Well LDL, but more specifically, ApoB, is a major driver of atherosclerosis so if we can get the ApoB below 50 (or LDL below 40), we completely eliminate the lipid pathway towards atherosclerosis. Another major pathways is Lp(a), which is mostly genetic and you want that number to be low (in range). If it’s high, then you are at much higher risk. PCSK9 drugs like Repatha seem to help lower that but they are working on drugs that specifically reduce it that are not yet approved.
Blood pressure is another important thing to keep around the right number (110/75 is ideal).
So the way I see it, I can control the ability to crush my ApoB/LDL with lifestyle intervention and pharmacology. My Lp(a) is low so I don’t have to worry about that one. Blood pressure I can also control with lifestyle and pharmacology.
I know there’s a lot of folks on social media trying to argue LDL doesn’t matter, but their arguments are all bullshit. There’s an easy counter to any of their talking points, and the data is overwhelming that LDL/ApoB causes atherosclerosis.
A friend of mine who has a horrible lifestyle (gets drunk 5x per week, eats like shit, and never sleeps) told me over the weekend he got blood test and his triglycerides were 280, LDL almost 300, and a calcium score of 100. He’s only 42 but he refused to go on a statin because he watched social media videos talking about how bad they are. The reality is they probably would have prevented his calcium build up at such a young age.