Is it worth to send to Jano then? What do you think?
I think this is the same dude and he turned out to be a piece of shit in the first thread so no chance I'd fuck with that shit.

I'm not shitting on you when I say this but moving forward consider being patient and letting the vetting play out. You went in way early and it's a risk with a source that people like, let alone a start up. Look at Colonials floater issues. Stay safe dude.
That’s a lot of juice. I mean what if someone doesn’t test it ? You don’t care losing ? Dunno just a thought
I will not do it again until testing is done .. most the emails I'm getting sound like they are all 17 to 18 years old zero understanding of things im sure the forum is filled with more kids then LE
I called it with crius and I'm calling it with this clown too!!! Look how he's acting already.......just wait he will implode and show his TRUE colors soon enough lol ;)
Kind of sounds like me when I have used a gimmick. I have never been a source nor will I ever be but I have gone back to a certain shit board with a gimmick and blended in but I couldn't help myself and the real me came out and ripped on some motherfuckers. They deserved it though.