*underdosed* Anavar / Oxandrolome 20mg Qingdao Sigma Chemical **EU warehouse**

Yes we have few good lab test of Qingdao product.
Yes, The rep has promote his products by using our lab test.
However when it is bad lab test, he jumps on his crack and cry all over.

He has quoted us and good lab test in hundreds of his post.
Here is a little sample :

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And here is the links if needed ^^

Even that you posted good lab tests, I told you that you are not reliable even that I will be using your lab tests for my advertising ^^

Hahhaha we really have a champion here.
You keep lying.
Fortunately I talk only facts with proofs.

You even promote our activities. How reliable is that ?
Whenever you use our lab tests to promote your products, you have never said to not take us seriously.

Hahhaha we really have a champion here.
You keep lying.
Fortunately I talk only facts with proofs.

You even promote our activities. How reliable is that ?
Whenever you use our lab tests to promote your products, you have never said to not take us seriously.

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It's always better when good blind tests come from haters ^^

It means even that you hate us; you were forced to admit that our quality is good :)
You should be fine with Qingdao oil. Still it would be interesting to see the lab test of primo and tren. I have never seen huge underdosed on their oil. except primo 100 with 17% underdosed.
Atm the pills are more questionable.
Did you buy the 20mg anavar form the Eu warehouse ? If so it it would be worth it to send it for testing.
china warehouse. I had a good deal of confidence in their oils but idk how else to explain the sudden drop off in aesthetics. I probably shouldn’t have even said anything until the results get back
So what I see from qingdao is this.

Lab test good, he posts it and promotes it
Lab test bad he has a million excuses. Fake test, unreliable, banned, name calling, soft dox, ulterior motives, other lab, on and on.
So what I see from qingdao is this.

Lab test good, he posts it and promotes it
Lab test bad he has a million excuses. Fake test, unreliable, banned, name calling, soft dox, ulterior motives, other lab, on and on.

Yep. That walking, talking abortion of a rep only needs one more ban to make it permanent. Hopefully when that happens the scum at the bottom of that septic tank will leave with them and Meso can go back to being tolerable again.
As mentioned in the past, all your lab tests aren't accepted by us because of your history of hate of us

Since you’ve been here you’ve repeatedly shared their lab results. Especially their hplc report of your hgh. You’ve literally shared it over a dozen times. You don’t get to pick and choose what reports are real or not. No one is out to get you. You do a good enough job of sinking your own ship. No one is paying for shipping and testing with the intentions of bringing you down. Let’s face it, you ain’t going no where. You’re like herpes.

What are you suggesting here? That London scraped nearly 40% of the pill off and then sent it to Jano?
So what I see from qingdao is this.

Lab test good, he posts it and promotes it
Lab test bad he has a million excuses. Fake test, unreliable, banned, name calling, soft dox, ulterior motives, other lab, on and on.
Yep. That walking, talking abortion of a rep only needs one more ban to make it permanent. Hopefully when that happens the scum at the bottom of that septic tank will leave with them and Meso can go back to being tolerable again.
Since you’ve been here you’ve repeatedly shared their lab results. Especially their hplc report of your hgh. You’ve literally shared it over a dozen times. You don’t get to pick and choose what reports are real or not. No one is out to get you. You do a good enough job of sinking your own ship. No one is paying for shipping and testing with the intentions of bringing you down. Let’s face it, you ain’t going no where. You’re like herpes.

What are you suggesting here? That London scraped nearly 40% of the pill off and then sent it to Jano?
3 of you, you can go fuck yourselves, morons :)
I reckon some of you just hate this source because it’s like looking into a little meso mirror.

Instead of being a shill to a source he’s not a shill to his clients. This source knows no matter what bad feedback they get their prices are unbeatable and customers will always come back. The few of you that get butthurt over something is just change to a company like this.

I think some of you are just mad to see another version of yourselves on the opposite side.
I reckon some of you just hate this source because it’s like looking into a little meso mirror.

