this is a complete lie. I sent him this screenshot lets see what he has to say about it. I have never worked with Bostin but he would never do that
You obviously can't read when I explained he never said that it was his source but bostin knows about the group chat they do
This drama that is involved here is not worth it I really don't remember it being like this 8 years ago. For one you obviously have no clue what went on with me and bostin but it seems like you really think you do . To all the forum members who bought from me thank you very very much you will get all your orders. If there are any issues please email me directly. I think im too humble for all this way to much drama and fights and arguments its a different time i guess thank you all for allowing me to be here and I greatly appreciate every single member here but I can't keep arguing back and forth and proving a point .. Mistersupergod you don't know how much I respect you I remember reading your postings back in the day with all the other vets master on TRT thank you for your review on me it means alot my man.. tried to hard to make a good impression and chime in on discussions but man its all arguing and insults and shit talk .. before I go please do remember again I was not in this for the money period it was to give back to the much respected forum and to the people here was trying to bring in something different.. I just couldn't cut it guys I really did try .. I respect everyone here and thank you for this exprience and I definitely learned a alot ... I will be walking away respectfully... I think threads last for awhile here I can see if Millard baker or someone knows how to delete but do not think thats possible... thank you all again and it was a true honor... a very good learning experience... to many insults with a someone genuinely wanting to help the forum and show appreciation.. thank you all
Well you’re very active on your thread which is awesome, you’ll be able to address any issues that may arise. I wanted to touch on your stoppers, butyl rubber is good. However, they don’t take well to many punctures or excessive heat during sterilization. If you want superior go white silicone, yes more expensive but the stopper material is more superior over butyl rubber.
I can't imagine it was near as tame 8 years ago as it is now. That said probably for the best that you bowed out if you're shook off the miniscule amount of static in this thread to this point. Good on you for acknowledging it early.
Already? Lol

I just finished catching up and he's already gone..

Oh well, it was a hard read anyway.. he was very repetitive and the lack of punctuation made my brain hurt.

