Nothing wrong with being home team proud even if said team couldn't catch covid at an anti mask rally lol :rolleyes: :p
Jetsfan there was a guy a few years ago just doing 50mls of test but I don't know if it was test junkie or someone different thread is really old don't know if he made it here or not.. I know test junkie would brag and post alot of pics of his cash stacks that didn't sit well with others..
Jetsfan there was a guy a few years ago just doing 50mls of test but I don't know if it was test junkie or someone different thread is really old don't know if he made it here or not
If he was a meth addict peddling gear it’s likely that he did not make it here long, I couldn’t say though for sure, wasn’t here 6 years ago.
Test Junkie.....WOW great memory bro :cool:

I think this clown is Test Junkie reincarnate!

Here it is. If they're one and the same, the similarities should be easy to find.

Here it is. If they're one and the same, the similarities should be easy to find.

Without a doubt. Good find
Is it worth to send to Jano then? What do you think?
Send to jano im not test junkie .. why would offer information to find a thread if I was test junkie from 6 years ago do you think I would want that info found look at the tones in typing they are different