Instead of being a shill to a source he’s not a shill to his clients. This source knows no matter what bad feedback they get their prices are unbeatable and customers will always come back. The few of you that get butthurt over something is just change to a company like this.

I think some of you are just mad to see another version of yourselves on the opposite side.

Dumbest thing any of us will read today. You are in a thread where QSC’s var is shown to be under dosed. What does QSC do, what everyone knew they would. Act like a child and claim that the French testing group is out to get them but ironically QSC didn’t mind using their testing reports to help establish a customer base here.

It’s that cut and dry but here you are defending a bad report and a shitty source.
Dumbest thing any of us will read today. You are in a thread where QSC’s var is shown to be under dosed. What does QSC do, what everyone knew they would. Act like a child and claim that the French testing group is out to get them but ironically QSC didn’t mind using their testing reports to help establish a customer base here.

It’s that cut and dry but here you are defending a bad report and a shitty source.
It’s hard to determine who is lying here but someone certainly is. The stuff is so cheap, I felt it was worth taking the risk. I’ll say this though, I believe most USERS of QSC that have sent in for testing, have all come back decent at the VERY least. At least from everything I’ve seen. I don’t know London or what he does quite honestly but unless it’s guys that have bought and used their stuff, I feel like there is something to be gain by discrediting QSC. That said, I’ve seen some things now that have made me question the product. Which is why I’m sending in for lab tests of my own. If the results aren’t up to my standard, I just won’t come back. Simple as that. I’m not sure why people get all bent out of shape about sources THEY won’t use. If you’ve seen enough evidence to deter you from purchasing… then don’t. When people start getting racist and nasty, it also discredits them as well and certainly makes them look like they are trying to gain something themselves. Just my two cents. I just did my tren injection and had a pretty good stent of tren cough. So there’s something there. We will find out how accurate the dosing is soon.
Dumbest thing any of us will read today. You are in a thread where QSC’s var is shown to be under dosed. What does QSC do, what everyone knew they would. Act like a child and claim that the French testing group is out to get them but ironically QSC didn’t mind using their testing reports to help establish a customer base here.

It’s that cut and dry but here you are defending a bad report and a shitty source.

Having Dingdong around allows him to stretch his allowance so much further. No more weekend lemonade stands on his front lawn or dragging that heavy push mower door to door to get more cash. Now he can afford a cycle and still have enough money leftover to grab the newest release of Call Of Duty. That's called winning, friend.
When people start getting racist and nasty, it also discredits them as well ing there. We will find out how accurate the dosing is soon.
I dislike it when guys turn to racial insults against sources or members, because there’s just no need for it. But that’s because I’m British, not American & much of what you Yanks consider acceptable as insults, eg “I fucked your Mom’s asshole last night & the dirty slut begged for more” is pretty taboo here & making remarks along those lines in person will see you get a very swift punch in the face in Britain. We don’t tend to call people faggots / fags / queers etc just because we disagree with their politics etc either.

But this is Meso, an American board, dominated by Americans, with almost constant racist, anti-Semitic, Islamaphobic, sexist & homophobic & of late, misogynist comments being made 24/7. This not me being “woke”, it’s just the way it is & I accept it’s intrinsic to American dominated forums, so .... yeah, whatever.

But .... the only time anyone ever criticise others for racial / homophobic etc insults is whilst they’re defending QSC & pretty much no one who says “oooh, it’s so wrong to be racist to QSC”, or calling him “a faggot” etc “is disgusting” ever says a fucking word when someone uses similar / same insults to other members or sources.

Not a dig at you personally, but this is something I’ve noticed, so just tend to view members complaining about QSC being called a chink, a faggot, a Frog, DingDong etc are just “taking offence” as & when it’s convenient to defend him.
I dislike it when guys turn to racial insults against sources or members, because there’s just no need for it. But that’s because I’m British, not American & much of what you Yanks consider acceptable as insults, eg “I fucked your Mom’s asshole last night & the dirty slut begged for more” is pretty taboo here & making remarks along those lines in person will see you get a very swift punch in the face in Britain. We don’t tend to call people faggots / fags / queers etc just because we disagree with their politics etc either.

