tren guy claiming qscs test c is so legit he can feel it. Lmao.
Whoa whoa whoa....why are you mentioning me in this thread?

I said I've used QSCs Test C as trt and I feel great on it. Am I not allowed to say something like that on a public forum? Are you offended or something? There have been several posted results of the Test C and every single one has come back very good.

Am I a "shill" for Hilma Biocare? Because I am using their Clen and I am losing crazy body fat.

Am I a "shill" for Dash PCT? Because I am using his generic Viagra and my dick is hard as a rock when I'm fucking these girls.

You should be careful about using the word "shill". I have literally NOTHING to gain from a good OR a bad review of ANY source on this board.... especially QSC. QSC ain't giving away freebies for good reviews.
Whoa whoa whoa....why are you mentioning me in this thread?

I said I've used QSCs Test C as trt and I feel great on it. Am I not allowed to say something like that on a public forum? Are you offended or something? There have been several posted results of the Test C and every single one has come back very good.

Am I a "shill" for Hilma Biocare? Because I am using their Clen and I am losing crazy body fat.

Am I a "shill" for Dash PCT? Because I am using his generic Viagra and my dick is hard as a rock when I'm fucking these girls.

You should be careful about using the word "shill". I have literally NOTHING to gain from a good OR a bad review of ANY source on this board.... especially QSC. QSC ain't giving away freebies for good reviews.
I’d be keen to understand how/why there seems to be such opposing opinions regarding the quality of their products? I personally use them exclusively and take reassurance not in any publicised testing, but my *own* bloodwork.

Ie. Recent bloods running their test and primo - test came back where I’d expect it to be and e2 the lowest it’s ever been without an AI, which I can only deduce is due to the primo. Why would I have reason to believe that I’m taking anything other than what I bought based on that?

There was also a recent string of Jano tests conducted by a customer - are we suggesting that was all a setup or orchestrated by QSC? Seems like a redundant exercise and a lot of effort considering his customers would continue to buy regardless of anything being posted and those who hate him won’t, no matter how many Jano tests are posted anyway!
I’d be keen to understand how/why there seems to be such opposing opinions regarding the quality of their products? I personally use them exclusively and take reassurance not in any publicised testing, but my *own* bloodwork.

Ie. Recent bloods running their test and primo - test came back where I’d expect it to be and e2 the lowest it’s ever been without an AI, which I can only deduce is due to the primo. Why would I have reason to believe that I’m taking anything other than what I bought based on that?

There was also a recent string of Jano tests conducted by a customer - are we suggesting that was all a setup or orchestrated by QSC? Seems like a redundant exercise and a lot of effort considering his customers would continue to buy regardless of anything being posted and those who hate him won’t, no matter how many Jano tests are posted anyway!
Have you considered that opposing views may be the result of different experiences? Certainly the norm appears to consist of customers being happy with their products, but where passion arises is when an unexpected result comes to light, say mislabeled or underdosed product, and it is not addressed rationally.
Have you considered that opposing views may be the result of different experiences? Certainly the norm appears to consist of customers being happy with their products, but where passion arises is when an unexpected result comes to light, say mislabeled or underdosed product, and it is not addressed rationally.
That is understood, my question however then becomes how can such results occur legitimately with production of such scale? They’re not brewing a few vials in a single wok at a time.
That is understood, my question however then becomes how can such results occur legitimately with production of such scale? They’re not brewing a few vials in a single wok at a time.
Unfortunately the only source of reliable insight on that is usually not particularly cooperative when it comes to discussing issues with customers. Seems like they can suffer from any number of simple logistical issues that make scale a bit irrelevant.

For example with these Anavar 12mg tabs, seems like a pretty satisfactory explanation is that products were shipped with from the China warehouse to the EU mislabeled, or they were mishandled by the shipper. Either mistake seem pretty easy to make given the lack of labeling done by QSC throughout. They choose to ship things without labels as a better precaution to customs interference, so these problems become more feasible.

Then of course there is the issue of Chinese testing not really matching with Janoshik testing, we saw that play out with the hCG. Easy enough to understand and not a big deal at this point as the Rep in that case was happy to concede there could be an issue.

