Well you’re very active on your thread which is awesome, you’ll be able to address any issues that may arise. I wanted to touch on your stoppers, butyl rubber is good. However, they don’t take well to many punctures or excessive heat during sterilization. If you want superior go white silicone, yes more expensive but the stopper material is more superior over butyl rubber.
Its good to be active right...
I can't imagine it was near as tame 8 years ago as it is now. That said probably for the best that you bowed out if you're shook off the miniscule amount of static in this thread to this point. Good on you for acknowledging it early.
Very tame 8 years ago very different ....
What the hell lol this guy had some mental issues. Noone was even arguing lol he brought up dumb shit about Bostin and gets upset and leaves.
Lol mental issues appreciate the compliment would be nice to know one person without issues... lol don't think that exists.... everyone has bitches and everyone got problems you hear ....
I don’t know if this thread is easy to follow, or hard to follow at this point. It moves so fast but it’s just @Monsterman12 responding to his responses of something he already responded too.

I think your intro was a hard to read, but it showed a lot of effort and you came in decently prepared. But you spamming the thread like this and responding to your responses makes me question if something is “off” with you. I do not mean any disrespect when I say that.
I don’t know if this thread is easy to follow, or hard to follow at this point. It moves so fast but it’s just @Monsterman12 responding to his responses of something he already responded too.

I think your intro was a hard to read, but it showed a lot of effort and you came in decently prepared. But you spamming the thread like this and responding to your responses makes me question if something is “off” with you. I do not mean any disrespect when I say that.
Thank you for the feedback trying to be as active as possible but from now on will only discuss products or any issues regarding them . As we all know tren causes temper really trying to control it here and not get offended so far the tren mind is winning ..
Ok then back to business. Let’s look at this honestly.

Has anyone placed an order? Post up if you did. I want to see whether guys are immediately trusting or if it takes a little bit of time.

I’d also like to see if you ordered yesterday whether something is showing up on your informed delivery yet.
Ok then back to business. Let’s look at this honestly.

Has anyone placed an order? Post up if you did. I want to see whether guys are immediately trusting or if it takes a little bit of time.

I’d also like to see if you ordered yesterday whether something is showing up on your informed delivery yet.
I hope they do speak up ...
ok, your post indicated otherwise.
Im also confused about this.

I will be walking away respectfully... I think threads last for awhile here I can see if Millard or someone knows how to delete but do not think thats possible... thank you all again and it was a true honor

Just a few hours ago you said you were walking away, and now you are saying you are still open? I get trying to source here is fucking stressful, but if this isn’t a language barrier, you already seem to be crumbling.

Once again, I don’t mean any disrespect, but I think you should take a step back and try to pull yourself together. The last thing people want to be doing is buying injectables from someone they don’t think is doing ok mentally.