But this is Meso, an American board, dominated by Americans, with almost constant racist, anti-Semitic, Islamaphobic, sexist & homophobic & of late, misogynist comments being made 24/7. This not me being “woke”, it’s just the way it is & I accept it’s intrinsic to American dominated forums, so .... yeah, whatever.

But .... the only time anyone ever criticise others for racial / homophobic etc insults is whilst they’re defending QSC & pretty much no one who says “oooh, it’s so wrong to be racist to QSC”, or calling him “a faggot” etc “is disgusting” ever says a fucking word when someone uses similar / same insults to other members or sources.

Not a dig at you personally, but this is something I’ve noticed, so just tend to view members complaining about QSC being called a chink, a faggot, a Frog, DingDong etc are just “taking offence” as & when it’s convenient to defend him.
I agree to everything you said. I don’t usually jump in an argument I’m not apart of so I keep to myself. My point is, once anyone in the argument gets emotional and aggressive, they lose their credibility. Rather that be homophobic, racist ect. I just used the racism in that particular thread as an example.
I agree to everything you said. I don’t usually jump in an argument I’m not apart of so I keep to myself. My point is, once anyone in the argument gets emotional and aggressive, they lose their credibility. Rather that be homophobic, racist ect. I just used the racism in that particular thread as an example.
Yeah I agree.

For me personally, one of the things I REALLY dislike about Meso (& US forums in general) is the OTT aggression, insults & so-called “alpha” bullshit that so many turn to at the drop of a hat.

But that’s the way it is nowadays & unfortunately it isn’t going to change.

As much as I think 1Tank1 is a troll & a twat, I do agree with him when he talks about the golden age of UK forums in the 2000’s & what a great, friendly, respectful & helpful culture & vibe the forums had. Not now unfortunately. There’s only really UKM left & that’s full of trolls & plastic keyboard warrior kids giving it the big-man bullshit.

Shame, but that’s life.
I do not mind to be called frog or anything else here. It is a joke.
The rep is also french even though he acts like a ladyboy ^^ Just joking...

In the serious part. Guys stop to play stupid around. I have nothing to earn from this. We have published good and bad qingdao lab test. All of them! 100%
There is nothing personal or whatsoever like the rep tries to make you believe.
It is the same for all sources. Only one acts like a child, it is true.
However for them it might be personal as they say we damages their business with bad lab tests. (but they are happy when it is good)

Around 60-65% of members use qingdao product. I, myself, have used qingdao.

In order to stop any rumors about 10 or 20mg. Which in both case the lab test would be bad anyway.
@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals can you say here that you have not talked with the client who bought the 20mg version ? And you still pretend it is 10mg ?
Because I am 100% sure you have talked with the client who bought it and sent it to Janoshik. So you know for sure where it came from and it is 20mg!
I do not mind to be called frog or anything else here. It is a joke.
The rep is also french even though he acts like a ladyboy ^^ Just joking...

In the serious part. Guys stop to play stupid around. I have nothing to earn from this. We have published good and bad qingdao lab test. All of them! 100%
There is nothing personal or whatsoever like the rep tries to make you believe.
It is the same for all sources. Only one acts like a child, it is true.
However for them it might be personal as they say we damages their business with bad lab tests. (but they are happy when it is good)

Around 60-65% of members use qingdao product. I, myself, have used qingdao.

In order to stop any rumors about 10 or 20mg. Which in both case the lab test would be bad anyway.
@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals can you say here that you have not talked with the client who bought the 20mg version ? And you still pretend it is 10mg ?
Because I am 100% sure you have talked with the client who bought it and sent it to Janoshik. So you know for sure where it came from and it is 20mg!
This is why it’s important for the customer to post the bad results as well. The customer needs to call out the labs. I’m by no means saying you’re not credible but it should be the duty of all of us to out any bad lab test