It really comes down to what the Rep is willing to address and what they aren't. Issues just happen, regardless of scale of production. I think they're minimized as far as proportion to the whole operation goes, but they still run into issues just the same.
@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals Will absolutely ban future buyers, as well as refuse to make an order mistake right if a member speaks out. I know for a fact one member who told me about one problem, yet that same member never went public with the ridiculous situation they were in.

It's funny and pathetic at the same time. Some shit mouth source with cheap gear has struck fear into a grown man.

He hid a pretty glaring issue with this source from the community so that he can get his and keep getting his because he doesn't want to upset his precious sensative source.

Fuck him and fuck Dingdong too.
Have you considered that opposing views may be the result of different experiences? Certainly the norm appears to consist of customers being happy with their products, but where passion arises is when an unexpected result comes to light, say mislabeled or underdosed product, and it is not addressed rationally.

It's a forced norm. Here's a totally and completely random example that i swear i'm making up off the top of my head.

Let's say a member orders GH and gets sent, oh i dunno, let's say HCG. That member knows that if they speak up they won't get sent what they ordered and will get cut off from ordering. $65 is a days pay for some folks, you know. They can't be eating huge losses like that.

So they turn spineless because speaking up essentially means getting selectively scammed. Everything is going to look peachy keen when we have a source on a supposed non-source board using source board tactics to keep negative reviews from seeing the light of day.
Whoa whoa whoa....why are you mentioning me in this thread?

I said I've used QSCs Test C as trt and I feel great on it. Am I not allowed to say something like that on a public forum? Are you offended or something? There have been several posted results of the Test C and every single one has come back very good.

Am I a "shill" for Hilma Biocare? Because I am using their Clen and I am losing crazy body fat.

Am I a "shill" for Dash PCT? Because I am using his generic Viagra and my dick is hard as a rock when I'm fucking these girls.

You should be careful about using the word "shill". I have literally NOTHING to gain from a good OR a bad review of ANY source on this board.... especially QSC. QSC ain't giving away freebies for good reviews.
I just switched over to the QSC Test C, and I can literally feel the difference. I am strong as fuck on this shit. This is only feels, so take it for what it's worth.
Here's why I mentioned you, because you are full of shit like the rep and anyone liking your post. Literally feel another sources test c days after switching...lmao.
Here's why I mentioned you, because you are full of shit like the rep and anyone liking your post. Literally feel another sources test c days after switching...lmao.
"Days"? No. I was using pharma trt, and I was surprised after my first month of injections of QSC Test C that I felt as good as I did. I qualified the statement by saying that it was "just feels, take it for what it's worth".

Again, if you wanted posted tests, there are several. I have a blood test scheduled next month and I'll post my results in the QSC thread.

You still haven't explained why I am a "shill". What am I getting out of a good report from QSC?
Wow, the drama in this thread.

Also, the QSC gear is working really well for me and I have blood work to back it up. Specifically Test C and NPP.

Doesn’t change the fact that the QSC rep needs to chill the fuck out and realize sometimes they are wrong… and they would gain more trust if they admitted these things.

Thanks for sharing the report. I think all of us were expecting this gear to be under dosed in the first place, because almost all test reports show them slightly under-dosed. There’s bound to be some bad dosing here and there, given it can sometimes be hard to get a perfect distribution of chemical contents depending on a variety of factors.

In short… chill the fuck out… and just work with the community.
Wow, the drama in this thread.

Also, the QSC gear is working really well for me and I have blood work to back it up. Specifically Test C and NPP.

Doesn’t change the fact that the QSC rep needs to chill the fuck out and realize sometimes they are wrong… and they would gain more trust if they admitted these things.

Thanks for sharing the report. I think all of us were expecting this gear to be under dosed in the first place, because almost all test reports show them slightly under-dosed. There’s bound to be some bad dosing here and there, given it can sometimes be hard to get a perfect distribution of chemical contents depending on a variety of factors.

In short… chill the fuck out… and just work with the community.
Your blood work don't mean shit!!! He's Chinese!!! We don't like him!